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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, everyone! It's slightly cooler today here in north Texas, but still going to be a beautiful day with a high of 70 degrees. I rode my bike to work for the third straight day this week.

    The network here at work blocks so much stuff that I'll have to wait until I get home to see Judy's new photo. I figure it's only a matter of time until they block all forums, including this site. How much longer do I have before retirement?

  2. Wow, where's a crickets sound effects file when you need one? I'm surprised no one started the Air today.

    It was another beautiful day in north Texas today, 57 degrees as I rode to work, and 75 degrees as I pedaled home.

    I administered a shot for the first time last night. Rose's surgeon gave her Lovenox to take home to prevent blood clots, telling her to give herself shots daily. She came home and said there was no way that was happening, so I instantly became the designated shot giver. Should I change my ID to Nurse Bud?

  3. It was cloudy and 61 degrees with light winds here when I hopped on the bike this morning. It's supposed to be partly cloudy and in the 70's this afternoon, so another great day for commuting on the bike.

    Rose rigged the guest bedroom bed with lots of pillows so she'd be fairly upright, and slept there last night. She got up briefly before I left this morning. The dog is used go going back to bed with her after I leave, he figured out where she was, and was whining at the door until she let him in. She seems to be doing very well for so soon after surgery.

  4. I just got back home again. They finally got her a room, so I took her things to her. Her sister is spending the night with her. The doctors say she's doing great, and might get to come home Sunday.

    I'll be at the walk tomorrow. The hospital is less than two miles from the walk, so I'll be back at the hospital after the walk, and I'm sure some of those on my team will want to visit, too.

  5. And it didn't seem much like a Friday. I spent 11 hours at the hospital today. Rose had a bilateral mastectomy and reconstructive surgery.

    Both surgeons said everything went fine, but there has been no available room, so Rose is still in recovery, where they'll only allow a 5 minute visit every few hours, so I finally came home to tend to the dog and wait for them to give her a room.

    She's still a bit groggy and not feeling too frisky this evening, but awake enough to keep asking for ice, and keep a good grip on the morphine pump in her hand.

  6. Good morning, everyone! Best wishes for great results, Judy!

    It's another beautiful day here in North Texas, 50 degrees as I pedaled to work, headed for the 70's this afternoon. Since I'm not working tomorrow, I can say I rode my bike to work every work day this week.

    Not much else going on here, I'm just trying to get through this week's version of Friday.

  7. Good morning, everyone! I rode to work for the third day in a row. It's the first time we've had three dry days in a row here since I started commuting by bike. They're calling for 77 degrees with sunshine and light winds this afternoon; I'll be in shorts and short sleeves for my ride home.

    I wore my new Livestrong jersey on the ride this morning. I guess I should have also worn my "Cancer Sucks" socks, huh...

  8. I guess waffles with peanut butter and maple syrup would be my favorite breakfast, but I don't eat that often. The usual is oatmeal with honey, cinnamon, and rice milk.

    It usually wouldn't be me doing the cooking, either (except for the oatmeal), but with my wife having her surgery on Friday, I'd better find my apron.

  9. I was on the bike at 5:25 am this morning, headed for work. With the time change, it was actually twilight when I got to work, instead of the still total darkness it always was before the time change.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend. It was pretty much my usual weekend. I rode 100 miles Saturday, then mostly took it easy Sunday.

    Good luck with the scans, Judy!

  10. TGIF! Happy Birthday, Ann! Hope you're feeling better, Judy.

    Spammers got so bad on the small forum I run that I disabled registration, and make everyone email me to join the forum. I know this forum is too big for that, but it sure made life easier on my small forum.

    48 degrees with a steady rain when I got up this morning, so for the second day in a row, I left the bicycle in the garage and drove to work. And a long work day it's turning out to be. Come on, 4:00 pm!

  11. Good morning, everyone. I hope your dentist appointment isn't too bad, Judy. It was dry here yesterday and this morning, so I rode my bike to work both days. The rain is supposed to be back tomorrow; they've already issued a flash flood watch for tomorrow morning.

  12. Good morning, Judy. I hope your eyes are better soon. Good morning, Lily.

    We had serious thunderstorms in Crowley last night. Storm sirens were wailing as the wind reached 70 mph. It rained on and off all night, and more is predicted for today. This has been the most rainy fall I can remember around here.

  13. Alas, we see way too many long term problems from treatments for this disease. It's another reminder that better treatments need to be developed. I don't know anyone who's had anything like this done, so I really don't have anything to contribute. I just wanted to send best wishes your way for your surgery. Heal well!

  14. I've been moving at a slow pace today. I did a little bike maintenance, and just got back from mowing the yard at my (still unsold, dangit) Arlington house, but that's probably as ambitious as I'll get today.

    The sky has already darkened and they say rain is coming. I'm thinking I'll just veg out in front of the tv the rest of the day. Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  15. It was 48 degrees with a stiff north wind as I left home on my bike this morning. My commute is pretty much straight north so, needless to say, the ride was a bit chilly this morning.

    One of the things I'll have to figure out this winter is just how cold it has to be to be a deal breaker on riding the bike to work. I'm thinking that I'll still ride with it in the 30's, if the wind isn't bad. If it's 30 something degrees with a howling north wind though, I'm probably driving the truck.


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