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Posts posted by -Cheryl-

  1. Deb,

    Katie is right, positive attitude is everything. I hope your Dad's visit with his brother helps. My sister is in visiting from N.Y. and she has helped me to regain some of my appetite!


  2. Hello friends,

    I just got back from the oncologist's office and got my results back from CT scan. The report reads:

    1. Area of RIGHT Upper Lobe has improved since previous examination.

    2. Stable Nodule within Left Upper Lobe (Did not light up on previous PET Scan- Doctor just watching)

    3. No Significant change in Precarinal Lymph Node

    4. Possible Two Subcentimeter Lymph Nodes witin the Mesentery which were not imaged on the prior examination (Doctor didn't feel these were mets. Report states- small lymph nodes versus volume averaging with vessels.)

    5. Normal pelvis

    Doctor said this is "a good report" and "what we had hoped for in 6 weeks." I will need to contact my surgeon to proceed with surgery. I should feel better about the results, but am scared still. I was given a shot of arsenap (SP) to boost my iron. I am just so tired. Anyone know how long the shot takes to do the trick?


  3. Marge,

    I agree with the others, you need to fire this oncologist! Your coughing is for a reason and you need to know what is causing it. I wish I had an answer for you and could be of more help.


  4. Terre,

    I am so sorry to hear about your mother. It sounds as though she will have good care through hospice. I am glad to know that she will be surrounded by those that she loves. I would want my pets with me too, because they are part of the family. I will pray for you and your family. God Bless.


  5. Marge,

    What kind of chemo are you on, and where is your cancer located? Perhaps others have experienced the same things as you, but more information is helpful. My doctor gave me a list of possible side effects and coughing was one of the symptoms to notify the doctor about. Have you talked to your doctor?


  6. Connie,

    I asked my sister to add you to her prayer list. You are in my paryers daily. May the Lord send his angels to watch over one of his mightiest of warriors while she mends and rests. We anxiously await news of your recovery. We love you and need you back in the fight against LC!


  7. Tammy,

    Is your mom getting both chemo and radiation. I can so relate to your mom. I got hit in the middle of my chest with radiation which makes food feel stuck there. Bananas burn bad going down for me also! All fruits do. It must be the acidity of them or something. I can eat cake though; albeit, slowly that is! Ha! The top of my stomach also hurts, so that got radiated slightly too I think. Plus, the chemo caused nausea and vomiting with me.

    Have your mom eat foods at room temp., no food with acid including fruits, juices, and tomatos. I can't eat ice cream, but popsicles I can. Try: puddings, jello, cream soups, chicken & stars or noodle soups, ramen noodles, baked fish, spinach, grits, oatmill cream of wheat, cream corn, saltines in broth, eggs, macarronni and cheese, macaronni salad with tuna, creamy peanut butter, and buttercraem icing!

    Tammy these are just a few of the things that I have managed to get down. One week ago I vomited every thing I ate. I am down 20 pounds... but I am starting to eat again. I have no appetite still, but eat to survive. Your mom needs protein and iron because of the treatment. Buy foods that are fortified with it. I start with the magic mouth wash. Then I immediately eat and chase each bite with sips of water. Keep me posted on how your mom is doing.


  8. Hello Friends,

    I am waiting for CT results Mon. morning, and so very anxious. Last week at this time I was in the ER getting hydrated from vomiting. So at least I am keeping the food down now. But I have no appetite. I force myself to eat, and with each bite I feel excrutiating pain in my chest and top of my stomach. My sisters and husband are very concerned because I have lost 20 pounds. They took me to the grocery store to pick out foods that I might eat. I can't eat meat. I can't eat anything without pain. The one thing that I can eat without too much pain is buttercream icing! So we bought cake. I know all about the sugar thing...but I will eat whatever goes in. It really scares me that I will waste away, or end up with a feeding tube. I am feeling so puny latelty. I just pray to God I can withstand the surgery! I just needed to vent.


  9. Peg,

    Bill is eating and is breathing O.K.! It sounds as though Bill has not given up hope. As long as he has not given up, you find a oncologist who won't give up on him. Prayers and Hope for you.


  10. Dear Friends,

    I am very anxious about my first CT scan following treatment. This will determine if surgery is possible. Any prayers would be greatly appreciated!


  11. I asked my onc about nutritional supplemets. He said, "A multivitamin is fine to take, just don't take in mega doses of anti-oxidents." The reason given was "it makes the chemo not as effective." Boost Plus is recommended with protein. You want anti-oxidents in your nutrition, just no extra supplements to counteract the chemo. I can so emphthize with your boyfriend. I have found puddings, grits, and oatmill to go down easy and stay down. First semi-solid foods I have been able to eat. Keep me posted!


  12. Cathy,

    Your Dad was such a strong man. To think what he overcame and edured is just amazing. As sad as this event is, I know that he would want you to concentrate on the victories and triumphs of his life. Please accept my deepest sympathy to you and your family.

    Cheryl and Jack

  13. Becky,

    You Go Girl!! I think teaching this semester is a good idea, because you love it and have worked so hard to be where you are at! Look forward to the future, just pace yourself.


  14. Ray,

    Sorry you don' feel well today. I was told that the chemo really has an effect on your dental health. Make sure you tell you dentist. They asked me beforr I began chemo if I had any dental problems, and that chemo would be posponed if so. An anti-biotic is something you may need too! Do you have any chemo left? You go home and lie down! Dr's orders!


  15. Jenifer that is great news about your mother. Ginny cracks me up! I think I was the first member to be initiated into the Duke's "empty headed club." The waiting for the results....the test itself is a nightmare! Congratulations!


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