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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Dear Family, PLease accept my deepest sympathy. I am shocked by his sudden loss. I recall an e-mail that Sam and I exchanged once, discussing life after death. Sam had a strong faith in God. Through his faith and kind words I was comforted. Sam touched many people and was so unpretentious. That is rare with somebody of his caliber. We will not be the same with out him on this board.


  2. Janet,

    It is my understanding that artemisinin is derived from the wormwood plant. I just started takng this supplement, which was suggested to me by a medical doctor that I am seeing now. He uses a mix of both taditional and nontraditional medical approaches. I am no doctor, but I have read that this chineese herb has been used to to treat malaria, and more recently cancer. Cancer cells selectively accumulate iron (required for cell division.) Artemisinin is attracted to transferrin receptors on tumor cells, which are killed by artemisinin. It also crosses the blood brain barrier. Some doctors believe you should wait one month befor having radiation because the herb causes the tissue to slough at radiated site. Others have not had that experince. See www.doctorrowen.com, or contact drrowen@att.net. To order artemisinin www.allergyresearchgroup.com. I think therapeutic dosages range around 500 mg. per day? Let me know how you are doing!


  3. Lori,

    I cannot imagine the pain you are in right now. Take comfort in knowing that Lenny loved his family more than life itself, and his spirit will transend death. Cancer did not kill that man's spirit. I was so inspired by his strength. I mean that sincerely. He motivated me to live life to the fullest.

    It will take time to heal from your loss. However, may I offer some suggestions to help. Do not isolate yourself from family and friends. Allow yourself to grieve and realize there is no set way to do it, everyone is different. Seek support from other's who have had similar experiences. Help your boys to grieve too, by doing various activities in rememberence of Lenny- go on that family bike ride and tape a picture of Dad to their bikes. Children need closure also, and are often shielded from the dying process. Help them put together an album to memoralize Lenny. Send a ballon up to heaven with a letter attached for Dad. Visit the grave sight and let the boys place something symbolic of their love for ther Dad on his grave. Go agead and cry, it shows them that it is O.K. to express your feelings of sadness. Do things that make you feel happy and try not to feel guilty about that. Take a break from your grief. Most importantly take care of yourself Lori, because you will be no good for your boys if you don't.

    God Bless you and your children! Please stay with us Lori, we care about you and your boys and will support you in any way that we can.


  4. Hi Guys,

    I went to have a vitamin IV today during my lunch!. There were several people having the procedure done while I was there, including a child who had Epstine Bar Syndrome as a result of having had Mono. If anyone is considerng this procedure, eat before you have it! It is like taking vitamins on an empty stomach. The nurse brought me a protein shake which took away onset of nausea. I felt pretty good the rest of the day, went rght back to work. Do not take vitamins the day of the procedure either, due to potential toxicity overdose! I will keep you posted on effects.


  5. Cathy,

    I sometimes feel so alone in my diagnosis. My friends, and family offer what support they can, but nobody truely understands what we are going through unless in our shoes. My husband will say "The internet brings you down, so you need to stay away from it!" Yes, the internet does bring me down at times, but this board lifts me up! The people here know my pain and have walked in my shoes. No where else have I received this kind of support. However, I must admit that I have invested myself emotionally in the members of this board and share in their triumphs and sorrows. I sometimes have to take a timeout to strike a happy medium. I do my best to do things that give me joy. I agree with the above posts, read positive books, take a hot bath, walk, talk to people, start a hobby, volunteer (helping others takes the focus off myself), attend fellowship services. The list goes on and on.

    Cathy, I remember thinkng..."I cannot plan for the future, because this disease will eventually take me. O. K., I rationalized, but when? I could be here for ....perhaps years. What am I going to do...sit around and wait for it. NO!!!! Live! Live! Live!"

    Cathy, I struggle with depression, and my "self-talk" isn't always so positive. I realize that I have been maintainig my own depression. So, I had my doc change my antidepressant, which wasn't working very well (if not on one please consider it.) Also, seek counseling, it does help. I know your anxious about chemo. I will not sugar coat it, it was tough. Mainly due to the fatique. My hair loss wasn't as big a deal as I thought it would be. My wig was really cool! I had problems eating due to the radiation, which I did at the same time. But atleast I was fighting this disease!!! I remember climbing into the recliner for my chemo and thinking " Give it to me, I am ready to kick this "f-ing cancer." Mind you I don't normally sware, but cancer really pisses me off! Ha! I refuse to go "silently and softly into the night!!!" Nope, it will have to take me kicking and screaming!!! Cathy you just had the wind knocked out of you, but get mad at this disease and we are here to help you fight!


  6. Peg,

    When your oncologist is discouraging it is hard to maintain hope. I want to pass this along from "Chicken Soup for the Sourviving Soul." I shared it once befor, but felt it was worth sharing again.

    As I ate breakfast one morning, I overheard two oncologists conversing. One complained bitterly. "you know, Bob, I just don't understand it. We used the same drugs, the same dosage, the same schedule the same entry criteria. Yet I got a 22% response rate and you got a 74%. That's unheard of for metastic cancer. How do you do it?"

    His colleague repled, "We're both using Etoposide, Platinum, Oncovin and Hydroxyurea. You call yours EPOH. I tell my patients I'm giving them HOPE. As dismal as the statistics are, I emphasize that we have a chance."

    William M Buchholz, M.D.

    Peg look at ow remarkably well Don's Lucie is doing! Hang in there, keep the faith. We are all praying for you and Bill!



