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Posts posted by ernrol

  1. My daughter sent me this today. I thought it was really good. :)

    Subject: Malachi 3:3

    Malachi 3:3 says:

    "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."

    This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.

    One of the women offered to find out the

    process of refining silver and get back to the

    group at their next Bible Study. That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn't mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining


    As she watched the silversmith, he held a

    piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.

    The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says:

    "He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver."

    She asked the silversmith if it was true that

    he had to sit there in front of the fire the

    whole time the silver was being refined.

    The man answered that yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.

    The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, "How do you know when the silver is fully refined?"

    He smiled at her and answered,

    "Oh, that's easy -- when I see my image in it"

    If today you are feeling the heat of the fire,

    remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.

    Pass this on. someone needs to know that God is watching over them.

    And, whatever they're going through,

    they'll be a better person in the end.

  2. I have not been on the site lately. I started the new chemo on the 16th, Alimta, Gemzar and Avastin. It really knocked the white blood count down. I had a blood test today 7 days after getting the chemo and it was only 1.5. Over the last week I was really dragging. I had a fever one day of 101.9. It went down fast. I never got sick, but I did not feel like dancing in the yard. I don’t know of anyone that has had all three of theses drugs together. If some one has let me know. Today I feel a lot better. I am not going to say what percent, because the last time it was for a short time. Tomorrow I plan to play golf. I hope I don’t run the cart into a lake or something. I still feel very blessed by the results of my treatment. The Lord has been good to me and I count on him to keep me going. I need to exercise more. The last week has not been a good week for exercise. The best I did was walk a mile or two on some days. I don’t think I will be able to catch up with all the postings. I will just start with the new ones and work my way back if I can.

    I did wash my car today, which was fun. Before Christmas I gave up the lease car that I had taken over from the company I sold. So I replaced my 2004 Yukon with a 2008 Corvette Z06. I can’t believe the difference. :lol: I am ready for Chicago, When are we going?

    Stay positive, :)


  3. Geri,

    I had a pleural effusion When I was first diagnosed in 2005. It was about three forths up the chest wall. Sloan Kettering said that it would not go away by itself, but it did. I have a slight indication of one now. I have started lymphatic massage therapy along with my chemo. It is suppose to help drain the lymph fluids from the system. It is a very light massage. I have no idea if it will help, but it makes since to me. A pleurodesis was never mentioned to me yet. How long have you had it? They drained about a cup out of me to relieve the pain in my shoulder, then the rest went by itself. I hope this helps. It is all I know about it.

    Stay positive, :)


  4. I got the results of the latest CT scan on Jan 9th. The results were mixed. The tumor they were radiating has shrunk by 75%, but some new spots showed up in the right lung and a few spots on the liver. The new chemo starts on Jan 16th. It will be Alimta, Gemzar and Avastin. Will have more scans around March to see how it is going. I have seemed to have recovered from the radiation and at about 90% of normal, whatever normal is. The Good Lord is still my chief physician and I put all my trust in him.

    If anyone knows anything good about these drugs, I would appreciate hearing about it.

    Stay positive, :)


  5. Just an update to let you all know that I did not fall off the earth. I have been getting Carboplatin and Taxol along with radiation daily. They thought that I was a good Canadate to get 33 days of radiation squeezed into 22 days. I did not have many side effects except for some fatigue and problems swallowing, which was to be expected. Then about ten days ago we think that I got a virus. The fatigue got worse and the swallowing became harder along with aches and pain from the virus. I thought that it was just the increase in the radiation, but looking back we are pretty sure it was a virus, like the flu. Anyway I am now through with the radicalization and chemo and will wait testing in January. I had my last radiation and chemo on the 19th. The side effects should start to go away in about 2 weeks. I have not been on the computer much. With all the supplements that I take, it becomes a long project to swallow all of them and drink all the water that I want to. They thought that I would loose weight because of the swallowing and loss of appetite. So with a lot of help from the good Lord I managed to gain about a pound or two. Now I still need to loose weight. They said I should be walking a little each day. They said get up out of the chair and walk across the room once in a while. So I did not feel too bad since I was walking a mile and felt tired. I did manage to teach my last Steven Ministry class on the 13th before I got the virus, so they will all be graduating.

    I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holliday and look forward to some great scans in the new year.

  6. Aaron,

    You know that I take a lot of supplements. I can’t say which may help. I had Taxol my first round back in 2005. I have had Taxol going on this time into my 6th month. I do stop some supplements within 24 hours of chemo. I also started acupuncture once a week. The neuropathy has not increased much since then. I think both MD Anderson and Mayo have done some acupuncture along with chemo. I am only bothered with neuropathy in my left hand and my right foot especially the little finger, but it is just numbness and is not much trouble at all. B-6 and B-12 are two of the supplements that I take.

