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Posts posted by SandraL

  1. Well you are alot braver than me. It took me months to actually post something on this site. I am also IIIB. I've been through the 1st line radiation and chemo. And really, it wasn't that bad for me...lucky I guess. I took the attitude that they tell you about all these side effects...but doesn't mean they are necessarily going to happen to you. It's not all great for sure...but I found all the staff at the cancer clinic so awesome...I am sure that is the case in other places as well. Special people go to cancer clinics (like all of us on this site) and very special people work at them. Other thing I decided from the get go was that they have cancer clinics to "cure" people...and what the heck...why wouldn't you or I or anyone else be one of those folks who are cured. It all seems to happen so fast at the beginning...but I found that once I had a treatment plan I felt much better. Ups and downs throughout for sure...but a positive attitude goes a long way. Keep your spirits up please. My thoughts and prayers are with you...as are many other kind people on this site supporting people like you and me.

  2. thanks everyone for your help. I consulted with the cancer clinic this morning. And then went and had urine checked. Turns out it is a "normal" bladder infection. I've never had one of those before. I am kind of embarassed that I panicked last night. I guess I just don't know what is normal anymore. I'll try to think first before blasting off a post next time.

    thanks Connie re info on David. I am aware of his story and he spoke at a Lung Cancer Awareness Day that we had here last November. We have a lung cancer support group here in Victoria and I think he sometimes attends that. I haven't yet met him in person but maybe I will if he drops in for that. We don't have a huge turnout at our support group though...and I originally thought there just weren't too many people with LC at our clinic. I'm told yes there are many, but most not healthy enough to attend. So, I am just darn pleased that I do feel good enough to get myself there. And also pleased to have found this website and you good people who rush to help when needed.

    thanks all and have a great weekend

  3. Has anyone experienced this? I see it is listed as a side effect of my chemo, but my last chemo was a number of weeks ago. It's not the time of the month thing ( I know... too much information!). And I'm thinking it would not be scar tissue from radiation (but it seems a bit more than just blood...)I will be phoning clinic tomorrow morning to ask about. Am somewhat concerned though and would appreciate hearing from anyone who has experienced similar. thanks for your help, PM me please if you don't want to share with all.

  4. Hey there.

    I am at Stage IIIB and have been through chemo and radiation. I am kicking myself for not pursuing surgery earlier. And although an oncologist will discuss surgery with you, think one also needs to discuss directly with a surgeon. They sometimes operate as a team and discuss cases together. I am going to push for that now. After reading lots of good info here, I am now feeling a bit better about not pursuing surgery earlier, as it does seem that more potential after chemo and radiation. But please ask for chemo if it is not offered. I think you have had to have both from what I have read.

    I was SOOO scared before I went to the clinic and talked to oncologists about my treatment plan. I felt much better after talking with them....knowing there was a plan and next steps. I took a deep breath after that.

    It's alot of ups and downs for sure...and you can't be positive all of the time. Just take it one day at a time.

    Best wishes

  5. Good Sunday morning everyone.

    I am scheduled to start a clinical trial assuming I have had some positive response to treatments so far.

    It's called START-Stimulating Targeted Antigenic Responses to NSCLC

    Is anyone else out there is participating in this trial? I would love to hear what your experience has been on it.

    It is being offered to Stage III patients. Was done in Canada first with small sample size and is now bing down worldwide.

    You can participate in this study if you have a stable or positive response to chemo and radiation (had to have had both). Also would be happy to share more info on this.

  6. Hello again. You guys were so great answering my first question I thought I would try again.

    I have read many of your stories and you are an amazing group of people who have gone through so much more than me. My journey has seemed fairly straight ahead so far and I get overwhelmed when I read your stories and all the different things everyone has gone through.

    So get on with it lady right..here's my question:

    Can a CT scan and chest x-ray really tell if cancer is gone from the lymph nodes?

  7. I am so sorry to hear of your disappointment. I am also IIIB and just posted today asking for some info on surgery. So just by doing that you and your sister should know that you helped someone. I've got an appt booked with a surgeon to explore any options I may or may not have. And am awaiting results from post treatment CT scans.

    I wanted to tell you that I have been offered a clinical trial assuming radiation and chemotherapy have had some positive impact. It's called the liposome vaccine. Very little risk and if I need to stop to go on something else then that can be done at any time.

    The trial has been in Canada with a small sample size (a little over 200) and is now being done worldwide. If you would like some more information on this trial let me know and I can send it to you.

    My prayers for a speedy recovery for your sister. You must be an awesome brother.

  8. Hi all. I am looking for some information from anyone who has had successful surgery with Stage III B. What factors permitted surgery? What risks were considered?

    I have recently completed radiation and chemo treatments for Stage IIIB. Am now waiting for results from post treatment CT scan/chest x ray.

    Prior to this treatment I had been told that surgery was not an option. I am kicking myself for not following up on that more thorougly at the time. However, now have appointment booked with surgeon to make sure I understand and if there are options. I have a pleural effusion that cannot be ruled out as malignant.

    There is an intense subcarinal lymph node metastasis present (where the heck is that?). And, an additional small lymph node very near to the lef hilar portion (no idea what that means, most likely a tracheobronchial angle lymph node.

    thanks in advance for help.

  9. Hello from beautiful Victoria BC Can to all you fellow lung cancer survivors out there. I am 43 years old and was diagnosed with LC (Stage IIIB) in Sept 07. I'm a wife and mother of 2 young children. I am currently in active treatment (6 weeks of radiation complete) and a 4th round of chemo scheduled in January. I am feeling pretty good and have and intene to continue to do some positive things (radio, newspaper, TV) to raise awareness and public support for this darn disease. My kids are very positive and I just hope I haven't freaked them out too much with my public profile. Does anyone have any words of wisdom in helping your kids through this?

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