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Patti B

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Posts posted by Patti B

  1. I saw the cover of Enquirer and it just said Obama scare with LC. Says he has been coughing a lot and has lst 25 pounds sine election. I never read anything else because its the Enquirer and I wouldn't trust anything they say. If any of this was true, I would think there would be something on the news about it.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  2. and to make things worse..........theres an article on the internet about a 26 year old girl who got the H1N1 shot and now can only walk backwards or sideways!!! It did something to her neurologically!!!!!

    Makes these decision either harder, doesn't it!!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  3. Hey Pam-

    I am struggling with the decision, too, since this is so new and was manufactured so quickly. My onc at the Cleveland Clinic HAS recommended I get one when its available for patients. The one he stressed that if I decide to get it elsewhere - DO NOT GET THE NASAL SPRAY!!! That one is a live virus!!!

    So I probably will get one and have to talk to Nicks doc if he should get one or not. Both of us always get the seasonal flu shot - Nick does not want the H1N1 shot but when he was younger, he had that viral induced asthma. Hasn't had an attack in years but I still worry.

    I wish this decision was easier for all of us.


    Patti B.

  4. ((((((Tova))))))

    You know I feel like a kindred spirit to your mom since we both underwent WBR at the same time. I am so terribly sorry that all this is happening.

    When you said they might try her on an Alzheimers pill, do you know if it was Memantine???? I am presently on a linical trial using that to see if it helps after WBR.

    Tova - if you need anything or need to talk - just PM me PLEASE.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, your mom and your entire family.

    Hugs - Patti B

  5. ((((Will))))

    Glad you are feeling good. Sorry about this other tumor. Sucks!!!

    I am wishing you tons of luck with the chemo - and with your attitude you will do fine. Please keep us posted!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  6. Jussi-

    I THINK I had some knee pain with my hip mets but everyone is so different and remember you have a sciatic nerve that runs down your leg and the met could be messing with it.

    Ask the doc for some pain meds just in case you need them - with some people, radiation to the bone is somewhat painful for a couple of weeks.

    Keep us posted!!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  7. Bud-

    Another one here who missed the original post - sorry!!!

    So glad to hear that the surgery went well and REALLY happy all her lymph nodes were clear!!!! My mom had a mastectomy 19 years ago with clear lymph nodes and has been cancer-free ever since!!!!

    Keep us posted!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  8. (((((Brian))))

    Seems sometimes like when it rains it pours!!! I am so sorry for all these latest developments.

    Have you been on Gemzar yet??? I have been on them all, you name, I hae been on it and all of a sudden this Gemzar is giving me shrinkage!!! Maybe you might want to try that before a trial.

    As far as WBR goes, I just finished 15 treatments in August. Other than losing my hair AGAIN, I really had no bad side effects at all. I wish that for you, too.

    Oh, and I used to have do give myself those Lovenox shots - fun, huh???? Why you have to give anything to yourself in the stomach is beyond me!!!

    I truly hope none of this interferes with your trip to Ireland - and I hope you have a wonderful time there.

    Hugs - Patti B

  9. Mariola-

    Welcome to the boards - sorry you have he need to be here.

    The others are correct - different people have different reactions to chemo. I have had 63 chemo infusion and have never once gotten sick. So there is hope that they can find one that your dad will do well on. There is also meds to help with his nausea and to help him develop more of an appetite - but you need to ask for them.

    Someone (probably you) must become his advocate and make sure that the docs know everything going on with him. Don't be afraid to ask questions to his medical team and certainly don't hesitate to get another opinion if you feel the need.

    Please keep us posted on how all of you are doing.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  10. Hi Cafe-

    Welcome to this forum. Hope you find a lot of information here.

    I don't understand why they can't do radiation "because noone checked with the insurance in time". Sounds to me like a second opinion with a doc and hospital that knows what they are doing would be a good idea. This is nothing to take slightly and if your BIL (or anyone in the family) feels the least bit uncomfortable with the medical team, RUN, don't walk to a second opinion.

    PLEASE keep us posted.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  11. (((Marissa)))

    I am so sorry you are having to deal with this again. My thoughts are with you.

    I agree a second opinion is ALWAYS a good thing to do. Whatever your decision is, though, we will support you 100%.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  12. Denise-

    I am so sorry that I missed this original post but at least I didn't have to worry about Tom!!!

    Sounds like everything is working out OK which is wonderful.

    You know I have said this about Tom before - YOU CAN'T KEEP A GOOD MAN DOWN!!! He is such a trooper.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  13. Yes, this is an emotional roller coaster to say the least. Comes with the territory I guess. I am a survivor and some days I am floating on cloud nine after a good scan and then before the next scan, I suffer from terrible scanxiety.

    Please let us know more about your husband and keep us posted on how BOTH of you are doing.

    Hugs - Patti B.

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