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Posts posted by Ry

  1. We made a big mistake insurance-wise when my husband was first diagnosed but didn't realize it until a few weeks ago. My company's open enrollment period was coming up and we decided to switch my husband and the kids onto my insurace. It's an HMO and would take pre-existing conditions, no problem (his is a PPO that stinks). He called the HR person and said he wanted to drop his dependents (we decided he'd have double insurance for awhile). They said sorry you can't make any changes including dropping dependents until open enrollment. According to the policy any changes after his "life changing event" would have had to have been made within 31 days of the event.

    So, just a cautionary note to read your policies and handbooks carefully after diagnosis because you may wish to make chages once someone is out of work awhile and you wont' be able to. We now have to pay double until December when they can all be dropped off.

  2. Dave, I am so glad you are listening to your body and taking the time you need for yourself. We'll all do fine. I know how tired and worn out the chemo makes you.

    You have always been wonderful and supportive so let us support you now. Put your health first and Im sure anyone will accept any job you come up with.

  3. As Ginny said, start with the HR person at your company. They should be your advocate if you feel you are being jerked around. My husband is also on disability and had to provide many statements too in the beginning. The long term disability seems to run a little smoother. Don't forget to apply for Social Security disabilty when you get close to being off 6 months.

  4. If it is any consolation to you my husband's cancer reacted best to the gemzar. It did not get it all but he got a much better result than with, the carbo/taxol and taxotere. It killed a major portion of his tumors. He is now on Iressa. Best wishes for a great result.

  5. Becky, take heart, just cause the tumor hasn't shrunk, that doesn't mean it's alive. It could be dead. They cannot tell if the cells are dead or alive until they do a PET scan. Hopefully you'll have surgery and they'll be taking out a big dead thing. Wishing you all the best. :P

  6. Questions like this are why I'm glad my picture isn't posted so my in-laws won't l know it's me! I feel your pain, it gets especially hard as the spouse (or caregiver) when you are so low and you get crap from others. The selfishness especially sends me through the roof. It also drives me nuts that one person in particular acts like he has the flu or something. So my answer is closer to everyone but the in-laws who don't have a clue what kind of stress we're under.

  7. Cathy, do you think you can talk him into just one more doctor? I think the referral to the lung cancer clinic was an excellent idea. That's all they do. Ask for Dr. Kalemkarian, he is the head of the lung cancer clinic at U of M. We were there for the 2nd opinion.

    Best wishes to you and your dad.

  8. Well David, we have something in common other than lung cancer, we both have adopted Asian children. My husband and I have a son and daughter from Korea and a biological daughter. My husband found the chemo seemed to have an accumulative effect, that it got harder on him after each treatment. Get lots of rest and drink lots and lots of fluids, it will really help.

    Also, since you are a believer in the power of the mind, I would reccomend Bernie Siegel's books. We got them on tape to listen to in the car on the way to treatments or during treatment. They are very calming. Best wishes to you. If you join us in the chat room on Wednesday as Dave G suggests, you have to go by Ed or something as we have too many Daves! :)

  9. When the oncologist told my husband his tumor was inoperable, our family doctor sent us for a 2nd opinion. He said that the surgeons at our hospital were "conservative" and that surgeons at the University of Michigan may have another opinion on surgery. So we went and although he was still considered inoperable, we were glad they went over his treatment plan and said they would be doing the same things there. So it does at least give you peace of mind that you're headed the right way.

    Also, the doctors on the team thought they saw growth in the arenal gland

    on the film that the others had missed, so sometimes you need a second set of eyes looking at those films.

    For myself, years ago a 2nd opinion saved my life. I had just graduated from college and became horribly ill with fevers up to 105 and pneumonia. I was in and out of emergency, finally admitted and seen by a lung specialist after lung specialist. I became sicker and sicker and I knew I my body was failing. They finally called in an internist, he walked in and made the diagnosis in about one minute. How? He had lost another patient years ago to the same disease and recognized it. While everyone was concentrating on a lung infection, it was actually a heart infection (endocarditis) from having my teeth cleaned at the dentist! So everyone has different things to bring to the table.

