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Bud Baker

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Posts posted by Bud Baker

  1. LOL, Rose brought home a bag of chocolate covered almonds that a customer gave her on Saturday. They didn't last long around here.

    I had my weight where it should be for three years or so, then cancer came along, and trying not to lose weight while on chemo. I've never been able to get my eating right since, and keep dragging around several extra pounds.

  2. I think most of us already knew that exercise helps. I was determined to exercise all I could during my chemo.

    But exercising when chemo has knocked your blood counts in the dirt is easier said than done. I was able to do less and less with each subsequent round.

    But whatever you can do helps, it seems.

  3. Yes, Dawn, it turned beautiful today, but when I hopped on my bike at 8:00 am, it was 46 degrees, with a light north wind. That's a bit chilly on a bicycle.

    My friend who was going to ride a 200k with me today backed out, so I took off solo from my driveway and rode 105.3 miles, doing a loop through scenic rural Johnson County and Hill County, making stops at Alvarado, Covington, and Godley. I got home just after 4:00 pm.

  4. "blaze100"]

    And it is common for people to have allergic reactions to it when they start the drip. So if your sister opts for taxotere, be absolutely certain that someone is there to watch for allergic reations. Sometimes the nurses get busy watching too many patients.


    Barb is right. Make sure someone watches close during that first IV. I had a reaction to Taxotere too, and was well on my way to a cardiac arrest when they got me unplugged from it.

  5. I had already been on omeprazole (generic name for Prilosec) for years before my surgery, so I have no idea if the surgery would have made a difference. Omeprazole has just completely eliminated acid reflux for me ever since I've been on it. It worked well for Rose, too, during her chemo.

  6. I was up at 4:20 am and pedaling my bike toward work by 5:25. It was 70's with a stiff southwest wind as I rode, but a front hit shortly after I got to work, and it's turning cooler and misting now. Is it Friday yet?

  7. I hopped on my bike at dark-thirty this morning and, for the first time, joined the ranks of those who bike to work. Since I moved to Crowley last month, I have been much closer to my job in Fort Worth, so I laid out a route of mostly side streets, and tried it out for the first time today. It's just over 12 and a half miles each way, so gives me the same distance as my usual 25 mile weekday ride. What a great way to start a weekday!

  8. Happy Birthday, Cindy!

    Chemo on your birthday, that reminds me of my birthday last year. I had chemo the day before. All of my recumbent friends were doing a ride on my birthday, and having a picnic afterward. I knew I wouldn't be able to ride, but figured I'd go to the picnic at least. Unknown to me, Rose was going to pick up a birthday cake, and turn the picnic into a birthday party. I got up that morning, sat in front of the tv for a few hours, but felt so bad I just went back to bed, no picnic, no birthday cake. It was a much better birthday this year.

    I'm way jealous of the retirement. I am very ready for that, myself. It sounds like you're doing great. Good for you!

  9. It's kind of strange weather here in North Texas today. Yesterday, it was cool and cloudy behind a cold front, never even reaching 70 degrees in the afternoon. But, during the night, the cold front backed up and it was almost 80 degrees when I got up this morning. They're calling for heavy rain this evening. Glad I got in a 25 mile ride after work yesterday; today isn't looking too promising for riding.

  10. So sorry to see where you are right now, Michelle. The very nature of this forum is such that there will be bad news and bad times, sometimes. Come back and cry and rant and rave at us. We're up to it, and feel even worse when we don't hear anything.

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