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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. I drove to work this morning. I'm a bit leery of those ice patches Dawn mentioned, plus I need to pick up a roof rack for my truck after work.

    I hope you can make it Monday, Dawn. It would be great to meet you! Rose is iffy, for the group. Mondays are chemo days for her right now, and she ends up a combination of dizzy from the Benadryl and hyped up from the steroids. She did feel well enough to go out for an anniversary dinner last night, though.

    Best wishes for your hubby, Ann! Have a great day, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    Don't you love it when there are multiple Airs done at the same time? It was 30 degrees with a stiff north wind when I got up this morning. I had to drop a bike off at the bus station, so I drove to work rather than riding.

    Sorry you aren't feeling well, Judy. But glad you've been feeling better, Donny. Enjoy the new guitar.

    Rose and I got married 24 years ago, today. To celebrate our anniversary, Rose is having chemo today. She reminded me that, two years ago on our anniversary, I was having chemo. Sheesh.....

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good evening, everyone!

    It was sunny and 48 degrees this afternoon, and it did a surprising job of melting almost all the snow.

    I had planned on stopping by here this morning, but the day's plans took a quick left turn when I got an offer from a man wanting to buy a bike I've had for sale for a couple of weeks. I ended up spending the day cleaning, disassembling, and packing it for shipment to Florida.

    I hope everyone had a great Saturday.

  4. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 31 degrees as I set off for work this morning. After more than 24 hours of steady snow coming down, it finally quit a couple of hours ago. We had just under 13 inches of snow from the storm, easily a record for the most snow we've ever had on the ground here.

    The roads were slushy, but traffic was light, and I had no problem getting to work. It's a thin crew at work today, but if a CNC machine breaks down, I'm here.

    Have a great day, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone! Enjoy your potluck meeting, Judy.

    It is 32 degrees here with two inches of snow on the ground, and it's still snowing hard, so no bike ride this morning. It's supposed to stay in the 30's all day. I was glad my drive to work isn't too long, today.

    Have a great day, all!

  6. "Ann"]I had no idea there are tools that help you put your socks on!!!

    Wow, I could have used that for a couple of weeks after my lung surgery!

    Sorry to hear that so many are still getting slammed with the winter weather. It's going to be a bit iffy here tomorrow, but temps are supposed to stay above freezing, so hopefully things won't get too bad.

  7. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 29 degrees here when I headed to work on the bike this morning. Yesterday's howling winds are gone, though, so it was an easier ride to work. It's supposed to get up to 42 degrees this afternoon.

    Finally having a sunny day for a ride home yesterday, I noticed that it is starting to get dark later. I actually got home with plenty of sunlight left. I think I'm going to make a stop by the bike shop on the way home today, and pick up a couple of spokes. It will be nice to make an errand stop on the way home now and then, and still get home before dark.

    Have a great day, all!

  8. Good morning, everyone!

    It was a cold ride to work this morning. It was 27 degrees, and I was riding directly into a 20+ mph north wind. Where it usually takes me less than an hour to get to work, it took an hour and 15 minutes this morning. I was a chilled rider by the time I made it.

    This afternoon is only supposed to get up to 43 degrees, but I'll have a nice tailwind for the ride home. They're calling for snow Thursday. I better ride while I can.

    Have a great day, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone! It sounds like you had a great trip, Judy.

    It's 41 degrees with a steady rain, here. The forecast high is 48. Not much excitement going on here. It's back to the work grind for me, and chemo day for Rose.

    Have a great day, all!

  10. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 35 degrees this morning. It's supposed to finally be sunny today, but still cool, with a high of 51. I'm doing some work on my lure making molds this morning. I'm planning on spending a few hours fishing after it warms up a bit.

    I overdid it at work yesterday, then still spent the evening sorting through my lure building stuff, and arranging things on my garage shelves. My back is talking to me this morning, and I think I'll ease the pace for the weekend.

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 42 degrees and cloudy when I got up this morning, but the rain had finally stopped. I thought I was going to ride to work, but when I spun the bike's rear wheel, I noticed a wobble. Checking closer, sure enough, a spoke was broken.

    That's the second Friday in a row that I've found a broken spoke on that wheel. I guess I'm either going to have to put myself on a diet, or get a rear wheel with a higher spoke count. I didn't have time to fix it before work, so I just drove to work.

    Have a great day, all!

  12. ... so what would happen if I ended up getting pig lungs?

    http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healt ... loser.html

    The use of pig lungs in transplants into humans has moved a step closer with a medical breakthrough.

    Scientists in Melbourne, Australia, used a ventilator and pump to keep the animal lungs alive and "breathing" while human blood flowed in them.

    Experts estimated the work could lead to the first animal-human transplants within five years.

    Dr Glenn Westall, who helped conduct the experiment, said: “The blood went into the lungs without oxygen and came out with oxygen, which is the exact function of the lungs.

    "It showed that these lungs were working perfectly well and doing as we were expecting them to do.

    “This is a significant advance compared to experiments that have been performed over the past 20 years."

    The breakthrough came after scientists were able to remove a section of pig DNA, which had made the pig organs incompatible with human blood.

    Previous attempts to combine unmodified pig lungs and human blood ended abruptly two years ago when blood clots began forming almost immediately, causing the organs to become so blocked no blood could pass through.

    Human DNA is now added to the pigs as they are reared to reduce clotting and the number of lungs which are rejected.

    The full results of the research are due to be announced in Vancouver in August.

    The issue has prompted an ethical debate about the use of animals for human transplants.

    Medical ethicist Professor Nicholas Tonti-Filippini said: “It is basically a human-pig, a hybrid, or whatever you want to call it.

    “It is about whether the community is prepared to accept a part human, part animal."

  13. Good morning, everyone! Sorry to hear that you're having a tough week, Judy.

    It's been nothing but rain and 40's here since yesterday morning. This is turning out to be the rainiest winter I remember here.

    My week is busy, like usual. I spent the last two evenings building garage shelves. Rose accused me of thinking I'm 21 again yesterday, after I worked all day, then came home and spent 3 hours in the garage working.

    I'm hoping the rain ends tonight and lets me ride tomorrow. Have a great day, all!

  14. Good morning, everyone! It's almost noon here, so I figure we can now switch from Monday's Air to Tuesday's Air.

    It was 40 degrees with a light mist here when I got up this morning. The roads were pretty much dry though, so I rode my bike the 12 and a half miles to work. It's supposed to get into the low 50's this afternoon. Of course, the weather people have been saying that since Sunday, and it hasn't come close yet. It was still a chilly and damp 44 degrees when I rode home yesterday.

    Rose's blood counts were just barely high enough for her to get her chemo yesterday. Not much else happening here. Have a great day, all!

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