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Posts posted by karen335

  1. Kelly,

    Sending prayers for your mom. Please keep us posted. She shouldn't have any pain from the treatment..

    It is good they are treating her as soon as possible. Look at it this way, she is a candidate for this treatment. The effectiveness for this procedure is 100% effective 80% to 90% of the time. I was told this by 4 radiation oncs.for Gamma and Cyberknife. Great odds I would say...The sooner done, the healing begins.


  2. Joanie,

    Sending prayers. How do they know about the fluid witout a biopsy which is done durung surgery.

    Trish's husband had 22 or more brain mets. He had cyberknife, as did several other's here. It controls the growth of the tumor and removes it. I had CK in Oct. to remove met 6cm...Keep the faith and know we are all praying for you.

    God Bless!!!


  3. Marie,

    This is awesome news. You are truly blessed. Our prayers go up and blessings come down and we claim them and give Him all the glory...

    Prayers and hugs,


  4. Kelly,

    From what I understand. Gammaknife and Cyberknife keeps brain met or mets in control. One can have this treatment over and over, but not with WBR. From what I have read, WBR is old technology... I also had the option of WBR and I chose not go that route due to the side effects. Affects each person differently.

    Gammakife and CK is so precise and doesn't damage good tissue in the brain. CK is mfg by Accuray.com. and GK is mfg by Leskill(sp?) Liskell (?) Look at Stanford University website...

    Sending prayers and hugs,


  5. John,

    I had CK in Oct. for one brain met. I thought it killed the tumor as well as anything surrounding it

    Had my 1st MRI two weeks ago, according to rad. onc. said tumor is responding very well (Shrinking). The symptoms I had are almost gone and I am off the decadron(yeaaa!!!)

    I had two open surgeries, 2004 and 2/2006. Had SRS afer the 1st surgery. Nuerosurgeon said it was encapsulated and he got it all, I question what he said. Especially after having SRS after...

  6. Sandy,

    Great to hear from you. Sorry to read the news about your mom...It is always difficult. Been there with my father (long story.)

    Happy things are working out and sending prayers for good results. Please keep us posted.



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