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Posts posted by gail

  1. Thanks everyone. I have come in off the ledge.

    tomorrow morning is the ultrasound & visit with the urologist is the following monday. I did see a copy of the report (I usually don't read them :roll: ) and it didn't seem too scary, although it did say there was ANOTHER nodule on the other side that has been there since 2006 and unchanged.

    I know the oncologist would have me in the office in a heartbeat if he thought it was cancer related.


  2. I knew unloading to you guys would help. 8)

    I actually went to the gym for an hour!!!

    Thanks to all of you who replied. I know, I know , I know to not borrow trouble--but the initial panic set in. "Tomorrow is another day"

    Ginny--had the pedicure last week to celebrate my 7 years--already decided it would be a facial.

    Andrea--expected a smack on the head lol--guess motherhood has mellowed you!

    Carol--did you feel my sigh of relief from here?



  3. Stable is very good. And remember what my onc tells me: the size of the nodule depend on how they slice the scan!! He always refers to a loaf of raisin bread. sometimes you slice the raisin, sometimes you don't. Sometimes you slice the fat part, sometimes the thinner part.

    Calm calm calm


  4. We've all been there. It took me until my 3rd cancer that I sought therapy. And I haven't developed a tumor in 7 years! that's the longest I've gone since 1993! I highly recommend it.


  5. When my hair came back after the chemo I wasn't crazy either. Once it started growing and I could style it I loved the ease of wash, fluff, and go. I never had curly hair in my life and yes, the straight hair returned.


  6. My last one was after my first chemo treatment-Nov 97-at the age of 41. They never returned, but for the first year blood tests showed I was NOT in menopause. The hot flashes initially were quite severe, but as quick as they started they disappeared. I didn't take anything for them.

    The loss of estrogen does cause some "intimate" issues, but there are great products for that too!!! And now they are on commercials!


  7. I had chemo with the 2nd breast cancer. I teach school, and went back to work 6 weeks after the mastectomy. I had one treatment before returning to work. An elementary school teacher does not have much down time during the day and I came home exhausted. I was in bed by 7pm. And I had a a 12 year old at home. I was sacrificing my time with him to spend it with other people's children.

    God interceded and sent me an obstacle which caused me to take leave and stay home for 3 months. I was able to pace myself through the day and we had pretty much a normal family life.

    Everyone's experiences are different. You have to do what works best for you and your family. I just wanted to share mine.


  8. Yes, a good looking bunch indeed!

    it was certainly worth the drive, even with the weather.

    BTW lunch buddies, by the time I got back to NJ late Sat night, (had dinner with parents in PA), we were without power, and as of this posting, still don't have it. Hubbie & I are staying in a Hilton :wink:


  9. I think I had those feelings of doom for a very long time. It would come and go. I learned to acknowledge the feeling, spend some time with it, and then let it go.

    See you Saturday!


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