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Posts posted by Brandyswa

  1. I too am sorry you had to find out about this board but the people here is awesome. When I was having down days durning my grandpas chemo & radiation the support here was the best therpy to me. Everyone here understand you and they are all so encouraging. The battle is just begining but hanging in there and even when your head is spinning in circles stop by and vist, it makes you feel better. Hugs to you and your family, Brandy

  2. If your mom is having a hard time with fluids at home, I would ask the Dr about home health doing Hydration therapy at home. We have been doing it with my grandpa 2times a week. Home health comes on Fridays puts the iv in and we leave it in and on monday do a second bag of saline, take the iv out and start again on Friday. It has helped soo much. Hes appiate has gotten better and he can actual feel better. just an idea for fluids

  3. Thank you all for your prayers. Today has been such a blessing and the prayers are working. Grandpa got the NG tube out and they think he has an Upper GI bleed that will be able to heal its self. He got to eat food and I can't say Thank you enough for all of your prayers please keep them going. Thanks again

  4. Well, today we took my grandpa to the onc for a ck up and he has some SOB the Onc told us to go to the ER, he was admited and they did another Cat scan & x-ray all fine. He started to get very combative and aggiated. They gave him adavan and it had reverse effects on him. He got more aggiated and more combative. Had to use restrants. Than he started to vomited up dark blood. He was moved to a stepdown area, where after a few hours a nurse told us to go home and leave a one person there. I asked what was going on and she said they Drs think the cancer is spreading. He now has an NG tube in his nose and was sleeping when we left. Please say your prayers for him and keep him comfortable. Thank you all

  5. Well last tuesday, I took my grandpa in to the Nurse Prac because he was coughing up alot of flem and he couldn't stop coughing. She gave him steroids, well tues night we had to take him to the Er for SOB. They keep him for 3 days and said he may have obstruction pnemounia. He has been saying funny things & having hallucanations. Has anyone else experienced this? It is hard to watch him forget where he is and that he is seeing people.

  6. That is such a great story. I can understand the meds with the dog because my family had a rat terrier that had to be on the same meds & it was clock work. You and Jack had a special bond and he was going to let you know that. I am still crying because that is so touching. Congrats on 3 years and many more to go

  7. Well, I haven't had to take a leave of absence but I have taken alot of time off of work. I have the attitude that my grandpa won't be here for ever but work will be. I have worked very little and I have had to learn to cut back on certain things but we have managed. I have used alot of savings but I have enjoyed all the time with my grandpa. The moments that my 2yr old & granpa spend together is worth everything to me. I have enjoyed the time. Good luck with your decsion. Luv, Brandy

  8. Well we got the results today of my grandpas cat scan. No more treatments. He will be watched every 3 months & they said he was doing fantastic. The Dr said the mass is has shrunk tremedously with more shrinking to go as the radation is still working. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts.

  9. I agree with everyone else.... If possible change Dr's. The difference is everything. My grandfather is 78 & the first set of Dr's at the VA said he was too old to do treatment. We have the best Drs now & they have done chemo & radiation when the first set said he would never make it after round one of chemo. 7 wks later & 35 radations we made it!!!! just keep looking. You are doing a great job taking care of your mom. as caregivers we second guess our selves but its not you. ITS BAD ATTITUDES. My cousin is a Dr & she says they are the coldest people in the world & they learn not to think of peoples feelings.

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