  7. DeanCarl,

    Nice to meet you! It is a good thing that I am not on the "Welcoming Committee!" Ha! I have read your posts often and you are a man of such wisdom. Because of your picture, I always hear the actor Sam Elliott in my head when I read your posts. Ha! Anyway, I especially like the "spirit pool anology." I totally agree with you. These folks are such an inspiration to me. I am in awe of everyone on this board. People are so supportive, despite their own struggles. You included!


  8. Dear Katie and Rick,

    I have tears of joy for you. How I wish that I could adopt, but have to be in remission 5 years. Lung cancer survival rates are not very encouraging I am afraid. I have not given up on being perhaps a foster parent if I stay healthy though. God has heard your prayers sweet Katie, he has brought you joy and life!


  9. Dear Friends,

    My Onc called this evening to give me the results from the CT done this morning. Yes,the nodules in my left lung have grown a couple of millimeters. However, my onc explained that "this can occur when measurements are taken at different angles.....like taking a picture of a sliced orange and turning it. When you turn it, it gets larger at different angles." He also admitted that on Mon., he "didn't mean to sound like an alarmist," but was "concerned" about my back pain location. Fortunately, the CT showed NO CANCER elsewhere in my body. He will see me in a month to follow up. There is no way to tell if nodules are cancerous unless biopsied, which my onc does not want to put me through. Also, the nodules are probably too small to light up on a PET scan still. We will continue to watch them for now. I hate having them there inside me, and really wish I could have them taken out. However, my body needs to continue to heal from the surgery I just had. Thank you guys for your support! My Onc also changed my antidepressant to Lexipro, which supposedly has fewer undesired side effects. I will keep you posted on their effectiveness.

    Thanks again to my family here at LC Survivors for your support, I am praying for all of you!


  10. Hello Survivors,

    I met with my chemo onc today for my 3 mo. folow up. He said that x-ray showed some changes going on in left lung. Now these nodules have been there since the beginning of my diagnosis, but assumed to be benign. They did not light up on my PET scan back in May 2003, nor did they respond to chemo. My onc said "we'll just watch them." Now, he wants to do a CAT scan due to some changes on the chest x-ray, which he said could be "blood vessles or may be nothing." I left his office feeling like I had been run over by a steam roller. I have not been able to concentrate, and am so depressed. Excuse me gentlemen for my next complaint.... but ladies, I have also been having a period since Dec 15 th.. The first one since surgery back in Sept.. I am sure the PMS isn't helping the situation any either. I feel so discouraged inside. If you could, please keep me in your prayers for wed. morning at 8:00 A.M., when I have my PET Scan. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

    Thank you,



    Hello Friends,

    I went to my chemo onc for a 3 mo. check up today. He wants me to come back wed. for a full body CT. We have been watching nodules in my left lung since all of this began, but there appears to be some "changes going on." I do not know what that means. Jack was not with me to help me question the doctor. I do recall asking.."If it is cancer then what?" The doctor responded, "biopsy....wait....watch." I guess he did not want to comment till he knows more. I left there to go back to work, really down in the dumps. I am so afraid to get my hopes up, only to be discouraged. I managed to stay focused on the kids I counsel while at work, but once home....the sadness crept back in. I would be truely dead if I became too sick to work with my kids.

    I suppose that the nodules have been there since the begining; however, I was hoping that they were nothing. It could still be just that..."nothing." The doctor said x-rays may pick up "changes in blood vessels." That is why I am turning to you my friends once again tonight for prayers. I will go wed. morning for the CAT, then meet with the onc following. Thanks for listening,


  11. Ray,

    So glad you're back! What a great looking family! We really missed you and your fighting spirit. I agree with you, 2003 was not a very good year for me either. I was glad to see it go. However, bad or good I am thankful for every blessed day of life.


  12. Hey Everyone,

    What if we had had some sort of icon to to cick on....one that contained an application, or questions included in the already propsed biographies mentioned by Laurie. Information necessary would be about diagnosis, current/ or upcoming treatment, address and phone number, ect.. One could make a referal, or fill it out for themself as a sponsor or a recipient. Perhaps Rick would know more about the capabilities of writing such a program. For instance, could we be matched with someone based on ...location, age, diagnosis, gender, ect.? I sure wouldn't want to volunteer poor Rick, but would it be too much too include this info in perhaps the already poposed biography section? Maybe people could also be notified automaticaly by e-mail of a paired match or something..? I think it would be too difficult to manage manually, but am willing to assist in any way I can. Any ideas anyone?


  13. Hello Survivors!

    I ran across what looked to be a really great web site. It is www.chemoangels.com. As a survivor, you can sponsor somebody going through chemo and treatment. You would be given a buddy to send cards and small gifts too to on a monthly basis while they undergo treatment. You can also make a referral of someone or even fill out an application for your self. I haven't explored it fully yet, but thought it was a neat idea. I thought perhaps we could do something similar with our own group Katie B.. Is there any interest out there to do such a thing? I wouldn't mind sponsoring someone with little gifts that helped me through chemo and some encouraging cards. How bout it folks?


  14. Annie,

    Life is so fragile, and the time we have here on this earth is but a blink of an eye. I am so sad for you and Tim, it hurts all of us here on this board that have invested in your story. I for one, feel as though I know you well by reading your posts. I wish that I were superman, and turn the earth backwards very fast, so that I could undo all the sadness on this board. I would bring back Katie B.'s Dad- Jessie, Lenny, Greg, Ada, too many to name. Better yet, I would go back in time and stop this disease from ever happening! But alas, I can do none of these things. What I can do is pray for you. May God watch over you both and bless you with his divine healing spirit.


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