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Posts posted by ginnyde

  1. Absolutely beautiful day here in suburban Philadelphia, sunny, no humidity and high in the low 70's. Of course, I am in work, not on a golf course.

    It seems like a lot of good news came out of last weeks meeting in Chicago. Hopefully, it can help our dear friends here.

    I used to play MahJongg years ago. Stopped playing after I met Earl - MahJongg or love, decision was easy. Started playing again about 15 years ago, one every two weeks. Played for big $$$, $2.00. Stopped when Earl got sick. Just started again, it is really fun.

    Does anybody play bunko? I am a game player. Addicted to both Lexulous and Rummikub on FB. Married a man who hated games. How did that happen? Fortunately, my two children inherited my game gene.

    What is everyone doing today?

  2. Most on my mind = missing.

    My Father

    My Mother

    My 2 sisters

    and mostly my dear husband.

    Only Earl served in the service - Air Force. He served during the early part of Vietnam but never left the states.

    I think the saddest part of today is remembering that so many of those killed in war are young, way too young.

    We had fireworks last night, bang, bang, bang for what seemed like hours. Earl used to laugh at me when we went to fireworks. I said WOW at each boomer. I am like a little kid with fireworky holidays.

    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  3. I have been around here forever. The love of my life died in 2004 and yet here I stay with nothing to offer except compassion and a tiny amount of understanding.

    I joined here prior to the date that shows, but lost my first sign on. It is very sad to see this site get less attention, it offered me so much during Earl's journey.

    I follow each of you like you are my long lost relative. I revel in your triumphs and hurt in your losses. My wish is only for some loud recognition of this horrendous disease, and some incredible funding to help research a cure.

    Wish I knew how to get more people to come here, to share their stories, to offer support, to bring forward new information.

    It is 10:30 on Sunday night. It was a wonderful day with golf and food and friends. I hope you all had a wonderful day with your family and friends. Good night and bless you all.

  4. Hot as hell and very humid here. BUT I am playing 27 holes of golf tomorrow. No 'you are an idiot' remarks.

    Went to the local farmers market today. Bought a great hanging basket, purple, yellow and white, really pretty. Also, got a sinful brown sugar pound cake. Ate one slice and wrapped the rest in slices and froze it. I have no will power.

    As I am typing, the sky has gotten very dark and noisy.

    I hope you are all enjoying this holiday weekend. Susan, you are one smart lady to tell The Man that you don't work on holidays.

    Judy, keep posting.

  5. Janet, I have had what they used to call 'opthamalic(sp) cluster migraines' for years. I get what looks like a lighting flash that has been cut with pinking shears. It starts out small and then gets bigger and bigger and disappears after about 15 minutes. Years ago, I would get a mild headache after the 'light' disappeared. No headache for many a year now.

    I can get them a couple of times a day or not get any for a few months or anywhere in between. They are very common. They have new name but I can't remember it.

    When I get them, my close vision is more affected than my distance. Had an episode on the golf course on Sat.

    Doctor told me they could be due to stress.

    Hope this helps.

  6. Hi First Airer, It is supposed to rain here this afternoon and we need it alot. Dry as punk in these here woods. But after today the weather looks perfect, for golf that is.

    Judy KW, please let us know how you are, we care about you.

    Looks like a lot of folks are going to the Hope Summit. It is a great thing to get together and share.

    My Easter was wonderful. Most of my family were at my house and everyone got along, we laughed, we ate and we were merry. Life is good.

    Great news for Jamie.

    Judy MI has had a rough road, many prayers that it smooths out.

    Andrea, many hearts and hugs are out there for you. I really believe that losing your Mother is very hard, no one every thinks you are as smart, beautiful and funny as one's Mother.

    Enjoy spring.

  7. Andrea, I am so very sorry. I know that she was your very best friend and you will miss her so very much. You are in my prayers and thoughts for the days and years ahead. You had such a special relationship with your Mother. Always remember this. Hugs and more hugs to you dear Andrea.

  8. Happy 2 days after April Fool's Day everyone.

    Little bird - big hawk. I was on the tee box on the golf course (where else would I be) when I was attacked by a hissing goose that was protecting her out of site nest. We had to chase mommy or daddy away with my Calaway Diablo club. They are fearsome.

    Last year there was this hawk that thought golf balls were her eggs, is all we can guess. She kept swooping down and trying to pick up her 'eggs'. Took a lot of convincing that they were not her babies.

    The only other bird story I have is that the geese leave a lot behind on the course. Enough said. It does improve your dance steps however.

    Judys, we all hope that these latest hiccups are only a nudge and that your body adjusts to this assault and is easy on you both.

  9. Judy, I have no advice, so wish I did. But I wish I could climb thru this wire and encourage, encourage, encourage. Please try and think of this as a bump in this journey which will get you to a successful destination. I know, easy for me to say.

    My only suggestion is on the phone to your dr. asap and get some high tech medicine to ease the discomfort of these sores.

    You can do this Judy, just keep the goal in site.


  10. I am going to stop your run Judy, hehe.

    Glad the arm is on the right road. I admire your attitude about the rotten journey that you are on right now, but keep in mind that you will reach your destination and your life will return to a new normal. Many people are routing you on.

    I love global warming, more golf, lower heating bills. What's to complain about.

    I hope Judy KW begins to feel better.

  11. Judy, you continue to amaze me. Yes, live your life with joy each and every day. Scream and yell and curse as required to get rid of the cra* and bring the joy back.

    You are my hero.

  12. Kelly, my friend was dx'd with ext. small cell probably 4 to 5 years ago. She is doing very well and has be moved from 3 month scans to 6 months scans. Only problem is some neuropathy in her feet. She considers this a small problem. She is living life to its fullest.

    I wish your Mother the same success.

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