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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Welcome, Millie's girl. I am a stage IIa survivor who has been cancer free for 21 months now since surgery. There are no guarantees here, but I really hope you can get your mother to change her mind about treatment. Keep us up to date on what happens, and good luck!

  2. It was a good day in the RoseBud household today. After finishing her 4th round of AC last week, Rose had an ultrasound and mammogram today and there is no sign of her tumors left; she has had a complete response to chemo.

    She still has to endure 12 weeks of weekly Taxol followed by surgeries, but this kind of response to chemo means she has a better chance of remaining cancer free after it's all over.

  3. This is one of those things that those of us on chemotherapy or with loved ones on chemotherapy (my wife starts Taxol [paclitaxel] in three weeks) hate to see, but probably need to be reminded of, every so often. It drives home the importance of supporting research to find better treatments.

    It wasn't Taxol, but its cousin Taxotere, that had me well on my way to cardiac arrest as they raced me from the chemo treatment room off to the emergency room.

  4. I'm not a big believer that attitude alone can heal the body, but it can have a very large impact on what you do, which in turn can have a lot to do with how well you do with the disease. After my surgery, on days when I was thinking about riding my bike, but not feeling all that great, I reminded myself that I was fighting my way back to health, and there isn't much better therapy for lungs than riding a bike. And bike riding is a funny thing, in that there will be days when you don't feel much like riding when you start out, but you'll almost always be enjoying yourself after just a short distance of riding. It takes the attitude to get started sometimes, though.

  5. That sounds pretty familiar. My tumor was just a bit bigger than his (2.8 cm), and near the outside of my lung where a VATS procedure would probably have worked. I was also unhappy with how long open surgery would keep me from exercising.

    But I didn't find a surgeon near me who did VATS, and traveling somewhere else would have been no guarantee that VATS wouldn't turn into open surgery before the surgeon was finished, so I just had open surgery locally.

    Some of the treatment decisions we face can be tough. I was back on my bike in 16 days, but with 20/20 hindsight, I would have traveled for the VATS.

  6. Awwww, thanks Katie. Rose's sister lives nearby and has been so much help, taking Rose to chemo and sitting with her.

    I'm hiring a moving crew for the heavy stuff, and taking an entire week off to move the rest myself, so I can take my time, and Rose won't have to do any more than she feels like doing.

  7. Never mind...

    I'm still going to be in Wichita Falls the next two days for the ride, but my closing has been postponed, so next week will be business as usual.

    I've hardly posted this week, I've been so busy, first with trying to get everything ready for the move, then canceling everything I'd done.

    I'm still hoping to move before Rose's 4th round of chemo. She's not going to be a happy camper if I have her moving when she feels bad.

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