  10. Well it sounds like you have been doing reading on alternatives and researching and that's good. I'm curious why he went right to a trial instead of trying the tradional chemo/radiation first. Usually the trial is after other things have failed. I would ask about radiation along with the chemo and question the doctor as to his treatment plan.

    As to what you can do, certainly supplements and vitamins will help build his system up to withstand the chemo. You can also make sure you read up on diet and make lots of healthy meals with fresh vegetables especially broccoli and spinach. Best wishes to both of you.

  11. Your mom's situation is very similar to my husbands. The problem with the surgery is due to the tumor in the mediastinum. It is hard to get in there and take a tumor out and get a "clean field" around it. There are many nerves and vessels in that area that make it difficult to operate. If they cannot get a clean field they run the risk of it getting into her system and spreading. Also, in my husbands case it is on a major blood vessel. With him, they did chemo and radiation, stopped to evaluate whether surgery was possible (it wasn't) and then continued on with treatment. I beleve most protocols call for chemo to see if the tumor shrinks enogh for removal. I was also very surprised with everything they do now that they could not operate in that area.

  12. My husband has a port. They started his chemo right away so he had 2 treatments without the port. It was terrible the second time. One of his veins leaked and the chemo went into his arm. He had to have several shots into the hand and arm to neutralize the chemo. The port was no problem having put in and it is much easier. Just make sure you get the creme that numbs the port site prior to treatmetnt, that way you don't feel the needle go in.

  13. Not much to add except to say I remember being where you are now. I thought I would never stop crying. We were fortunate that a co-worker of my husbands that had had cancer came by with all these books and tapes about cancer. Most were incredibly helpful. One of the things in the bag was a set of tapes of Bernie Siegels books. We would play them on the way to treatment and whenever we were in the car going somewhere. They were so calming, they were the only thing that helped during those first crazy weeks. I reccomed them as he gives practical advice on beating cancer as well as inspiration.

  14. My husband went through three different treatments the first made him ill, the 2nd, taxotere was very hard on him. When he went to the 3rd, he lost most of his hair but not all. I thought it must not be working because he didn't lose all his hair and he wasn't sick. I just knew it would be more bad news, but no this was the one that worked the best (gemzar). So you see, you can't tell from how you feel.

  15. Damage to the heart is a possibility from radiation or from chemo. My husband never experienced any problems with his heart until now. The cardiologist said it could be due to the radiation or the chemo, they're working on finding that out now. He is going for a stress echo Tues. His condition is cardiomyopothy or a "weak heart" he is taking drugs now to see if they help.

  16. Well this came up in the chat room one night and as we were all chatting it became apparent that different states have different rules regarding pre-existing conditions. Some have a waiting period before coverage etc. I have just checked into putting my husband onto my insurance because his is so crappy and it was no problem. In Michigan it's not a problem. So you need to check in your state.

  17. The Revlon web page shows additional sponsors of the Revlong Walk/Run as the Entertainment Industry Foundation and the New York Times. Maybe we need to write the New York Times! Also the 2nd Walk/Run takes place May 10th in Los Angeles. To find this go to Revlon.com and click on the Walk/Run, that takes you to another page.

    I noticed on the ALCASE site that one mother is doing the walk in honor of her daughter that died of lung cancer to raise Revlon's awareness. She is getting a team together.

  18. Tammy, where is her tumor? If it is on major vessels or in the mediastinum they may feel it can't be safely removed. HOWEVER, if it shrinks with chemo or radiation (depending on the location) she may be able to be operated on in the future.

    Several people on this board were also told they were inoperable and were able to be operated on successfully. So take heart, things may change.

    Your mom's case is much like my husbands, he also had no symptoms till wham ~ the tumor started to cut the blood supply returning to his heart. See if you can get info on why they feel they can't operate.

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