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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Eileen,

    I work for a mental health agency. We were just assumed by another agency on Sept. 1, after the state came in to take over due to mismanagement by our last CEO. I have worked at this agency for 8 years. I was worried that I wouldn't qualify for insurance due to cancer being a pre-existing illness. The company just acquired new insurance for all their existing employees and added our agency, waiving the 90 day wait period. Fortunately the new insurance approved my surgery! The HR Director for this new company called me this past week to remind me that I will be terminated if I go over the FML time. Maximum time allowed off is 4 months, no exceptions. They are counting cummulative time, even before they took over our agency. I can obtain COBRA if terminated. My husband called one of the County Commissioners to rally support. He basically said to "wait to see what happens." My husband threatned to go to the paper and raise a huge stink! My agency had been in the paper quite a bit up until recently. I just don't have the energy to worry about this along with the surgery. It has really stressed me.


  2. Hi Sam,

    So great to hear from you again. I hate for you that you are having to give up your practice for now. My company will terminate me if I go past my FML when I go out for my surgery. It is the company policy. I think I have 5 weeks left. After that I too will have to apply for disability. I do hope that you regain your strength and perhaps can do some contracted work for the clinic, or consultation type of work.

    One of the most difficult things for me in having this dreaded disease has been me "needing help." I am so use to helping others in my profession, that I found it difficult to switch roles. But I have realized I can still be of some help to others, despite having cancer. I don't know if you have ever felt that way Sam, but know that you have been such a great help to the people on this board with your medical expertise and compassion.

    I just finished my chemo about 5 weeks ago and still am exhausted! My onc said that " even though the drugs leave your system within days, the effects of the drugs can last weeks, sometimes months." So be patient with yourself and allow yourself time to heal. Your body has been through a lot! Just remember "The mind, in addition to medicine, has powers to turn the immune systems around...." Jonas salk

    Praying for you to be healed!


  3. Cherbut,

    The hospital that you are talking about in Houston is MD Anderson. I have heard that it is ranked the best hospital in the nation. A lot of people go there for second opinions and treatment protocol. I have been getting treatment at Sammons Cancer Treatment Center in Dallas, Tx.. My doctors are very defensive when they hear MD Anderson is better. My onc says, "we have the same technology, but they are involved in more clinical trials." Check with this board to find out treament options once you have been staged. Treatment will vary dependent upon type of cancer and stage you are in. If you are eligable for surgery, make sure he is the best and has done many of those types of procedures.

    This board provides a wealth of information and support! I a sorry you have to be hear, but welcome you aboard.


  4. Annie,

    This isn't just good news, but rather great news!!! So glad to hear of the clean report! There is nothing better than being labeled with NED. Way to go Tim!!


  5. Hey Everyone,

    Dr. Kourlis called to postpone the surgery until Thurs. morning at 7:15 A.M.. JUST MORE TIME TO WORRY! HA! He said that he needed to do some emergency surgeries. This surgeon also does heart and lung transplants. The company that makes this new experimental glue is supposed to call me to get my consent. I hope it is as good as "Super Glue".... that stuff is great!

    Anyway, thanks for all the awesome advice and support. It has helped me to cope and prepare. You guys are my lifeline!


  6. David,

    My prayers for clean scans. Itseems like scans bring out every possible ache and pain with me. Perhaps your pains are nerves healing from your surgery. I must say that despite your pain you have had a positive attitude which is what one needs. Got you in our prayers.


  7. Judy B.,

    WE miss your posts. I am so sorry to hear about your back pain. I hope you find relief soon. I am sending up prayers now for God to relieve the compression of your spine and heal you.


  8. Dear Ginny,

    I am so glad that Earl is working some! You are right, it helps psychologically to contribute and be productive. Your upcoming adventure sounds exciting! Let us know how it goes! Thanks for the well wishes on my surgery. It has been postponed until Thurs. morning! Well that gives me three more days to worry! Ha!


  9. Hi Gang,

    Tomorrow I go in to Baylor Medical for Pre-op stuff, and my surgery is still scheduled for Mon.. My Onc on Tue. made me feel a bit more encouraged. He said, " You are healthy and active. One out of three will survive this and be cured. There are no guarantees in life, but your chances are good."

    My stomach is in knots, and I have not been sleeping. I can't seem to concentrate on anything at work. Anyone with some pre-op advice for the jitters?


  10. Becky,

    You are such an inspiration. You are not letting this disease stop you from living your life fully. You go and have a wonderful weekend! P.S....I miss-spelled one of the drugs I mentioned. It is Tarceva. Keep me posted on the possible trial.

  11. Becky,

    The RFA sounds like a hopeful prospect. I also heard about two promising trial drugs. Avastin, which is an anti-angiogenisis, cuts off blood suppy to tumors. There is also Rareva, an epidermal growth recepter inhibitor. Ask the doctor about these drugs! MD Anderson does a lot of clinical trials. How is the teaching going this semester?


  12. George,

    I had consistent pain before and during treatment. It improved with chemo. Mine was primarily in my middle chest. Where is your pain? Is it due to a tumor pressing on nerves? Did it start after the chemo began?


  13. Becky,

    I love your new picture! When I saw my surgeon last week, I told him about what had happened to you during your mediastinoscopy. He couldn't understand why you still were not a candidate for surgery? Was it the radiation? If so, can they not use glue to seal te lung after surgery. Plus have you heard of RFA to get rid of tumors when surgery is not possible?


  14. Thanks Everyone,

    Your insight and encouragement has helped me tremendously! There seems to be a theme....TAKE THE MEDS FOR PAIN! I will do that. My husband gets so mad at me because I never take meds prescribed, but I am by no means a marter and will do what is necessary to heal. You guys have been a second family to me and I can't tell you much your support means to me. I have heard people say "nobody really understands what were going through, but the people on this board." That is true, I have turned to you in some pretty dark times. You guys have always been there.



  15. Kevin,

    I am suprised he is getting both chemo and rad together. Normally, only one chemo is given at your Dad's age rather than a combination, which is most effective. But chemoand radiation together is tough. Your'e Dad may get very tired on this treatment and need somone to come in to check on him and help out. I would check into hiring someone to help out, make meals, and clean. Your Dad won't feel up to these things I imagine. I am only 43 and found my energy was zapped! Best wishes and Prayers!


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