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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Howard,

    I enjoy reading your posts. You are such an interesting person. I am sorry to hear about your Dad, but his passing seemed so peaceful. I love the thought of "leaving the light on." Please don't be a stranger.


  2. David,

    I read your blonde jokes to my staff and they shrilled with laughter. I for one was not as amused. Hey, but it is good to have you back with the jokes. We really need the humor. Becky, what happened my witty wisecracking girlfriend? Ry, I think David's jokes are degrading to all hair colors, not just blondes! Ha! You better watch yourself David- I got Fay on my side. I can tell TBone is a sympathizer, partial to men who make up stupid blonde jokes.

    Cheryl :lol::lol::lol:

  3. O.K. David A. You have been way to quiet. I think you are having Dave G. withdrawls. Every funny guy needs a straight guy, right. (Wait, that doesn't sound right- That sounds more like something from Queer Eye For the Straight Guy! HA! I love that show!) I think what I mean is....Every comedian needs a straight man. Anyway, this joke is dedicated to you.

    There is this blonde chick who wanted to learn a new hobby this winter, so she goes to the book store an discovers ice fishing. She buys up everythig she can get her hands on to help make her a great ice fisherwoman.

    She painstakenly plains her trip down to the finest of details. She arises early that next morning and packs her fishing gear, tools, baits, and a comfortable stool. She finds what she believes is the perfect spot, cuts a hole in the ice, and sets all her gear up. She procedes to fish, when all of the sudden she hears in a loud voice, "There are no fish under the ice here."

    Startled, she moves further on down the ice till she finds another spot. She again sets everything up and pours herself a cup of coffee. She attempts to cut the ice and all of the sudden hears a thunderous voice say "There are no fish under the ice here." Th blonde finally responds by saying "Is that you Lord?" To which the echoing voice replies "No, it is the Ice Skating Rink Manager!"


  4. David G.,

    I so look forward to your posts. Not only do you provide valuable information, but necessary humor relief as well. I mean we need you to riff on from time to time - "and your tiny dog too!" Ha! PLease stay!


  5. Don,

    So sorry, I just saw your post. "Happy Birthday Mrs. Lucie Wood!!!" I am so impressed with you Lucie. My goodness you put us all to shame, Ha! Well you go girl!!! Hey Don, I see you are gong to Scotland, not Ireland. I am going to try to finally go to Europe in probably June. Any suggestions of where to go, or what to see.


  6. TBone,

    Yeah for Shrinkage! We are rushing for "Empty Headed Pledges.!" Always looking to expand the membership to this club. May those pesky brain mets keep on shrinking! Thats why you feel so puney, just think of the radiation still continuing to work!


  7. Hey Folks,

    I just wanted to let you all know that I have an appt. set on March 23rd with GVAX Researchers. Baylor Hospital in Dallas is one of the Hospitals participating in this study, and I also happen to be getting my treatment there. My onc referred me via my request. He never even mentioned the trial, I had to read about it in the paper. I asked if I needed to gather my scans and other tests, but they said "No, we already have your file." So, I am assuming they know my story. My onc and surgeon are "not sure if its cancer." I met with my surgeon the day I picked up Jack from Baylor. He said that he "would hate to risk your life with such a risky surgery and the nodules be benign." I also asked about the swollen lymph on my trachea, again "it could be nothing." So I am scheduled for a another CT scan to check for changes and growth. Originally, I had uptake in my right supraclavicular node which put me a stage 3A-B. However, it disappearred after doing chemo. That would have been an ideal node to take to make a vaccine. I just don't know if they can get to the cancer, or if it even is cancer. Adeno-Bac likes to spread into the other lung, and that makes me really question the nodules being benign. From what I have read, Bac really responds best to the GVAX vaccine. As usual with this disease, there are so many unknowns and uncertanties. I am afraid to get my hopes up too much about this trial. I sure do not want to do more chemo, but will do what it takes to live. My onc is conservative on the chemo. I am feeling pretty good these days, still continuing the alternative treatments. I did have this bad dream the other night though, that "Death" had come for me disguised as my trusted sister. When I realized it was the Grim Reaper I went "Bruce Lee" on him. My husband came running in the bedroom to awaken me from the nightmare. He said, "Who were you fighting?" Ha! I was karate chopping, kicking, flipping....I was exhausted from fighting him all night.

    I just want to "thank you all" for the support. Jack was touched by your kind words. He is doing very well....with the exception of his diet!!! He starts rehab next week, and perhaps will get to meet with a dietician...the "wife nutritionist" just seems to make him angry. He won't even eat in front of me now! He carries his plate off into another room. I nag him about the salt and gallon of milk he drinks. Just because it is 1% doesn't mean "all you can drink." There I go...Ha! See what he has to put up with! Jack is actually very lean, its just his family history of heart disease that is really bad!

    If any one else here on this board has had any experience with this GVAX trial, please post about your experience. Becky G. don't give up on this trial, pm me if I can do anything to help. I will keep you all updated.

  8. Hey guys,

    Thanks so much for showing your support during a tough time. When I could'nt be there for Cheryl, the Board kicked in...it's good to know you have "true blue" folks in your corner.

    I am back to normal, so no more fuss about me... Let's get back to beating Cancer!

    P.S. ... I'm not as stubborn as Cheryl states!

    Thanks again


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