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Posts posted by SandraL

  1. great news. Yes I understand your thinking about the trial and the placebo. I am hoping to start on a trial soon and am wondering how batty I am going to drive myself wondering if I am getting treatment or placebo. Don't think I will have option of being unblinded though.

    again, great news, stop that cancer dead in it's tracks. And 6 weeks for this disease is not going to make any darn difference. take care

  2. hey there. I agree with everyone else here. Very early on a nurse told me not to ask for what I did not want to hear or believe. I told my doctor I did not want to hear any statistics. So, you have heard them once, tell your doctor the same. Chemo ain't great...but it ain't so bad either. And you will find care at cancer clinic absolutely phenomenal and be inspired by other patients. Never give up.

  3. Hi Lori. I figured out the low profile of lung cancer quite quickly once I got it. And I got mad. Getting media attention can be quite difficult as I found out. Lung cancer is simply not news but should be. I got media contacts from friends and from my cancer clinic. I ended up having some success with radio, tv and local newspaper, but boy did I have to be persistent. It can be done though if you have the energy. I plan to do more in the future. You go girl.

  4. Telling and having my kids live with this has been the toughest part for me. You have to tell them for sure as they intuitively know anyways.

    Telling mine was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but it actually went better than I thought it would. Mine are 11 and 13. I told them, and I told them I wasn't going to die, I was going to fight and be strong. And that they have cancer clinics to cure people. I told them that what I needed from them was for them to carry on with their normal lives the best they could and that nothing would change for them. We were playing monopoly within an hour of telling them. And they have been so great, carrying on like troopers.

    I have found though that they do worry more than you might think. All kids are different though and deal with it differently. My son was much more worried than my daughter.

    I was never more happy than to tell them the good results after my first line treatment. They continue to worry though I know, and the best thing I can continue to do is try to help them not to worry. Kids really don't deserve this...but they have amazed me in how they have dealt with it.

    My best wishes to you and your family.

  5. hey there. You are definitely not alone. I have 2 young children and I have found that one of the most frightening aspects to deal with through all of this. Nobody here deserves any of this, especially our kids. I have done well on treatment and am sure you can too.

  6. My prayers are with you. Is this the START clinical trial with the Liposome vaccine. If so I am planning to go on that as well and would be interested in talking to you more about your experience on it.

  7. Hi there. I know how you feel. You do not know what to expect and wonder what will happen. Everyone reacts differently for sure. I did not suffer too badly from radiation or chemotherapy. With radiation, very much depends on where they are radiating. The attitude I took though, was that they tell you all the possible side effects...but I decided I was not going to suffer from them. I think attitude can play a big part. On the other hand, some people are just more susceptible to side effects. And you just have to go with what you get and deal with it as you can. Really watch out for that nasty constipation thing...get on top of that as quickly as possible...think it is mostly from anti-nausea meds. Drink drink drink...and follow constipation protocol.

  8. Add my prayers to the list. She has done so well so far, no reason to think that just won't keep happening. The waiting is awful though and most people here have gone through that. And I would also say that you folks in states seem very lucky with your access to PET scans. Seem much more common place than where I live. So something to be thankful for.

  9. thank you everyone for your support and helping me to enjoy my good news. Wish someone had told me about the "virtual" pub sooner though...does that mean you're not allowed to have a real drink?

  10. Hi all. I finally have "official" results from CT scan after my 1st line chemo/radiation treatment for Stage 3b and I honestly don't think they could have been better! I was told that my response has been "excellent" and that I could possibly have "a complete positive response". CT scan showed no evidence of mass on left lung or in lymph nodes. I don't think it gets any better than that...I am still a bit numb from hearing those results. But I am starting to feel like a very dark cloud has lifted and the sun is a shinin'. And that now I can just move on after all this waiting and wondering, and get on with LIFE.

    I'll be joining Patti tonight in a little wine.

    It is so nice to be able to tell all your loved ones and relieve their minds of all their worrying. And my doctor was just so darn pleased today to give me the news...it must be so nice for them when they are able to do that.

    WOW, what a day. So, a toast to all us survivors out there, and our loved ones, and our caring doctors. And to whoever it is out there that is watching out for us all.

  11. Oh Patti. I have been checking for your post many times today as well...and hoping and praying. This is awesome news.

    Sorry about your adventures with cars...I can sympathize as used to live in weather such as yours.

    Drink away girl...I will be pouring one for myself and toasting your good news. We are sisters in good news today. I will be posting mine next.

    I am so pleased for you, your son and your hubby.


  12. welcome Chris. I am about a month ahead of you in treatment. Had combo curative doses of both chemo and radiation. My hair is all gone, and I really liked it. You must have had different chemo meds than I. It is a ride for sure. Lots of ups and downs. I have found the information and the folks on this site very helpful. I'm going to see my med onc tomorrow for the official word on results to date.

    I will also be starting on a clinical trial soon. It's a vaccinne, trial is called START. It's for 3a or b folks who have had both chemo and radiation and have had a positive response. Let me know if you would like some more information on that.

    take care and take time to read lots of profiles on this site..they have given me further reason for hope

  13. Wow is right! I am glad you joined in. You have given me even more hope in what otherwise has been a very challenging week for me. It took me a long time to "join in" too, so I know what bravery that takes. Seems like so many of you here know each other so well. You are so welcoming to us forest dwellers none the less.

    Keep up the good spirits....you have been a very positive inspiration to me. Thank you

  14. good afternoon. I am wondering if any of you at either stage above could identify yourself for me. It would really help me to look at your medical histories as I go through my own journey. thanks in advance for your help

  15. hey there. I have just recently completed pretty much the exact same treatments, same drugs, 30 radiation treatments, etc. My last 2 rounds of chemo though were after not during radiation.

    I did not suffer really from radiation. Maybe a bit tired.

    The chemo definitely got me though, and my tastebuds for sure not to mention my mood. I found I bounced back from chemo about a week after though. Best advice I got I think, was to drink, drink, drink tons of water. And if able to exercise, do it. I know exercise really helped me through my treatments.

    The bottom line is though, that everyone is different and will recover from treatments in their own time. I think I was very lucky in not suffering too badly.

    I hope your mom starts feeling better soon.

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