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Patti B

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Posts posted by Patti B

  1. (((((Tami)))))

    I agree with Sue - maybe a pulmonolgist could help you better than your PCP. And I can't figure out why you are not on some kind of anxiety meds - maybe you should ask.

    Also, and of course please ask your doc first, the burning in your back - if its high up between your shoulder bl;ades, could be acid reflux. Just started for me and I am taking Zantac 75 and it works fast. I read an article recently that lung cancer patients can be susceptible to that and it makes you cough.

    Anyway, I hope you find some answers fast. Not knowing is the worst and I am sure thats causing your anxiety level to skyrocket even more.

    Please take care and keep us posted.

    Hugs - Patti B

  2. Michelle-

    Hope its a BIG bail collection fund!!!!

    I really am not a mean person but I just can't stand to see people being rude to pther people - especially when it comes to something like cancer. Sometimes I think these docs "forget" exactly what they are dealing with.....or maybe thats their way of not getting too attached. But that still doesn't make it right.

    My mom is in her nineties and I had to take her to the ER one night. I was standing in the doorway of her room and these two docs were talking about a nursing home patient coming in with a BP of 80/50. The one doc said top the other doc "gee, thats pretty good. Those old ones usually come in here with a BP of 0/0.......and proceeded to laugh and laugh and laugh. He turned and saw me and almost died himself and believe me, he tried to take off but I let him know how innapropriate that was.

    Theres nothing wrong with being nice to other people!!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  3. Hey Michelle-

    Once again, you ROCK!!!! I am so happy to hear that your hubby is going to get this care.

    I don't know about your state, but here in Ohio, there is an ombudsman through the State of Ohio that deals wih complains on nursing facilites. I had used them to check out some nursing homes for my MIL. They will take complaints and investigate if they feel its necessary. That facility they sent your hubby to should be reported and investigated.

    Good luck and hey, while hes getting his PT, you take a very well desered nap!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  4. I do not have any info on Alimta with MS altho I was on Alimta. There is another member here who has MS and hopefully she will come along soon and give you some information.

    I just really wanted to wish you and your husband good luck. If you don't get enough info here, you can go over to www.cancergrace.com and ask Dr. West. He and the other docs there are great and will answer your questions quickly.

    Good luck and please keep us posted.

    Hugs - Patti B

  5. Michelle-

    I use a website called Drugs.com and am pretty happy with it.

    NOW - I am so mad - how dare a doctor infer that It doesn't matter with patients with advanced cancer???? How DARE he??? I don't care who the patient is or what stage of their disease they are, doctors have no right to feel like some patients don't need the care that others do. That just makes me so mad. hat doc is just lucky I wasn't there with you, Michelle - cause he would be in the ER and you would be posting my bail (I hope :lol: )

    How DARE he!!!!!!!

    Hugs - Patti B

  6. (((((((Michelle)))))

    Sounds like a real nightmare at th place. Good for you for packing him up and taking him home.

    Can you call and find out if theres another rehab place to bring him to??? Call your doc and let him know what happened. Maybe there are other places and it sounds like the one you were at needs to be reported and the docs need to know NOT to send anyone else there.

    Good luck - I am so sorry this is happening to you.

    PLEASE kepp us posted.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  7. Hi everyone-

    I called again today (Saturday) and spoke with her husband. She was napping. She had a radiation treatment yesterday that fatigued her. I told her husband that we are all so worried and I am scared for. I asked him should I be worried and he said no, she is OK. He said as soon as he can get her to the computer, he will have her send us a message.

    I am hoping that since they are still doing radiation that she is just tired.

    I am continuing to pray for her. And I am still scared for her.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  8. I am going to call again tomorrow (Saturday). I called Wednesday and no answer since. I don't want to be a pain to them, but yes, she has people who care so much about her. Thats all I have been doing is thinking about her. I am so scared for her.

    Hugs - Patti B

  9. Hi Kathi-

    I agree with Dana - go over to www.cancergrace.com and ask Dr. West. If anyone knows, he will.

    You are certainly not a loser or weak at all!!! Its hard enough to quit but when we are diagnosed by lung cancer, the anxieties involved make it even harder to quit. If I had not become pregnant with my son 18 years ago, I would probably still be smoking.

    I am wishing you luck both with the quitting of smoking and with your chemo.

    Please keep us updated.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  10. Nick-

    Grilled pineapple sounds yummy - will have to try that!!!!

    My mom used to make kale and Dad said, if mom made it, you had to eat it. Now, I love spinach but kale just doesn't get it for me.

    Since I am not sleeping well, I have been watching some cooking shows on PBS and I really want to try a few. Just hope my NIck doesn't turn his nose up at them.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  11. I talked to her right before she left for her cruise. I knew she was back and have sent her several PMs. No answer.

    Yesterday I called her house and spoke with her husband. Said she was napping and that the cruise took a lot out of her. I asked him to have her call me or email me. I have received no calls or emails.

    I am really worried about her. I will call her again on Saturday and see what information I can get out of her husband.

    I am saying prayers that shes OK.

    Hugs - Patti B.

  12. Good for you, Nick. I don't know if I could stick to that diet or not......especially the kale :cry::cry:

    I have been eating lots more fruits and veggies lately myself because of the decadron weight gain. I have become addicted to fresh pineapple!!! YUM!!!! We have a place where they cut up fresh pineapple in chunks and I eat a bowl of it every night!!! And they have the best sweet corn!!

    Bottom line, I just love to eat!!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  13. Kasey-

    And I will celebrate, too. You are an awesome woman who always knows just the right thing to say to everyone. We love you here and I am so glad to have the privilege to call you my friend.

    Heres to many, many, many more 5 year anniversaries!!!

    Hugs - Patti B.

  14. I am so sorry - you suffered a double loss in such a short time.

    I agree with Randy - go talk to them - tell them about your baby boy - how he is growing, his name and everything you can about him.

    I know they will be smiling down on you.

    Hugs - Patti B.

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