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Everything posted by Robbi

  1. Zoneton (Kentucky) I have NO idea how big it is, but it's really a city.
  2. Union (there are many states with a "UNION"--one of them must be fairly large) '
  3. JOYOUS!!!!!!! When my kids were teenagers they brought so much joy to my life!!
  4. Mousse and it HAS to be chocolate
  5. ICE CREAM I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!!!!!!
  6. I went back to work today after being off since the beginning of January to care for my mom. I was so worried about going back, but it ended up being a good day. I received so much support from my co-workers--I was overwhelmed. Robbi
  7. Robbi

    Letting Go

    Carrie, I am so, so sorry for your loss. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless, Robbi
  8. Carrie, First let me say, I am SO sorry you are going through this. I just did myself. My mom passed away March 31. The last few days hospice had mom on morphine and ativan. The morphine was liquid and they would put it in her cheek. They also would put the ativan (pill form) in her cheek at the same time and it would dissolve. The combo of the two seemed to really relax her. My mom seemed very comfortable and I hope went peacefully. She wasn't agitated at the end---just seemed to be sleeping. (for the most part) I insisted she get her medicine (at the end) VERY regularly--I didn't want her in any pain. My moms heart rate and pulse were up and down the last few days. Her blood pressure started to decrease the last few days. Hospice gave me a great booklet called, "GONE FROM MY SIGHT"--the dying experience. It's written by Barbara Karnes. It really helped me a lot. It explains what many patients experience during the last stage of their life. (months, weeks, to days before death) You might ask your hospice if they have a copy you can read. My mom was not ordered oxygen---but, everyone is different, so I hate to comment on that. Carrie--just keep talking to her and let her know everything you want her to know. I did this and have such peace because of it. I have no regrets except she got that horrible cancer in the first place AND that she and I didn't have more time at the end. My mom passed less than three months after her diagnosis. You are in my thoughts and prayers and if you want anymore information you can always pm me. God Bless, Robbi
  9. Robbi

    My mom is gone

    My mom passed away yesterday, March 31, at 9:15 am. I thought I was prepared for it--I was wrong. I can't imagine life without her. I do know she's in a better place, though. She's cancer free and in no pain. She's also reunited with my daddy who passed October 25, 2007. Robbi
  10. My mom passed away at 9:15 this morning. I can't believe how fast the time went from her diagnosis. I am so sad, but realize she is in a better place AND is now reunited with my dad. Thank you for your prayers Robbi
  11. Moms time is close. Please pray that she goes peacefully. I think right now she is comfortable. I pray it continues. The time since her diagnosis went so fast. She seemed to be OK one day and it seemed over night she wasn't. Thank you, Robbi
  12. Robbi

    American Idol

    I LOVE American Idol. I look forward to it every week. My favorites are David Cook, Michael Johns, and Brooke White. My 19 year old daughter calls David Cook "her boy". I have to say I agree with many people--this is one of the best seasons for AI. Just my opinion-- Robbi
  13. My mom was admitted to the hospital on Wednesday because of extreme weakness. She hadn't been eating well since her chemo treatment. Her oncologist told me that day he felt she should go to a skilled nursing facility when released so she could gain some strength back. So, yesterday my husband and I looked at two and found one we were happy with. Yesterday when I got to the hospital plans had changed. One of the residents that works closely with her oncologist told me he (her oncologist) doesn't think she should go to skilled nursing and that hospice needs to be called because the end is near. I am so taken back by this. I knew this could happen--knew how horrible this disease is, but she was only diagnosed in January. Where's her six months? Where's her year? There are things I told her we'd do and now we won't be able to. Am I wrong in feeling he needs to be honest with her and tell her the end is near. She has been in denial since being diagnosed. She used to tell people especially in the beginning that she didn't believe she had cancer and they had made a mistake. I feel she should be told the truth so SHE has time to do anything she wants. Make calls to people, make plans of any sort--just do what SHE wants to do. Does this make sense? Am I wrong in thinking she has the right to know the truth? I'm going to call the doctors office this morning and ask for a family consult. I NEED and want some questions answered. I have to make plans and figure out what I'm going to do. I'm just so sad and scared. Scared for her, but selfishly for me too. I will write more when I can. Thank you, Robbi
  14. What does SOB stand for? I've tried to figure it out and just can't. Thank you, Robbi
  15. To all.... Thank you for responding. Mom had an appointment with her doctor last Wednesday and at that time blood was drawn. Her Doc said labs were fine. So, I don't know?????????? I am trying so hard to get her to eat and drink. She literally will take one bite of food, make a face, and put the plate down. I have told her over and over if she doesn't eat and drink more she WILL end up in the hospital. Yesterday she was only out of bed for 30 minutes which was a first. During chemo, did anyone take some kind of pill that increased their appetite? The only thing is this, I really do NOT want to see her on steriods if at all possible. She was on decadron for a while and it changed her personality--in not a very good way, either. She's still asleep now, but my goal for the day is to GET HER UP, dressed and eating more than yesterday. (one day at a time is definitely my motto ) Thank you for this wonderful forum. It has been a lifeline for me. Robbi
  16. My mom had chemo (taxol/carbo) almost three weeks ago. She is not bouncing back like I thought she might. She's not eating at all. I take her food and she'll eat one bite and put it down. I keep telling her she has to eat or she's going to end up in the hospital. She literally sleeps most of the day--today she never got out of bed, which is a first. She usually gets to the couch in the family room for the day and sleeps there. Her oncologist did order a MRI of her brain last Friday. That came back 'stable'. I would assume that means no new mets--and the tumor hasn't shrunk but is stable. I'm only guessing--I'll find out more at her doctor appointment next Monday. I know my mom is elderly (84) but I'm wondering if ANYONE had this experience after chemo. I also think her radiation might have contributed to this as well. She had 15 radiation treatments and radio surgery right before chemo. Thanks for any advice you might give me. Robbi
  17. Robbi

    Pain in hip

    I'm wondering what really shows up in a PET scan. Does all cancer show up? Does a person need a bone scan to see if cancer is in the bones? Mom has had so much pain in her back and now her hip has been bothering her. Nothing showed up in her PET scan in January, so.........Any thoughts or suggestions would help. Thank you, Robbi
  18. Karen, I know how frightening this time is for you and your mom. My mom was only diagnosed the first of January. You have definitely come to the right place, though. I just joined here myself, but I know how much support and love everyone here has for one another. I lurked for a long time before I joined. Best of luck to you and your mom. I'll be thinking of you and praying for the very best. Robbi
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