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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Thank you everyone for your prayes and support. Karen I am very sorry about your Terrier. Wow, 14 years is such a long time to be fortunate enough to have a dog. I have 4 dogs and they are all getting up in age. Fay thanks for the pictures! They really cheered me up.

    Poor Jack, he is having nightmares and not sleeping over Apache. He feels "traumatized" over the loss. We should get the results back today on the type of virus he had.

    Jack did not want anymore horses, and wanted to sell the stallion we have- Apache's brother. The poor stallion has been calling out for the last 2 days for his pasture mate. Jack finally buckled and said that he wanted to get a mare for me and a mate for the stallion.

    Deb, I know what you mean about always wanting a horse as a kid. I did not get one untill 42 years of age! Everyone thinks I am crazy, too old! But it has become such a passion of mine. I love just watching them, of course riding is fun too. I have dreams about riding bareback, the wind in my hair (I have none right now! Ha!), and flying over canyons. I know it sounds silly, but this imagery really relaxes me. Thanks to you all again.


  2. Ginny,

    I am truly sorry to hear about "The Duke" How are you holding up? I love Earl's mantra to "live life as normal." I will try hard to do just that myself as long as I can. Tell Earl thanks for the advice. I do hope you guys get another opinion on treatment!


  3. Sandy,

    Your hair is too cute. I want that cut....if I had some hair. I got this soft fuzz sprouting up all over my head. I have a feeling it will be very curley. My hair already is, but my mom's came back in very curley and dark. So, I bet mine will do the same thing. Is there a name for that style?


  4. Connie,

    You get better and know that we all will be praying hard for your recovery. Please do keep us updated through Donna. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this again, but from what your doctor says, it sounds encouraging.

    We love you and are missing you already.


  5. Dear Friends,

    Apache was so ill that Jack called the Vet out this morning to put him down. Jack did not want me to go out there to be with him because he would try to get up when he saw me. There was so much blood everywhere from him hurting himself in his attempts to get up. His brother called out to him in distress. He went peacefully. I just have this big hole in my heart. No matter how bad I felt, I would go out to visit with him. He always made me feel better. I hurt for him as if I lost a family member.


  6. Dear Friends,

    Please pray for my 2 yr. old paint Horse. He was walking odd FRi. night and we called out a vet. He drew blood to test for the West Nile virus. There is no cure for this virus, all we can do is wait an watch. Yesterday morning, he went down and has been unable to get back up. His lips are all bloody where he keeps hitting the ground in attempts to get up. I can't stand to watch him suffer. Yet, 60% pull out of it. Please pray for my dear friend who gets me up and out of the bed every morning. We have had many long talks together and he is such a good listener.

    I remember when I went to a farm to pick him out. I named him Appache because his Dad is named Cherokee and he looks like an Indian blanket. Appache is the first horse I have ever owned. He is as gentle as a lamb. I invite children that I counsel over to feed him carrots and pet on him. He really cheers them and me up. My heart is breaking for him. Your prayers have pulled me through the darkest hours, please pray for him too. There is power in numbers! Thank you.


  7. David,

    That is a pretty amazing amount of money to raise! Congratulations! David, you look good bald. However, Ray, you need to keep this look!!! You certainly do not look sick, you look like a movie star....like the Rock! What a hottie! No disrespect to Mrs. Ray.

    But back to being serious...David how awsome. You make us proud. You encourage me to get out there and do something!


  8. Beck,

    Reports are so scare and confusing to read. Mine has said "uptake- possibly metastisis shown in lymph node, new mass not previously seen on scan...etc." My reports had me trrified and in tears. All my doctors were not worried about these findings saying that the "new mass is benign and was seen on previous scan...just a different angle" , also "lymph node is reactive, but that doesn't mean cancerous." I never trust just one, and will get the opinion of my chemo onc rad onc, and surgeon. I pray that you hear something back on the RFA soon!!!

  9. I tried to e-mail Ada's husband my condolences, but the e-mail address has been closed.

    I too am so very sad about Ada. She never complained and was always positive and supportive. She was one of the first people to respond to me. We both had the same diagnosis, and she really encouraged me to proceed with having surgery.

