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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Thanks for info John! What do you know about the Transforming Growth Factor vaccine, and Dosataxol & Pt100? Plus have you heard of a new chemo called Pitanex? I hope I spelled that right. Any info would be greatly appreciated.


  2. Bob,

    Sending you prayers. You hurry up and get better. We miss your sense of humor and wit. Can't wait to have you back on line with your cyber fans!!!

    Cheryl and Jack

  3. Andrea,

    Don't stress over this. I appreciate the fact that you want to help. I must purchase professional insurance so that I can practice privately, outside of my agency. It is fairly inexpensive, but I do not know what insurance would cost for a non-profit organization. I do know that the agency I work for has 501c status and is exempt from being taxed as a buisness. Unfortunately, I am not adept at coorprate or buisness law. I would imagne that Katy and Rick are set up as a non-profit buisness or group and have insurance already. Could you not do something under the LCS board. I raise money all the time for my program under our agency's name. P.S. you are a very busy women. I would not recommend doing it alone. Invite othe survivors to help, and consult with someone who can answer your legal concerns. Your parents and in-laws have good intentions and are worried about you taking on too much. Don't stress about it though, just do what you can. We appreciate anyones efforts to help the cause on what ever level. Good luck!


  4. Ry,

    So glad you are home! We missed you a bunch. You gave us a little scare. The IV pole should really come in handy dandy to dry various asundry langerie garments... You could put all your "honey do" post it notes on it, not to mention decorate for numerous holidays...like May Pole Day, Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree, and especially Connie B's Flag Pole idea!

    Anyway, Glad you and your IV pole are home!!!


  5. Cindy,

    My husband told me the same thing, "Stay off for a while if it brings you down." I couldn't sleep thinking about Becky and Judy...and all the rest. I am so sad right now and the tears are giving me a headache. It doesn't help that I had surgery this morning and was put under general anthesia. I will probably take off tomorrow, then back to work on Wed.. I need my job too bad for the insurance, plus I love what I do. I am fine, I had a fistula in my bowel removed.

    Anyway, I, like Fay, and all of you, needed to talk about this. It just happened so quick. A life, so precious, is gone. And when I think of what is left behind in the wake of this disease, it really gets to me. Such as Becky's baby girl growing up without her. I sure don't envy Curtis having to explain why Mommy isn't coming home from the hospital. Now the leaky faucet is pouring...but I cannot stop the thoughts.

    When we lose someone on this board, I feel the need to reach out to all of you, because only you guys can understand my emotions. Sure this board brings me down from time to time, but it lifts me up similtaneously. I think I need some drugs, I am in pain now from the surgery. Plus, I guess I just need you guys is all. Pleae God send your band of Angels to watch over all my LCS family while I sleep.



  6. Curtis,

    How can this be? I am so shocked and confused. I was looking foward to seeing Becky in Dallas. Becky has inspired me on so many occassions. Seeing her work and pursue her hard earned dreams, motivated me to pick up myself and go back to what I love and do. She never let this disease keep her from living her life to the fullest. God Bless you and your baby girl. I am so very sorry and heartbroken for you. Please let me know if we can do anything.

    Cheryl and Jack

  7. Stephanie,

    I can barely see to type through the tears. Your Mom was a beautiful and intellignt woman, a friend to us all. She was so supportive to me when I first joined this board. I am so sad for your loss, as well as a loss to those that knew this special lady.


  8. Lucie,

    Way to go woman!!! I am impressed by your sheer will and determination, No wonder Don is so proud of you his beloved. I Can't wait to meet you someday in person. Will you guys be coming to the conference in Dallas sponsored by Cure magazine? I hope to see you there.


  9. Welcome Leo,

    Sounds as if you have some experience w/ all of this...as well as the board helping you, maybe you can lend some guidance to the rest on the board. Hope this session of chemo goes well.


  10. Andrea,

    I just posted about this trial in the general section. The only thing about this trial is that it has not been validated. It does not appear to have any serious side effects, other than flu like symptoms and maybe some itching around the injection site. The only other thing is that you can't do this trial if you have done Iressa or any other immunolgical therapy. The vaccine is made from other people's cancerous tumor cells, rather than your own. Keep us posted on your mom's success.


