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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Happy Sunday, all! I had a very busy weekend and just haven't stopped in to post. It was family, food, and football Thursday.

    Friday, I hitched onto the boat and went fishing, for the first time since July. It had been more than 35 years since I'd gone that long without a fishing trip, a testament to the fact that I'm too busy these days.

    Yesterday, I did a 127 mile bike ride with friends. One is recovering from a stress fracture in her leg (and probably had no business on the bike yesterday), so it was an easy pace ride that took us almost 11 hours.

    This morning, I hopped on my commute bike and did 25 miles. I had installed new disc brakes on it Friday after I got home from fishing, and wanted to test ride before a real commute. I ended up doing some more work on the bike after the ride.

    A lean, mean, commuting machine! (Well ok, not that lean these days, neither bike nor rider...)


  2. "jaminkw"]But tell me, how nippy does it have to get before it's too nippy to bike to work lol?

    Actually, I described this morning as "nipply". That's colder than "nippy". :lol:

    But as to how cold is has to be for me not to ride, I'm still asking myself that. Today was close to my limit. I have Raynaud's Syndrome, so keeping my fingers and toes warm on a cold day is tough.

    It sounds like everyone's Thanksgiving plans are coming together. Rose is leaving for our daughter's house now, to help out. She is there for instruction only, the daughters are insistent on doing all the work. It will be the first year that Rose hasn't done most of the cooking. It will be interesting to see how it comes out.

    Have a great Thanksgiving, everyone!

  3. It was a tad nipply outside for my ride to work this morning, 41 degrees with a north wind. But it's this week's version of Friday, so I had a smile on my face anyway.

    I didn't bring my lunch today, since everyone in the maintenance department is having tacos together for lunch. I did haul in some cookies as my contribution for the meal, though.

    Happy Wednesday, everyone!

  4. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone!

    This morning was a bit tough for a bike commute. It was 44 degrees, with the thickest fog I've every ridden in. When you're doing 12 mph, and feeling like you're going too fast for the conditions, the fog must be thick! I kept having to wipe the mist off my glasses.

    But it's supposed to warm into the 70's this afternoon, so it will be perfect for the ride home. Have a great day, everyone!

  5. Happy Sunday, everyone! I had a very lazy day yesterday. I slept eight and a half hours, which I never do. But, I had no particular reason to get up early, and figured a long night's sleep might help my cold. Rose and I grocery shopped as well as shopped for a storm door. I think that was a little too much for her for one day yet, so she took it easy today.

    My cold was a lot better this morning, so I hopped on the bike at 7:30 am. I did a shorter, easier ride than I usually do on a weekend, since I'm just getting over my cold. I ended up with just over 61 miles.

    The weather is supposed to be mild for the next few days, so I'm planning on riding to work every day this week, then it's a FOUR DAY WEEKEND! Works for me...

  6. "Ann"]As for me, I'm just glad that tomorrow is Friday and then next week will be a three day work week for me.

    Amen to that. I've had a terrible cold since Tuesday, and at my wonderful place of employment, they're cracking the whip about being online on company time, so I'll likely just be on at lunch and a quick fly by at breaks for a while.

    Other than that, everything is just hunky dory in my neck of the woods. Have a great day, everyone!

  7. Good morning, everyone! Good luck with the job, Randy!

    It's cool here, today. It was 48 degrees with a howling north wind as I rode to work. Between the wind and tired legs from Saturday's 126 mile ride, it took me well over an hour to get to work. The commute to work is almost straight north, so the next time the north wind is blowing like this, I need to think to leave earlier.

    Not much exciting happening here, just another day at the salt mine. Have a good week, everyone!

  8. Hi everyone. TGIF! I had another really busy day at work so didn't get to post earlier. It was warm and windy here today, and they're calling for the same tomorrow, but with more clouds.

    Rose's swelling got so bad yesterday that she went to the doctor to make sure it wasn't an infection. They said no infection.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

  9. Wow, I was so busy today at work, I never had time to sit down and post in the Air. On my feet and climbing machines all day at work, then lots to do at home, I'm a tired camper.

    Glad I already ate; all this cooking talk would have made me hungry. Judy, I probably down more whole wheat pasta than anyone you know. It takes lots of carbs to ride as many miles as I do, and whole wheat pasta is good carbs.

    But my eating habits this year haven't been as good as the last couple of years, and I'm dragging around a few extra pounds because of it. If you ride a bicycle 7,000 miles in a year, there's just no excuse for carrying extra weight, but it looks like I'm going to manage to, all year this year.

  10. Judy, I'm taking a two day break from riding to work, tomorrow and Friday, even without rain. I'm doing a 130 mile ride Saturday with a couple of friends. They're both faster than me and, hating to slow them down too much, I always end up hammering along for all I'm worth when I ride with them. So, a couple of rest days before the ride seems in order.

    ts, the city of Corsicana, Texas was made fun of all over the internet because they actually held a cancer fund raising bbq there. Read about it here (which is not to say that I believe everything from those nutrition sites, either, but charred meat is a proven carcinogen, making a cancer bbq very politically incorrect).

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