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Posts posted by Muriel

  1. That's great news, NED. I had started to worry since we didn't hear anything. What kind of car are you thinking about?

    Sorry so many of you had bad days. Mine was okay. We spent a long weekend in Chicago with one of our sons. Had a great time. Sorry to be back home, as Con starts teaching a course again on Monday night. My aunt used to live in Green Valley, AZ and she always thought their pecans were the best.

    Hope today was better for some of you than yesterday.


  2. I have a response (many, maybe) to Eric's list of questions. But, I don't have time to deal with it now.

    Katie, I don't blame you for leaving the family at home. It's hard to keep kids occupied during long trips. And, who know how often we'd have to stop for potty trips for the dogs. Thanks for leaving them in TX.

    Snow, please tell us you're still on the bus!


  3. I can't remember, Katie. (It's probably just an age problem, since I finished chemo 6 yrs ago.) Are you on the bus? Where on the bus? I'm so far in the back I'm lucky to have not fallen off. Hanging on tight, after Denise's experience with Patty as a driver. Hope you're with us. You can bring kids, dogs, hubby.


  4. I don't recognize anything I'm seeing out the window. Oh, wait a minute. I see water. Is it Lake Michigan, the Atlantic ocean, or the Pacific? They're all pretty big.

    And Snowflake, are you still driving? I'm so far back in the bus I just can't see much. Also taking Vicoden for my knee. I still have the splint on my R arm and it's pretty heavy, so watch out. You really don't want to make me mad. Thanks for the apology, Flake. I'll answer your pm very soon.

    Somebody, please tell me where we are.



  5. I'm sorry that I haven't responded to your earlier posts. Just lazy and I figured someone else also had the experience.

    I have the same symptoms, but not quite so severe. My onc didn't know - or really care about it. That's 3 oncs, really. My PCP suggested magnesium and calcium. Didn't make much difference. He said there was a med. I could try, but I wasn't ready to do that yet, but I see him again on Fri.

    I think it's nerve damage from chemo (I've had chemo twice).

    I sure hope someone can give us more info.

    I'd write more, but I have 2 broken bones in my hand. :cry:


  6. I always felt the sleeping was a good thing. Even if you're not vomiting, even slight nausea can be really unpleasant. It sounds as tho. everything really is going just fine for her. Do make sure the Dr. knows about the sleep,etc. problem tho. Maybe he can cutback on the decadron or add something else to help her sleep.

    It's really scary - as you now know - when you first start chemo. You just don't know what's normal and what is a problem or what might happen next.

    I was 64 when diagnosed (June 2003), so was somewhat younger than your mother. I didn't start chemo until 2.5 months after surgery, so it was much easier for me. At 3 - 4 weeks, I think I was still taking pain meds. Give her my best wishes.


  7. Becky, glad you started this on this board. "Survivors" probably isn't the place for it, given the direction we've taken it.

    THE BUS HAS MOVED FROM AN UNSPECIFIED BEACH IN LOS ANGELES TO LA JOLLA BEACH in La Jolla - just north of San Diego. I moved it because I really like that beach and it has a name that people can find on a map. Might be just a tiny bit closer to Ned's house, too.

    For those of you who are truly puzzled, you will find some background on this trip on the Survivors message board. The topic is "The last thing I knew, I was driving 'The Bus'." Snowflake started the strand on Wed. July 21st.

    Enjoy and please join us on our bus trip to Hawaii. :roll:


  8. Kim, I don't remember all of your mother's symptoms. Wish you would post a history in your signature. Maybe Ned will tell you how. So, let me tell you what people I know get with chemo and how it works.

    For NSCLC, chemo is usually carboplatin and taxol or gemzar and cisplatin - one platin and one of the other two (taxol or gemzar). Sometimes they get a third chemo, too. The chemo "cocktail" often includes anti-nausea meds that may last for 3 - 4 days or last only that day or so and are supplemented with additional anti-nausea meds as needed at home. Decadron, I've been told, helps cells absorb the chemo "poisons." Benadryl or some other anti histamine is often given to help avoid a reaction to the "poisons." After those are infused, the "real" chemo drugs are given. With some drug combos this can take 5 hours or more.

    Some of these things may be your mother's problem(s): Some anti nausea drugs can make you sleepy. decadron or a like drug makes it difficult to sleep. (I cleaned the basement the day after chemo once and then slept for a couple days). Some anti-histamines cause drowsiness, too. Some (all???) "anti-cancer" drugs can cause nausea. People react differently to each of drugs in the chemo infusion.

    It's important to eat something. I liked mac & cheese and ice cream - not together, tho. Water is extremely important. Encourage her to drink as much as she can. Also, stale gingerale can help nausea. My friend fixed this for me: Add about a tsp. or so of sugar to the gingerale. The bubbles go away and it tastes really good.

    Well, I wish your mother luck with all of this. Keep asking questions and let us know how she's doing.

    Muriel - a 7 year NSCLC survivor.

  9. Years ago we joked about taking a bus trip - a beer bus trip. Randy posted a picture of a school bus with a beer logo or something like that. It was a long time ago. A bunch of us (many who don't post very often) all agreed to go on this imaginary trip. There were several trips and several drivers. Patty B wouldn't stop long enough for Denise and Jayla to hop on. Denise could only grab the window frame and push Jayla into the bus. We replaced Patty B with Becky as the driver. Other disasters occurred. We planned a route to pick up Denise, Becky (Snowflake), Ry, Debi, and then a couple people in PA. Then we would travel down the east coast and get Randy in SC, Lynn in Titusville, Ann in Melbourne, me, Judy in KW, Katie in TX, back up the center of the country and up to Canada to get Bruce U. and someothers and down to LA where Andrea is. I don't think she even had the twin when this started. We cooked on a charcoal grille on top of the bus, slept in the bus, and had lots to drink.

    Somehow, when Becky stopped posting, we were lost in Montana, or one of those states. I have just moved us to LA, and assume all are still on the bus.

    This was a thread on "Just For Fun/Off Topics." Having a problem with taking the bus to Hawaii? This is all imaginary and the bus can fly. We did have some controversy over what to call the person navigating the bus over the Pacific ocean - a driver or a pilot.

    Everyone was welcome to join the trip. We didn't want it to be a clique or have anyone think it was a closed group. We had lots of fun with it. Many laughs - important when you are fighting cancer.


  10. Katie,

    I did respond to your pics yesterday. I was logged in when I started writing. When I hit the submit button, I got the message "you need to be logged in to reply" (or something like that). Went back to my message and it was gone. It was long enough that I just couldn't face writing it again. Sorry.

    I wonder if this hasn't happened to others, too. Several people have mentioned that after writing something they lost it.

    I thought the pics were great. Let's see some more.


  11. Becky,

    We're not in Kansas anymore, but we are at a beach in the Los Angeles area, waiting for Andrea (and the twins) to show up and then we're going to take off (in the bus, as planned) for Hawaii and meet NED. As I recall, he has offered his garage, but it may be a little crowded. I'm thinking about a hotel room on a beach there.

    You are still driving and we're just waiting for the last few folks to show up. Poor Eric probably doesn't know what we're talking about, but I know he'd enjoy the trip. Let's wait for him.

    Good to see you here again.


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