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Posts posted by Brandyswa

  1. I think you did her celebration the right way!!! You are a very strong person and your mom is very proud of you. Keep up the great work and everytime Jimmy Buffett comes on she is telling you she loves you. you are in my thoughts and prayer

  2. I agree this site has been awesome for me too.. All of yall have been very positive for me. GOt me over humps. Not all the time have I posted but just reading the post pushed me through so many times. I have to say Thank you too. Also, I feel like I have know some of yall forever and yall have been life long friends. Thank you for the wonderful support in good times and bad!!!! Luv Brandy

  3. Well we got the cat scan results for my granpa and the mass has shrunk more than expected. We are coming onto a year since diagnosis and I have to say Thank you for everyones prayers and support. This has been the best support.

  4. Your mom is with you everyday and know that she was right there with you on diagnosis day. There days that you do want to cry and do it, the other days do something that your mom would like to do. You will make it through. When my grandma passed I thought the world would come to an end and now I bake for her all the time. Her specaility was durning christmas to make everyone there favorite dessert, so i do that now for her. It has been 3 years and I find myself still crying every now and again because i miss her so much. stacy you will make it.

  5. I know excatly how you feel...... My mom does the same thing... I am so sorry, I wish I could tell you they change but no luck. I hope you can have a good holiday and enjoy it with your dad. As far as your sister, I wish i knew a remedy, My mom only comes around at critical times and she drinks the rest of the times away. I feel for you (((( HUGS))))) Brandy

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