    Does anyone know what happened to Ada?


  10. Dear Bluebayou,

    So sorry to hear about the mets. I agree with you...bulk up and get your fighting weight on. The chemo and rad will effect your appetite. Plus you just need comforting rght now. I think I will have a bowl with you! Take care and pamper yourself right now! Cyber hugs!!!




    Your news is fantastic! It serves to motivate people with LC and offers us hope for survival. Congratulations!


  11. Linda,

    Yeah! I know this is what you have been praying for! The surgery is your Dad's best shot for a cure! Linda the surgeon must feel your Dad has an excellent cance at recovering from the surgery or it would be unethical on his part to even suggest surgery. So your Dad never got any radiation? My treatments did more damage to the cancer than could be seen on the CT scan. I will possibly mop up any wandering cancer cells with chemo in 6 weeks. Perhaps chemo not only shrinks and kills cancer, but aids in preventing spread?


  12. Dear Sam,

    You are not the average person. You would not be where you are today if that were the case. Therefor, don't compare yourself to the average person who has this disease. You can still beat this! Cindy has had it in both lungs, and beaten back the beast. Now you must focus on your spiritual wisdom, not your medical knowledge, to see you through this. The practice of medicine, as good as it has become, still cannot solve all of our medical problems. But have trust in your faith to resolve any and all situations!

    I recall you saying that your spiritual guidance counselor has transferred. Can you still contact him, or perhaps talk to the pastor who took his place? I will be praying for you Sam.


  13. Hello Everyone,

    I am at home now resting in the easy lounger. I want you al to know that God heard your voices of prayer loudly. The surgery went quite well. I was actually rather calm going into it....sort of at peace. I felt Jesus holding my right hand and the fear abated. I was not given any drugs beforehand to relax me either!

    Five hours later I awoke painfree, breathing regularly on my own. I spent 5 hours in recovery, then on to my own room. I received morphine the first and second day only. I was not thrilled about having the drug taken away! I also had a Q-Ball that sent pain medication into the incision site via these little wires, that worked well. When I was taken off the morphine, and was given hydrocodone, then the pain became outrageous when I moved. PLus, I could not have more meds until my next scheduled dose, regardless of the pain. The tubes came out 4rth day. That made me feel so much better. Everytime my tubes were touched I would scream out in pain! The doctor wanted me up and moving to prevent blood clots, expand my lungs, and get the other bodily processes functioning. He said drugs prevent that.

    I have been having shortness of breath, but x-rays show clear and expanded lungs. Anyone experience this after surgery? My oxyygen level would be at 97, then drop to 89 when I walked.

    Also, the glue used to close my lung is a sealant called Thorex. I do believe I received it in this double blind study because my lung sealed imediately, no leaks!

    My surgeon said that none of the lymph nodes in my chest showed cancer, nor did the tissue surrounding the tumor. The nodes in the middle chest, that he was worried about, seemed to be fairly destroyed by the radiation! So all went well! Thanks again for your support and prayers!


  14. Wow, what a support group! Thanks for all of the comments... Cheryl will be coming home today (Wed.) and is "biting at the bit" to get caught up with the board. She'll be thrilled to read your responses! Thanks again! -Jack-

  15. Hello all,

    A note to thank everyone for their support and prayers... Cheryl's surgery went very well. Doc said radiation was very effective and that the tumors were removed with no problems. Also, he did not have to take as much of her lung as expected saying that the borders of her lobes were not compromised. Her middle lobe was removed along with a small portion of her upper. She is resting comfortably now after a 5 hour surgery... am on my way back to hospital... something I will be doing a lot of this week!

    Again, thanks so much for all of your support and prayers and God bless each and every one of ya!


  16. Hello All,

    Tomorrow is the big day! I am not feeling as anxious as I was. I just do not have the energy to worry about it anymore. So, I have given it to the Lord to worry about for me. But any prayers would be so very appreciated.



  17. Becky,

    I pray that you find relief and your breathing improves. Look how far you have come! Before, you were unable to make it to the bathroom without becoming out of breath. I wish for you to complete a story without having to stop, until then have your daughter tell you stories about the pictures in the book. Prayers for you.


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