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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Hi Karen,

    That nasty Flu is hitting us hard here in Texas. My work has me counseling kids at schools and am suprised that I have not encountered it yet. I did get the shot though, and it may offer some protection. Hope the wee lass is back on her feet soon! Send that wonderful cleaning person to my house, would ya?


  2. Dear MML,

    I found Hanes Her Way makes a soft, stretchy type of sports bra. I bought a couple of them a bit larger than I am, and step into them instead of pulling them on over my head, due to limitatios of mobility after surgery. Also, tank shirts with built in shelf bras layered under other shirts. PLus, bras made for woemen who have undergone a masectomy are more comfortable.


  3. I am in utter disbelief? I am so sad for his family and boys. I cannot believe Greg is gone. I will miss his bravery and the encouragement he gave to everyone on this board.


  4. I had a dull ache in the center of my chest that would come and go. I tried to go to see a doctor about it, but he wouldn't accept out-of-town checks! Mind you, my bank was only 16 miles away. So, I put off the doctor till the pain was constant. It didn't hurt bad, nor did it feel like a heart attack ( I am young and workout. No family history of heart disease, but there was for lung cancer.) I had no cough either, so I didn't think it was pnemonia. Finally, a month later, my new PA ordered a chest x-ray. A spot the size of a pea was seen in my right middle lobe. The PA set me up with a pulmonologist who diagnosed me with adenocarcinoma after doing a bronchoscopy. Doctor thought it was an infection. Lung function test proved above average. All the doctors I have seen have told me that I should not have had any pain in my medistinal area (middle chest), the nodes were hidden behind my sternum. They did light up on a PET scan though. Still, the nodes were'nt enlarged. A mediasteinoscopy (scope done through small incision in the neck) revealed spread of cancer to middle chest. Everyone was in shock about my diagnosis. The only sickness I ever had was the flu a couple of time throughout the years. I, on the otherhand, knew I would get cancer someday. Both of my parents died in their 40's, within two weeks of one another.


  5. Shawna,

    Post surgery, I saw my onc for a follow up. He saw a small plueral effusion around my r. lung (which had a lobectomy), and my heart on an x-ray. Eleven days later, my surgeon said it "wasn't anything that needed treatment." Both doctors concured that given the trauma of all the treatment I'd gone through, this was a universal symptom. My surgeon stated that your "lungs normally have a gelatinous like substance surrounding them for protection." Malignant plueral effusions are caused usually by tumors blocking drainage, and can make breathing difficult. I know this can be very scarey, but try to stay positive. Don, a good friend on this board always says, "Don't borrow trouble." I hope that it is nothing.

    God Bless,


  6. Seeing Lenny's picture with his son stabs me in the heart, and the tears are blinding me while I type. Lenny was so positive and strong. He gave many of us a great deal of support on this board despite what he himself was going through. H e served as an inspiration to me, nothing seemed to stop him from living his life to the fullest until the very end. He motivated me to get off my duff and do the same!!! It is simply tragic. He would be proud and honored to know that you are not letting his death be in vain, by doing something for the cause.


  7. Lori,

    I am so sorry. Lenny fought this disease with everything he had, he did so for the love of his family. He loved you and your sons so much. I for one am honored that Lenny allowed us to have insight into those feelings that he shared for you and the boys in his posts. His sons will know him, you will not let them forget their father. I bet Lenny won't let them forget either. God Bless you and your family. WE will all miss him!

    Cheryl and Jack

  8. Has anyone tried any oxidative therapies or have any information on them. I will see a medical doctor that my PA referred me to that does these type treatments, along with infusions. The PA's own wife goes to this doctor for an auto-immune disease (Lupus.) Also, anyone know anything about anti-oxidant therapy and lung cancer?



  9. Kristy,

    I am really saddened by the loss of your beloved Mother. This disease can be senseless. You have every right to be angry at it! It struck your mother so swiftly, allowing nobody in your family time to prepare for the "fight," especially your Mother.May God watch over you and your family, and see you through this, probably the most difficult day of your life.


  10. Lillie,

    What a beautiful tribute to your extraordinary mom.Her passing seemed so very peaceful. Thank you for sharing it with us. Please stay with us in the months to come and call upon us when you need support.