  11. Billie,

    I don't understand how come they couldn't take a node from your neck? Is it because yor neck nodes have almost disappearred? Initially, I showed uptake in a supraclavicular node that disappeared after chemo which would have been ideal for the GVAX trial. Glad it is gone though. I was actually diagnosed 3A-B because my doctor was usure.


  12. Elaine,

    The scans are from Jan. and I do need to have new ones done. So, it would be nice for the glands and nodules to spontaneously disappear. I didn't think to ask about why participants would be charged out of pocket for a trial? I will try t think to ask that question next time. Mo, you are right about the chemo leaving the other options available, but geesh, chemo makes you sooooo sick, nauseated, tired, and did I mention bald, Ha! Been there done that and certainly got that t-shirt.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that this doctor says that the new school of thought in research on BAC is that it could be caused from a VIRUS! Almost all of the BAC and BAC feature cancers respond best to the immunolgical gene therapies. Bille, hang in there, someting may later open up with the GVAX trial in a few months. Where is you cancer located, or what stage are you.


  13. Hey Group,

    I met with a Dr. Senzer today, who is the Scientific Director at the Mary Crowley Research Center at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas. I am not a candidate for GVAX as I suspected. Not because I don't have active cancer in my body, but because the FDA will no longer allow reseachers to take a tumor unless it is superficial (like a supraclavicular lymph node or fluid from a plueral efussion which contains cancer.) Dr. Senzer explained that in one study a participant had a nodule taken from their lung via a thoracotomy and the procedure caused hemorrhaging, resulting in that person's death. So, the research is allowed to continue, but is being heavily monitored. However, in three months those restaints may lesson. Dr. Senzer told me that because I had changes in not just one nodule, but all three, including two swollen lymph nodes in my medistinal area, that I appearred to be having a reoccurrence of the disease. However, the changes were minute. I have not had a CT done in three months since Jan., so I am due again. I will know more then. I plan on having it done on this coming Monday. I am aking for prayers please.

    Now, I did learn quite a bit about some promising trials though, which I am eligable for and want to share with you. The most promising is a trial called TGF Beta2- Transforming Growth Factor Beta2 created by Noverex. Get this- a vaccine is made by other people's cancerous tumors that are similar to yours! Immunological research is really kicking it up a notch!!! There is also Docetal taken with PT100 which is a new drug that turns on the body's immune function to assist in killing cancer. Then there are some other experimental chemos, traditional chemos, and of course Iressa. Now my delima....if I do TGF Beta2, then I can't do GVAX later in any studies, and in 3 months the FDA may lift some of these strict restrictions (like allowing only superficial nodes to be used.) You can't do TGF Beta2 if you have done Iressa. So I am scared to do anything. Any suggestions? I will know more after Mon. about progression of the disease, after my CT. I will also put a call into my onc's office for his advice.


  14. I too will be sending prayers your way but have been bothered by the one question you posed.... Am I doing the right thing? Get with your doctor and ask all of the questions (i.e.) After the Brocnospy what's next. For some that procedure alone is tough enough. My wife is 44 years old and otherwise healthy... It was tough on her. Next was the mediastinoscopy which was no picnic either. Your father is an elderly gentleman with many health problems and sometimes the so called "cure" is worse than the illness. Radiation and chemo usually follows from there which can be absolutely devastating, especially with older folks.

    I would sit down with your father and your doctor and explain the pros and cons with him. It shouldn't soley be your decision. While many on this board would not condone this advise, I feel it neccessary to at least answer your question. Don't let these doctors railroad you into something you are not sure about.


  15. Betty,

    Sounds like you should be posting in the Good News section! It is ashame that the doctors have to take us close to death to kill the cancer. What a catch 22, huh? Sooooo glad that you are back and doing better. Hang in their girl!!!


  16. David,

    Congratulations on NED and your triumph over cancer one year later. Hope your dear wife Karen is feeling stronger these days. My sister has thyroid disease along with diabetes, and it totally zaps her of her energy. It is also responsible for depression. Give her my regards. Hope your weekend is successful and raises lots of money for children's cancer research. Give Faith a big kiss for me.


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