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Posts posted by ernrol

  1. Kerri and Patty,

    Welcome to the site I am glad you found hope here. Patty I answered your e-mail as soon as I got back from our cruise. You have a good team to fight this. With a daughter named Kerri you can't miss. My only daughter is also Kerri. You are on your way to become a Survivor or as Lora Ingram says a cancer Thriver (not really a word).

    Stay positive, :)


  2. We made it back from the cruise. Ports were Halifax, St John, Bar Harbor, Portland, Boston and New London. It was the first time some of these ports had a shi of this size in their port. The ship carries over 5,000 including the crew. I think I like smaller ships. It will take me forever to catch up with my e-mail and postings on this site. We did have a great time, except for the cold I caught the last 4 days, but I didn’t let it slow us up. Just wanted to let everyone know that we are back and I didn’t fall overboard.

    Stay positive, :)


  3. Trudy,

    Welcome to the site. The first few weeks are the hardest. As soon as you realize that you can become a long term survivor things begin to smooth out. I am having the same chemo as you. This is after almost two years of remission. I feel the good Lord did it before and he can do it again. Learn all you can and decide what things you want to do to help yourself beat this. Knowing that you can live with cancer helps a lot. I have a close friend that has had 28 cancers in 17 years. He lives a very active life and is assistant pastor of a large church. I just came back from a 10 day cruise. I had a great time and live a very active life style. You can too.

    Stay positive, :)


  4. We will be leaving august 30 for a cruise. We will fly to Newark NJ cruise to Halifax, Saint John, Bar Harbor, and Portland. Boston and back to Newark. Will be back home September 10th. Looks like fun. Don’t know if I will go near a computer or not, I might just to let you all know I did not fall overboard.

    Stay positive, :)


  5. Dar,

    My daughter went out and had a CT scan as soon as she found out that I had cancer. It has been recommended for anyone that might be high risk, heavy smoker or history of cancer in family. If you wnat to get one, get it. You might remind your doctor that you are the patient.

    Stay positive, :)


  6. Debbie,

    I have flown a lot with cancer during treatment. When they let me I fly my own plane. I am going on a cruise next week. I will fly to get the ship. I am in the middle of my chemo. I will wear a face mask to cut down the chance of catching somthing. I would advise your mom yo do the same. I flew for the airlilnes for 32 years and I know the air is not that great in an aircraft at 35000 feet. If your mom feels up to it should be no problem.

    Stay positive, :)


  7. Chesney,

    Welcome to the site. It would be good if you could get your mom to accept help from others. The bigger your team the easier it is. What kind of chemo is your mom getting? Have they mentioned Tarveva or Avastin? These are two drugs that have helped a lot of people. I would get a free copy of a book "Fighting Cancer" by Richard Bloch and give it to your mom. She may welcome your help after reading it. Go to this web address for a free copy.


    From this web site you can get a free copy of fighting cancer and get a list of places to get good second opinions. I think this book is a must for anyone interested in beating this disease. It may help a caregiver to know, but unless the patient gets involved in his cure it will do little good.

    Stay positive, :)


  8. Brandy,

    Welcome to the site. We will give you all the support and information we can. Your grandpa's cancer is very treatable. I have a question. Do you know why they took so long to start treatment? Ct scan in January and dhemo start in July? Keep us posted.

    Stay positive, :)


  9. I can not tell you anything about the talc procedure. I did have a pleural effusion. All pain went away when the fluid was gone. As for diet, there are lots of ideas. What I think is bad about the foods we eat, is what is put in them, antibiotics, hormones, pesticides. Chlorine, fluoride and many others. I try to eat most natural or organic meats and vegetables. I do like to eat a lot of beans which is part of the diet that you were on. What is most important is that you maintain a healthy weight if possible.

    Stay positive, :)


  10. I think that I would go for the treatment as soon as possible. As far as doctors predictions on how you will feel, he has a 50/50 chance of being right. He is either right or wrong. I would seek a second opinion on the WBR. There may be other options that could be better.