  11. Adam,

    I loved your humorous story from you other post. It was a "gas!" Ha!

    Here are some qoutes that I like...

    Why is it when we talk to God we are said to be praying, and when God talks back to us we're said to be schizophrenic? Lily Tomolin

    Faith is to believe what we do not see, the reward of this faith is to see what we believe. Saint Augustine

    Ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give me at least two hours of pain-free sleep. Norman Cousins

    It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult undertaking which more than anything else, will determine its outcome. William James

    Come to the edge.

    No, we will fall.

    Come to the edge.

    No, we will fall.

    They came to the edge.

    He pushed them, and they flew. Guillaume Appolinaire

    And last, but not least, print this for your Dad's doctor.

    AS I ate breaakfast this morning, I overheard two oncologists conversing. One complained bitterly , "You know, Bob, I just don't understand it. We used the same drugs, the same dosage, the same schedule and the same entry criteria. Yet I got a 22 percent response rate and you got a 74 percent. That's unheard of for metastatic cancer. How do you do it?

    His colleague replied, "We're both using Etoposide, Platinum, Oncovin, and Hydroxyurea. You call yours EPOH. I tell my patients I'm giving them HOPE. As dismal as statistics are, I emphasize that we have a chance."

    William Buchholz, M.D.

    Hope this helps!


  12. Angie,

    What fantastic news! Your family must be so relieved! We love hearing news like this! It gives so many people hope who are staged late in this disease. God is still in the miracle business!


  13. Kristy,

    I agree with Fay, ask for a feeding tube, if that is an option. When I couldn't eat due to esophagitis and nausea, my doctor mentiond a feeding tube to me as an option if I got worse. I have to tell you, that was motivation enough for me to try to eat! Also ask the nurse to bring your mom Boost drinks.Your mom is in my prayers.


  14. Francine,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your news, but your determination to fight this disease will see you through. You don't deserve this disease, none of us do. You have been such a support to everyone on this board, let us do the same for you whenver you need us.



  15. Lillie,

    How difficult this must be for you. I can remember being so exhausted when my parents died of cancer, two weeks a part from one another. I recall the guilt that I felt, torn between wanting them to die to end their suffering, and wanting to end my suffering as well.

    Forever burned into my brain, the painful details of of their deaths. Painful for me to watch, but not painful for them to experience. Both had lapsed into comas and were not in any physical discomfort. Death by cancer is quite merciful in the end. However, it can leave the caretaker feeling so very helpless.

    Just know that all that you are feeling is normal. It probably feels like all a blur right now, and you just go through the motions to get through it. I stayed in this mode for weeks, it is some sort of survival mode I guess. It felt all so "unreal" to me during that time.

    Nobody tells you how your suppose to "be" during this phase....it is different for each one of us. I couldn't even cry. I was numb. Then, months later, it all hit me. I was overwhelmed by my emotions. Just know that we are all here for you. You will get through this my dear. I pray that God sends his Angels to watch over you and your family during this difficult time. If you need to talk I am here to listen, PM if you like.



  16. Dave,

    I so agree with you, but I challenge everybody to "do something!" Even if it is only making a donation of $10, if everybody did something then perhaps the government would pay as much attention to us as say....breast cancer research. I was shocked to see that gov. funding for lung cancer, which causes the highest number of deaths in the world, is so ignored. Interestingly, most of the states are spending tobacco settlement money on everything from roads to raises, and not on what the money was intended- tobacco awareness and smoking related diseases.

    I think if we all did something, regardless of our stage, then we will be heard, and closer to finding a cure for this dreadful disease. I, like most of you, have questioned why I have this disease? Who knows, but I do know that by doing something about it can be very empowering. My cancer has now taken on a new purpose. I have decided to apply for some of that tobacco grant money and educate kids about tobacco and it's dangers. I have heard many people say.."If I can just save one life..." My goal goal is bigger than that! I want help as many people as I can from ever having to endure this suffering.

    I challenge you all to do something. Make a commitment and verbalize it. I think we can all brainstorm ideas on this board to help one another. Don't let this disease take your life or the lives of your loved ones in vain. Please take charge and do something!


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