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Posts posted by Ry

  1. Today I sent an e-mail to Mitch Albom asking him to do something on his show during November for lung cancer awareness month. He replayed old interviews with Warren and did a nice tribute to him on his show. I thought he might want to honor him further by doing something for others with lung cancer.

    The tribute by David Letterman was also very nice. He was almost teary as he talked about him and the band played all Warren Zevon music the entire night. Haven't e-mailed him yet.

    Norme, Warren used to play piano for the Everly brothers. Does that go back far enough for you? :lol:


    No cooking with Judy during chat? No salivating over what Judy is making for dinner during chat? No jokes, no insulting Dave G, no.... oh my God I need a Zanax.

    Seriously Judy, we all wish the best for you. Thanks for the update Dave 8) our chat host.

  3. Hey luc,

    We went to our primary care physician and he referred us to another cancer center, sent all records etc. When we got the news that our cancer center felt surgery was not possible we discussed it with our primary and he sent us to the U of MI. hospital for a second opinion. As he explained to us, these guys have so much business they couldn't care less. Also, our oncologists seemed happy we went, weren't offended at all but then U of M concurred with their opinion.

  4. You are right it does need to start earlier. My husband told me he remembers smoking at age 5. He and his buddies had a little camp in the woods and they would steal their mother's cigarettes and smoke them at the camp. Wonder they didn't start a major fire!

    The posters are a great idea.

  5. Hey Gina, thanks for letting us know it's back on again. I want to send an e-mail to my musician brother-in-law to watch it. My husband missed the beginning last time so he can see the entire show.

  6. Actually he elected to delay treatment until he finished his last album. He was afraid he wouldn't be able to sing and finish the cd. He talks about this in the special and also how he would start chemo as soon as it was done. Don't you remember him joking with Dave Barry about how he'd look without hair and where he said he thought it was a sin not to want to live?

    I bought his new cd last weekend. I think it's wonderful, he says a lot of good-byes to people through songs. I especially like "Keep Me in Your Heart."

    Mitch Albom is playing past interviews with him on his radio show and doing a tribute as I write this.


    So happy you are scheduled for surgery! Barbara's "rate the pain" comment reminded me of when I was in labor. The nurse asked me to "rate the pain between 1 and 10. I answered "52". My husband looks at her and says, "I think it really hurts!"

    All the best, have Jack keep us posted. Where are you hiding him?

  8. Hi Heather,

    Unfortunately we have something in common. My husband was also diagnosed due to Vena Cava Syndrome. He had a pressure in his head and went to the doctor. Due to our primary doctor being very aggressive and going past the schedulers, we had the CT, biopsy, and radiation started within 24 hours! Once the pressure was relieved he felt much better. The body is an amazing thing, the blood will find new paths back to the heart.

    We were also told to go and get our affairs in order, take a trip or do whatever we wanted to do. Our doctor said, "If I told you that you had 2 weeks to live what would you want to do?" Like you father, my husband also decided he could prove the doctor wrong. He went through three different chemo therapies with some success and was later put on Iressa. His tumor is shrinking with the Iressa and he feels pretty well now.

    He was diagnosed in June of last year and he was only given 4 months. Your dad is right there is hope, many people on this board have been living with their cancer for a long time, and others are cancer free.

  9. Yes Judy, if they didn't think your mom had a chance they wouldn't be doing surgery. SURGERY IS A GOOD THING! There are so many here that are inoperable. I am guessing she is at a 3A stage if they are operating. All the best to your mom that they are able to remove it all.

  10. Well from reading this board for so long now, it seems that a lot of the older people are given a break from chemo and treatment to regroup and get their strength back. It sure does seem like she could use a rest. Also, some of her problem may be due to dehydration, especially the stumbling. We've had several members end up in the hospital from dehydration. Try pushing fluids and see if it makes a difference.

  11. So sorry to hear that you are experiencing yet ANOTHER setback. We are all here pulling for you & Bill. Thanks for keeping us posted, I was wondering how you all were doing.

  12. How nice for you both, it will be great. South Carolina is our favorite vacation spot. Don't worry about the drive, I think you'll find it's not as long as you think. We usually stop in Kentucky when we make the drive and we do it much faster than 11 hours. Are you staying on the ocean? There is nothing better than listening to the ocean at night.

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