    Stay positive, :)


  11. Michelle,

    Welcome to the site. I had Tarceva along with my chemo the first time and now the second time I am having Avastin. Both of these drugs can be given along with chemo. You maight ask about them. I am starting my thrid year and I have not had a sick day yet. I will pray that your mom has good resutls.

    Stay positive,

    Ernie :)

  12. I thought I would give you your laugh for the day.

    Some of you know I started back on Carboplatin and Taxol and yesterday they added Avastin. So I rechecked all the side effects of Avastin, one of them being bleeding. You can have nose bleeds etc. So when I woke up this morning to find what appeared to be dried blood on my pillow, I immediately thought that I am not going to get away with no side effects from Avastin. I jumped up and blew my nose to see if I could see any blood. There was no blood. I do think I got the ear wax out of my ears. All I could think of was when is it going to start to bleed again. After I settled down, I began to think about my tracks of the night before. I remember that I brushed my teeth, went out and had a glass of water, took my melatonin, headed back to bed. But wait, I stopped on the way. As I went passed the cupboard I reach in and sneaked a very small piece of bitter sweet dark chocolate. I then went to bed chewing on the chocolate. :roll: Light lightening coming from a nearby cloud, this thought came to me, “I bet those are chocolate stains from my guilty mouth.”

    So still no side effects.

    Stay positive, :)

    Ernie (the chocoholic)

  13. Don’t bet the farm on the doctor’s predictions. Surgery may or may not be the only cure, but living with cancer and dieing of old age at 99 is a good thing too. When I started my first chemo one doctor said 16 to 18 months tops. Here I am two years later starting my second fight. They don’t predict anymore. Oh yes the first time they told me how sick that I would be with chemo. I haven’t had a sick day yet. Tell jack that I am praying for that he starts feeling better and starts fighting with all he has.

    Stay positive, :)


  14. Trish,

    That’s great news. I am also just past 2 years. Bottoms Up, That’s what they say, but I find it very difficult to drink anything when I am in that position. :lol:

    Stay positive, :)


  15. Nancy,

    I don’t think that you are dodging the bullet. I think that you are keeping the bullet from ever getting close. There is new treatment every day. You are an inspiration to me. I have just started my second treatment after almost two years of remission. Just keep knocking it down every time it shows itself. You are on my prayer list.

    Stay positive, :)


  16. KO,

    I just got back from my chemo treatment. It took 5 hours almost ran out of movies for my DVD. I only brought a lunch. I thought that I may be there for dinner and would have to send out for a pizza :lol: . They have added Avastin to my treatment. Now I have Carboplatin and Taxol every week for three weeks then one week off. I will have Avastin every two weeks. It seems like my onc likes to do some things more often. I thought Avastin was every three weeks. I am in my second cycle of treatment and first dose of Avastin. I still feel great and have had no bad side effects other than a little tingling in the toes and finger tips. I had this the first time two years ago. I thank the Lord that I don't have any side effects that makes me change my way of life. I do have to increase my exercise program because I have started to gain weight. We had a good discussion with my oncologist today. We talked about how many drugs that can be used. I learned something new. You can use a drug that has been approved for another type of cancer i.e. breast that has not been approved for nsclc yet. The problem is that your insurance will not cover it. I feel good about the plan. When four cycles of chemo has been received we will do some scans. If any spots are left we will consider radiation. If everything has gone away then we will consider Avastin as a maintenance treatment. I am trying to plan my next cruise around the end of August. I have two weeks off then. I thank everyone for all their prayers and encouragement.

    Stay positive, :)


  17. I had chemo and Tarceva. I had almost two years of complete remission. I have a couple of new spots show up and have started chemo again I have had no bad side effects from any of my treatment except for a little tingling in my fingers. Maybe something like Tarceva alone would be worth trying.

    Stay positive, :)


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