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Posts posted by gail

  1. glad that is what it is! I too have a hiatal hernia--apparently they are common. Mine never buldged, but I am on nexium.

    I did have it diagnosed after having an endoscope.

    And rest assured--coffee is still on my food plan daily. I did cut back on the diet coke and the chocolate. oh--wine too, but in much smaller amounts. I shouldn't have it anyway with the past breast cancer.


  2. I agree with snowflake--get copies of all your scans and go get another oncologist.

    cancer is a tricky disease as we all know. After my first breast cancer diagnosis and treatment, I was told I had a 94% cure rate. 4 years laster I was back in her office with a NEW primary in the same breast. Asked her why and she told me 7-10% of the time a new cancer would show.

    That's when I stopped listening to statistics and just dealt with what was. I also became VERY discriminating with doctors. If I felt they did not have my personal best interests in mind I was out of there.

    You don't state where you are from. A lot of people here know some very good cancer centers.


  3. I hear you loud and clear, both as a mother and a teacher.

    My son, now 22, was 7 with my first diagnosis. We really tried to hide him from the word cancer. Not the best of choices, but we were pretty much in shock at that time.

    Second time he was 12. the second call I made after hearing the diagnosis was to his school counselor. Bless her heart, she really watched out for him through the 3 years in middle school. I had chemo that time and lost my hair. He saw me bald around the house all the time, and only one time asked me to put my hat on when outside.

    Third diagnosis (lung cancer) he was 15 and in the 9th grade. Again, the guidance counselor became my best friend. She did constant check ups with him. I remember asking her point blank if he was going to see this cancer as the final one. She told me he sees me as a cancer survivor. I said to her "but what if?" and realized that everyone has a what if.

    There are therapists out there for kids. I've seen some grief therapists do wonderful things for kids.

    I also, after my third cancer, put myself in therapy, with a specialized counselor who only deals with womens' cancers. She helped me so much that I was able to put my fears aside and deal with mothering a teenager.


  4. Just woke up and remembered that Heather is being buried today.

    While I can't make the funeral, I will be able to stop at the cemetery later.

    that helped.

    What also helped was the three deer standing in the woods on the other side of the my yard. Never ever have seen this. And they were all standing quiet and still. They stood there a while, turned quietly, and left.

    God just keeps talking to me.

    Rest well Heather


  5. Heather's spirit was amazing. She jumped head on into the LC Walk, and I could not even get myself to a meeting ( :oops: ) I watched her at the first walk, and was amazed at her energy.

    I think I took that picture of her and Tyler at the first walk. I took a lot of pictures that day.

    I admired her strength, her courage, and her love for her family.

    When I was having trouble dealing with my own diagnosis, she was putting herself out there for all to see. When I wanted to forget my cancers, she made sure people heard her.

    We talked on the phone during those early years on the board. I'm sorry to say that it was almost 2 years since I spoke with her. I was waiting for the train to take me into Phila to get the biopsy report on my thyroid. I starting panicking and called her.

    She filled me in on her boy, her husband, and her new food plan. She was very excited about the cooking classes she was taking. (macrobiotics I think?). Did you know she was on a cooking cruise? And she went somewhere in NY for classes?

    Found her first post dated March 31, 2003. She married Brad while here. They got married on a cruise, and her avatar at that time showed the 3 of them very happy.

    I hate cancer.

    Heather, you will not be forgotten.


  6. Heather's death and my waiting for the doctor's appointment were too close together. Much too close. Borderline panic attack.

    Yesterday my news was good, but Heather . . .

    Today I returned to school, and for the first time this year, a goldfinch was at the feeder. Big and bright and yellow. Just sitting there.

    I knew God had sent him, to tell me I'm okay, and that Heather is okay too.

  7. Background--report from CAT reported a nodule on the adrenal gland, not a cyst. 9mm and it had shown on the last scan, no change.

    That had the red flags flapping.

    Saw the urologist who said the kidneys were good, and the other issue from the scan was probably scar tissue from a long ago surgery. Recommended scanning in a year and then an office visit.

    I asked him about the adrenal gland and he called it a benign something something,(he had the name) , and wasn't worried about it.

    I got out of dodge quickly!!!


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