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Posts posted by ernrol

  1. Came home from hospital o Monday. Last couple of days has been rough, I got part of my family to register because I think this is a great site, we think the pleurodesis was about 80% effective that is a lot better then they thought. Will know for sure later. The Lord has been good to me. Will try to post more later.

    Stay positive, :)


  2. I will be going to the hospital today. Should be there at least three days to see if they can drain all fluid and get the lung to drop down so they can do a pleurodesis. All prayers appreciated.

    I forgot to add this is my 48th anniversary. :D

    Sty positive, :)


  3. When they drained the fluid the lung did not drop all the way down. They are going to put me in the hospital and dry to get the lung to drop using a bigger tube. I don't know much about this procedure. I do not know when they will do it. It was either tomorrow or next week. I still appreciate all prayers. Putting it all in the hands of the lord. I have not posted because I was waiting to find out what and when what they were going to do.

    Stay positive, :)


  4. Thanks for all the prayers, they make a big difference, they drained the fluid. I feel a lot better. I found out that they did not plan to do a pleurodesis yesterday. The Lung did not drop down all the way so they may not be able to do a regular pleurodesis. Should be meeting with the docs soon should know more then. My chief physician assures me that he has everything in his hands

    Stay positive, :)


  5. They are going to drain the fluid again today. They may do a pleurodesis, I don’t know for sure. They will start at 10:45 EST I would appreciate all prayers. Please keep all replies positive.

    Stay positive, :)


  6. I haven’t posted much lately. I have been trying to come up with a posting about my most recent treatment that would encourage others.

    As many of you know my motto has been “Stay positive.” Am I always positive? No, there are times that those negative thoughts slip in. The goal has to be to get rid of the negative and back on the positive as soon as you can, and if you are newly diagnosed to get positive. My first year and a half with stage IV cancer was pretty easy. Everything went right. In four months I was in remission. I was able to stay real positive with such good results. I am sure many of you thought that well it’s easier when things go so well. I was in remission for about a year and a half, and then some cancer reappeared. I had a change in chemo that failed. I had some side effects that were not very pleasant. I had radiation that gave me some bad side effects. I am now back on 150mg of Tarceva and Navelbine and will have scans in May. All of this made it more difficult to stay positive and I did have my bad times.

    I have always believed the Lord was in control and still do. So I prayed to find out how my experience could help others stay positive. I think that I now I have the answer.

    From the beginning I could have been negative, and if I had I would have had a weaker immune system and would not have had such good results with my chemo. I would have had a year and a half of being negative and not enjoying life. The year and a half that I was in remission was really fantastic.

    So now when things are not going as well and those negative thoughts creep in, I just think ,”would I want to have lost those great days of my life while I was in remission” The answer is obviously no.

    The Lord has been so good to me through all of my treatment and I believe this is just his way of showing me how I can help others get into that positive mood.

    Knowing that being negative may deprive me of some of the greatest days of my life, has made it easier to be positive.

    Here are a few facts about being positive.

    You always feel better when you have a positive outlook.

    Being positive strengthens the immune system and gives you a better chance of beating this disease or any other disease.

    Your friends and family will become more positive.

    Feeling positive can turn a bad day into a good day.

    These facts are true even if you don’t have cancer and I believe can extend life for anyone.

    Changing from negative to positive thoughts is not always easy, but if you pray and try as hard as you can, it is well worth the effort. Each day we are positive is a better day in our life.

    I hope and pray that this will help those of you that are having trouble staying positive make the change.

    The real truth is that thinking negative can shorten ones life.

    So let the good days roll.

    This all supports one of my favorite verses:

    MATHEW 6:27

    Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

    Stay positive, :)


  7. I started second round of Navelbine chemo today had my lungs checked and they were clear. This means that the fluid is not returning and maybe the Tarceva is working again. I have scans in the middle of May, this will tell us more. I think the treadmill helps. I work out on the treadmill till I am breathing hard. I have also been walking at least 2 miles a day.

    I was concerned about going up in the airplane last week, because of shortness of breath. I was having so much fun and did not realize we were at 12,000 feet and had no problem. The Lord has been good to me. The power of prayer is great.

    Stay positive, :)


  8. I am back from Orlando and have some photos that I would like to post. I signed up for a site that someone on here was using, but I can't remember the name of the site. If anyone has a good site let me know.

    Stay positive, :)


  9. I don't do the flight till Wednesday the 2nd. We fly out of Kissimmee airport which is just a few miles from Disney World. Will try to post some photos. Will be leaving in a few hours for Orlando. I will ty to post something from Orlando.

    Stay positive, :)


  10. Thursday was my 71st birthday. I got some great gifts. One is a got a rash which some say means the Tarceva is working. I only had a slight rash before and I was only taking 100mg. I will now starting 150mg every other day and in a few days it will be 150mg every day.

    The other great gift is some flight time in a P-51 Mustang. You can click the address below to see the plane.


    I will be in Orlando for a week to have some fun.

    Stay positive, :)


  11. I had the fluid drained on March 14th. They took 2.5 liters of fluid out of the right plural cavity. I am now able to work out on the tread mill and walk a lot more. I am hoping by increasing my exercise program that it will keep the fluid from coming back. I have started the Tarceva 150mg one day and 100mg the next, and then I will go on 150mg every day. I am also going to try and get an opinion from M.D. Anderson. I want to get back to posting more.

    Stay positive, :)


  12. Scan results are not what we had hoped for. There is significant worsening of disease. So all this chemo that was so hard on me did nothing. They have changed the chemo to Navelbine and I will go back on Tarceva. If anyone knows much about Navelbine let me know.

    We will also be looking into clinical trials.

    The good news is that I will be back on Tarceva at 150mg. I was on 100mg. I think the Tarceva was doing some good and boosting it to the recommended dose of 150mg might do the trick.

    I know the good Lord has a reason for everything and when the time is right he can make any of the chemo work. I put all my trust in him.

    There is also a large plural effusion. They are going to drain this on Friday. This should relieve the shortness of Breath. All prayers appreciated.

    Stay positive, :)


  13. Anyone had this combo?

    This is just a short note to let everyone know what’s going on with my chemo. The chemo has not been easy. Some of it is cumulative. At the present time I get a steroid, Alimta, Gemzar and Avastin every two weeks and the side effects are tough. SOB is a big problem. My first chemo I had no side effects, what a difference

    Tomorrow I get the results of the latest scans and another session of chemo. All prayers appreciated. I want to get back to being more active, but have not felt up to it. Maybe this time I will have the right meds to take care of more of the side effects.

    Stay positive, :)


  14. Maryea,

    The word is neuropathy. It is caused by the Taxol. The tingling will get less over a period that cold be up to a year. It may not go away completely. I have had this since I started my chemo in 2005. I do get acupuncture weekly it may help a little. It really does not bother me much.

    Stay positive, :)


  15. Welcome to the site. We all react differently to treatment. You may not have much trouble at all. Drink lots of water during chemo. I had very little trouble with my first chemo and just a little with the second.

    Stay positive, :)


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