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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone! TGIF!

    It's 37 degrees and cloudy here, but the wind was light this morning so I rode my bike to work. The forecast for tomorrow morning is 37 degrees with drizzle, so I'm thinking I will scrap the 200k ride I had planned, and just ride something shorter on Sunday.

    Have a great Friday, all!

  2. "Outrider1"]The only way we are ever going to get rid of that stigma is to stop playing into it. By that I mean, stop telling people whether you did or did not smoke. Stop listing it in your bios.

    I've come to agree with that. Some time ago, I changed my signature from mentioning my former cigar smoking to just "Long distance cyclist and lung cancer survivor".

    And I noticed the same thing that Katie did: almost all comments after each article were about smoking. Making headway against that stigma is definitely an upstream swim.

  3. Good morning, all! It looks like Judy and Ann decided to start the Air at the same time.

    Rose came home yesterday, Judy. It was just day surgery. She's going to take off work until Saturday, but she seems to be doing great.

    It was 23 degrees as I left the house this morning, so the bike stayed in the garage. It's only supposed to get up to 44 degrees this afternoon, so it's another cool day here. They're saying 31 degrees for tomorrow morning, so I'm going back and forth on whether I want to try and ride then, especially since I have a 130 mile ride planned for Saturday.

    Have a great day, everyone! Save me some of those peanut butter balls, Ann!

  4. Good morning, everyone! It was 25 degrees with a howling north wind as I carried trash bags to the curb this morning, not fit weather for man or beast.

    I'm at work, but will be leaving in an hour or so to go get Rose and take her to the hospital for her surgery.

    Have a great Wednesday, all!

  5. It was 39 degrees and raining when I got up this morning, so I drove to work.

    I won't be able to ride tomorrow, either. I have to take off early and drive Rose to the hospital for surgery. It's day surgery for dead skin from her last surgery, so she'll be back home tomorrow.

    Thursday morning is supposed to be in the low 20's, so riding then doesn't sound too promising, either. Guess I better stop and gas up the truck...

    Have a great day, everyone!

  6. Well, it was a busy day here. Hope you're feeling better, Judy.

    It was 46 degrees and dry when I got up this morning, so I rode my bike to work. But it ended up being one of those days when the weather forecasters should have been fired. They called for it to stay dry and reach 50 degrees, but a couple of hours after I got to work, it started getting colder and misting. By noon, it was 39 degrees with a steady mist, and stayed that way the rest of the day.

    Somewhere on the ride home, I passed 7,000 miles on my bike for the year. That was my mileage goal for 2009.

    I hope everyone had a nice day.

  7. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone!

    I like it to be 40 degrees, at least, to go fishing. Yesterday's trip didn't work out. My boat motor cranking battery, which worked perfectly a couple of weeks ago, was a dead soldier. Neither of my trolling motor batteries had enough of a charge for a jump to work, either.

    So I gave it up, and just drove home. As I was leaving the park, though, I noticed there were huge pecan trees everywhere. This is the right time of year for pecan trees. I stopped in the park, and within an hour, had gathered an overflowing wally world shopping bag full of pecans.

    I got up early this morning, drove to wally world before the rush, and bought a new marine cranking battery. I was planning on riding my bike as soon as it warmed up a bit. But it's just now 40 degrees outside, and has started a steady misting. That wasn't supposed to happen until later in the day. I just can't quite seem to get this weekend's plans to work out.

    My randonneuring club's Christmas party is this afternoon. I may have to settle for that and shelling pecans as today's excitement. Have a great Sunday, everyone!

  8. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone! Speaking of grocery shopping, it was a chilly morning here, with frost to be scraped off my windshield as I headed out to grocery shop. By the time I got back, Rose was already gone to work, her first day back since surgery. I'm thinking I'm going to give it another hour to warm up, then go fishing.

    Have a great Saturday, all!

  9. Good morning, everyone!

    Sorry you're not feeling well, Judy. I had the allergy/cold thing myself a couple of weeks ago.

    Those treats sound way too good, Ann. I'd be eating 20 or 30 if they were laying around here, and I'm 10-15 pounds over what I should weigh already, so I'd better not be making any of them...LOL.

    It was 32 degrees with a stiff north wind here this morning and, just like I had good sense, I rode my bike to work. It's an hour ride, so I was definitely feeling the chill by the time I got to work. But I hadn't ridden since Monday, and they're calling for snow flurries tomorrow, so I figured today was the day.

    Have a great day, all!

  10. Good morning, everyone! It was 37 degrees and snowing hard as I drove to work this morning. It turned back to rain pretty quickly, although just a few miles northwest of here, they had a couple of inches on the ground.

    Rose has announced that she's returning to work Saturday. She still can't do much lifting for a while, though.

    Have a great day, all!

  11. Good morning, everyone! The rain hasn't arrived here yet, but the weather radar shows that it isn't far away. It's supposed to be cold and rainy for the next couple of days.

    Not much happening here, just another day at the salt mine. Have a great day, all!

  12. "jaminkw"]That's a good idea Bud. By text editor, do you mean something like Windows Notepad?

    Yes, Notepad works. I use Scite.

    I've never managed to get into doing a journal or blog, either. But I can blab away in a forum. If I had known what a journey cancer would turn into, maybe I would have made myself do a blog.

  13. Good morning, Judy! Good morning, everyone!

    Judy, I'm always posting long winded ride reports in my recumbent forum (I always figure the same thing, that if anyone begins to nod off while reading them, they can always just stop reading and move on). I've learned to type my report (or other long winded post) into a text editor, saving it every few minutes, then copy and paste into the forum reply area after I'm finished. That way, I never lose much.

    It was 44 degrees when I hopped on the bike at 5:25 this morning, and the north wind was really blowing hard, so it was a chilly ride in to work. Sunshine and a tailwind should make the ride home easier.

    Tomorrow, the forecast high is 47 degrees, with wind and rain. Now where did I put those truck keys?

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