    Stay positive, :)


  7. Gaylee,

    Welcome, I agree with Don. Before they start treatment they would probably want to do a biopsy. If it is too small to do a biopsy then waiting for the PET scan might make since. They would be able to see if it is getting bigger. I would ask them how big the nodule is. If it is only a few millimeters then it is too small to do a biopsy. If you have questions about why he is waiting, ask him. He should be willing to tell you. Keep us posted.

    Stay positive, :)


  8. Kelli,

    Sorry to hear about your mom. I think one has to understand that you can live with cancer as well as being cured. I decided that I wanted to live either with the cancer or without. Cancer is such a catch 22. Having cancer and feeling positive about it is hard to do. I realized that stress can cause disease and it can hinder your healing. This is a medical fact. So one of the first things I had to do was get a positive attitude. If you become too stressed out worrying about your cancer then it will not help with your treatment. There is a verse that I think of when ever I may have a problem staying positive, it is:

    MATHEW 6:27

    Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?

    What this tells me is that if you worry enough, you can actually shorten your life. Maybe if your mom would read some of the stories on this web site she would become a little more positive. Keep us posted.

    Stay positive, :)


  9. Lorie,

    I think you made the right choice with the chemo, but the scan may show that it is not cancer. You may have no trouble with chemo, I never have. One of my favorites to add weight was an English muffin with lots of Organic Almond Butter and a little natural jelly. Almond Butter is a lot better for you than Peanut Butter.

    Stay positive, :)


  10. Corrin,

    Welcome to the site.I think most have follow up chemo or radiation if the patient can take it. I only had chemo and it never made me sick and my quality of life did not change at all. Your mom may not have any reaction to chemo, it may be worth trying. Keep us posted.

    Stay positive, :)


  11. Nick,

    Welcome to the site. Until you get a biopsy you will not know for sure that it is cancer. Let’s pray that it isn’t. If it is it seems like you may have caught it very early. Randy has given you some good web sites. I will research my files and see if I can come up with more. I do believe in complementary forms of therapy. I will send you some of that. If you like I can add you to a list that I send some reports that I have done on the supplements that I take. Let me know if you would like that. I have been through chemo then 18 months of remission and now again chemo and have added radiation. I have only had three sessions of radiation, but so far over the last 2 years, four months I have not had a sick day. I think it may have to do with some of the things that I take and do. Keep us posted. You might try to fill out your profile, and then it will show up on each of your post if you want it to.

    Stay positive, :)


  12. Thursday, November 22, 2007

    Standing with Others

    Two are better than one, Because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls, For he has no one to help him up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

    From the beginning of time, God made it clear that it is not good for His people to be alone (Gen. 2:18). God designed us to cooperate. Throughout the Scriptures He speaks of His people as a community that accomplishes more together than separately. God did not create us as isolated individuals, each seeking to achieve our own goals. Rather, the success of our endeavors depends upon our interdependence. This is why He established the Church and released His Holy Spirit to empower the community of believers to spread the gospel. We are to be a kingdom of priests (1 Pet. 2:9).

    During difficult times it is critical that we are walking in fellowship with other Christians. When a crisis hits, it is overwhelming to face it alone. But if we have cultivated supportive friendships, we will find strength in the comfort and encouragement of those who care about us. Interdependence is also a safeguard for us when we are lured by temptation. The consistent testimony of those who have fallen to temptation is that they isolated themselves from other believers and were not held accountable by Christian friends.

    If you are not a part of a caring community of believers, you are missing out on what God designed you for. You are also in danger of falling into sin. You must link your life with others who are seeking God’s will. Seek to be a person who willingly joins others in carrying out God’s assignments. Strive to be the source of support and encouragement that those around you need.

    By Henry Blackaby

    I don't think that I would be here now if I had to rely on myself only.

    Stay positive, :)



    The dark meat of the turkey is better for you. Have a drum stick on me. It's better for you with no skin, but I think that may be too much to ask for.

    Stay positive, :)


  14. Frank,

    I am no expert, but an SUV of 2.5 is low for cancer. I was told concern came when it is above at least 4 SUV. After you get your report on the 26th you will know more. Sit down and write down all the questions that you want answered also I recommend that you take someone with you. Four ears hear more than two. Then after you get all the info I would then consider a second opinion. At some point a biopsy should be done. Keep us posted.

    Stay positive, :)


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