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Posts posted by Brandyswa

  1. Gail,

    My grandpa did pretty good the first few treatments, but he did get tired after the treatments were over. He woould get sob just taking a bath, also be aware that he may slip into a depression from not being able to do the things from the past like mowing the lawn. We dealt with that also. Good luck and things will get better. Lots of prayers for ya. Brandy

  2. Please dont read stats.... everyone is different. We were told 6 months ands we are past that so take it one day at a time and enjoy the days. These folks here are awesome and one your worse days someone else will be there to pick you up. This the way I surivied it all!!!

  3. Deb,

    We did a lot of peanut butter, ensure, ice cream, carnation instant breakfast..nesquick. We added calories to everything. We made a milkshake of 4scoops of peanut butter, nesquick, ensure, and herseys choclate syrup (it was thick and tasted like a peanutbutter choclate shake) Rootbeer, choclate milk, (use whole milk), make potato soup with lots of sourcream and cheese. Lots of butter is how we made it through a lot of the chemo and radiation,

    It is hard but once you master the calories and where to hide them you've got half the battle won!!! Good luck and it is very fustratuing

  4. Well we got the news today and we now have fluid around the left lung and we have to wait a week to get it drained. We have to wait because the blood thinners have to be stopped before they will do the procedure. Just another step. Anyone ever had this procedure done and what should we expect? Thanks Brandy

  5. Grandpa had a cat scan today and we are playing the waiting game. We have to wait till 4-2 for the results. Will give everyone our good news on Wed. :lol: Keep us in everyones prayers. Thanks Brandy

  6. Hawkeye,

    You and Mary did alot together and try to remember all the fun times, think of the comdians you went to see. What was your favorite memories? Like Randy said tell Mary what you have done for the day and talk to her. It will get a bit easier, but not much. I am so sorry you are going through this.

  7. I can remember the first few weeks of treatment and how stressed i was with a 2 yearold, so i can tell you that it will get a little easier and less stressful. Once you get your routine down it will be amazing how much of a superwoman you can be. Good luck and you are in my prayers and thoughts

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