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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone! Enjoy your craft fair, Judy.

    It's 30 degrees here this morning, with a forecast high of 49. It's thick clouds this morning, but is supposed to clear off this afternoon. I'm going to give it a couple of hours to warm up, then go fishing.

    Have a great Sunday, all!

  2. Good morning, everyone!

    When I got up, it was 26 degrees with a howling north wind and a predicted high of 38 degrees for the day, so I decided to just tinker around the house and enjoy the great indoors today, and go fishing tomorrow, when it's supposed to be a little warmer with a little less wind.

    Have a great day, all!

  3. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It's 36 degrees here with a steady rain. It's only supposed to get colder during the day, but the rain is supposed to end. It's iffy right now whether it will still be raining when it gets down to 32 degrees.

    Not much going on here. I'm hoping to go fishing tomorrow, but it's going to be pretty chilly out. Have a great Friday, all!

  4. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone!

    It was 55 degrees when I drove to work this morning, and not supposed to get much higher than that as the rain and cold front move in. Most forecasters are thinking the icy stuff will stay north of us, but say it will be close as temperatures here drop near freezing tomorrow just as the rain moves out.

    I'm just sitting here in my dungeon cubicle on my morning break, having a banana and a granola bar (I call them granny bars, since Rose makes them). Have a great day, all!

  5. Good morning, everyone!

    It was 49 degrees and cloudy here when I got on the bike and headed to work this morning. The temperature had actually risen from 44 degrees since midnight, with the clouds and humidity moving in. The forecast high is 63 degrees, then we're supposed to get serious rain tomorrow.

    It's just another day working in the dungeon here. Have a great day, all!

  6. Good morning, everyone! I hope your back is feeling better by now, Judy.

    It was 29 degrees this morning, with a forecast high of 64. I rode the bike to work again. Other than that, not much happening here, just another day in the salt mine.

    Have a great day, all!

  7. It's a lot easier to not fall into a funk when you feel good. When I don't feel well, I'm not as good at staying out of a funk as many here are. I do think my riding is a big part of why I usually feel good, though.

    Here's a photo of my cool morning riding outfit, showing my new handlebar mitts. I would have posted it this morning, but I can't access photobucket from work.

    Look Ma, it's the Ninja Nerd!


  8. Good morning, everyone!

    Hope you're feeling better today, Judy. The strange thing about the real estate market is how home values depreciated so badly for some homes in some areas, but not for other homes in other areas. I took advantage of that by selling a house that hadn't lost too much value, and buying a newer one which had.

    It was 30 degrees when I got on my bike this morning, with a forecast high of 62. 30 degrees has been cold enough to give me real trouble keeping my fingers warm, but my fingers were toasty this morning. Those handlebar mitts are the cat's meow for someone with Raynaud's, like me. I should have discovered them sooner.

    It's chemo day for Rose and support group day for me. Have a great Monday, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone!

    Well, I got up yesterday morning with intentions of stopping by here, then going fishing, but ended up doing neither. My bismuth came in the mail, and I spent the rest of the day making my first lead free crappie jigs.

    I had found a good deal on 12 pounds of bismuth, but it was just one big chunk, and after it arrived, I realized I had no way of melting something that big. It was way too big for my electric melter.

    I briefly considered using one of Rose's pans to melt it on the range, but figured that I've already survived lung cancer for two years; melting metal in one of Rose's prized pans might really be pushing my luck.

    The other options were to go buy a designated melting pan, or saw the chunk into smaller pieces. Walmart on a Saturday didn't sound like fun, so I sawed instead. In retrospect, the trip to wally world would have probably been faster.

    Anyway, I melted it, poured it into smaller ingots, figured out how much tin to add to enough bismuth ingots to fill the melter, and poured jigs. It really pours well, even better than lead. I poured 50 jigs without a single bad pour.

    Now I think research is required, so I'm going fishing to test out some jigs. Have a great day, all!

  10. Sorry you're having such a tough time. I didn't have nearly that much trouble, but I only lost one lobe.

    I never had any gurgling or bubbling. I would definitely ask your doctor about that. The only thing I noticed was that my breathing was a lot louder after surgery (it still is).

    Best wishes and keep us updated! It does help sharing this stuff with others.

  11. Well, you aren't going to like the regular surgery as well as VATS, but that's still great news. It's all doable, and it will be great if you can end up just losing one smaller lobe.

    It's a crazy place when we get excited about surgery and losing one lobe of a lung, but compared to all the other possibilities, we'll certainly take that one!

  12. Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It was 46 degrees this morning, with a forecast high of 75 degrees this afternoon. I rode my bike to work. Considering how busy I was this week, I was glad to have managed to ride to work three of the days.

    Next week is supposed to be a little cooler, but still not too bad. Have a great Friday, all!

  13. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone!

    It was 49 degrees with a stiff west wind as I rode to work this morning. It's supposed to get up to 69 degrees this afternoon.

    Judy, until Tuesday, I had one house too many, too. But I was making payments on both of mine. I am taking what I cleared from the sale of that house and putting enough with it to pay off my new house. So I'll go from two house payments to none. Sounds like a good excuse to retire and go fishing, don't you think?

    Have a great day, all!

  14. I had my six month scan last week, and the followup appointment with the oncologist today. 25 months after surgery, I'm still NED!

    The oncologist said the same thing my primary care doctor did when I saw him last, "See you in six months." That's what I like to hear from doctors.

  15. Good morning, everyone!

    It's 56 degrees here, with a thick fog. It's supposed to reach 74 degrees this afternoon, with a chance of storms.

    Work will have to wait for a while today. I'm off to see the oncologist for the followup appointment after last week's scans.

    Have a great day, all!

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