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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. Jim, Promise. I did talk to my Onc about this he said multi vitamins are fine, and the E, Selenium, , B & C I am taking in addition are OK. He suggested I speak to teh RadOnc doc. I did he said to kick down my E to 400 IU daily... which I did. I am not taking any beta carotene directly, although I am eating alot of fruits & veggie (including carrots) Joe
  2. Thanks Rich ! I will be sure to call on you often now, knowing we have the same type of Adeno... Jim, heres my staging info... (IIIA) see below... I was diagnosed with Stage IIIA adeno after a lobectomy of my right middle lobe (10/02/03) (originally path-- a" well circumscribed centrally necrotic tan, 2.9 X 2 X 1.5 CM mass abuts the adjacent plueral surface). Th adjacent lung tissue is congested. 1 out 7 lymph nodes tested postive for metasis.(lower paraesophageal) 1 CM bronchial margin= Uninvolved plueral surface = Uninolved histological grade = 1 inflammatory reaction= moderate blood vessel invasion = absent mitotic index = 1 other desease= atelectasis Took pathology slides to U of Mich-- that staed the"presence of extensive necrosis and the cytologic appearance of the neoplastic cells raises the less likely possibility that this is a metastatic colonic adenocarcinoma" Original path dept tested for TTF antigen - which was strongly expressed- thus ruling out a colon metasis Finally ( i know this is long) ***** MD Andersen looked at the slides and stated "Mucinous Adenocarcinoma with prominent Bronchioloalveolar features (BAC). I have already started concurrent radiation (daily - 28 treatments) and chemo thearpy every 3 weeks - 4 cycles Cisplatin & Etoposide . I have completed 1/2 of my radiation and 1 round of chemo (my second round is scheduled for this wednesday 12/3) !
  3. Jim, Heather & John, Thank you for the info....... Heather, i have the book " what to eat if you have cancer" , and "Natures cancer fighting foods".. both very good. Check out the Budwig thing, the theory is intriguing, and there are many examples of good outcomes associated with patients using the diet. Its doesnt taste that good, but it cant hurt you. John, I think I am fortunate in that I have the single primary nodule type of the BAC adeno.... everything I am reading is encouraging regarding the less likely nature of it to mets, and the slow growth pattern. My concern is that I am reading that radiation & chemo are under debate as being effective with this form of adeno... & I am ready to start my second cycle of Cisplatin & etoposide (wdnesday 12/3) and do not want to do anything contraindicated. I am 1/2 way thru radiation...Trying to speak wth a expert oncologist in this area without much luck.... Joe
  4. Thank you Karen, Jim & Michael.. I appreciate the links and advice. I have also found out recently (looking at the pathology report from MD Andersen) that I have a Mucinous Adeno with "prominent Bronchiolalvelar (BAC) features". I do not know if this changes my approach from a nutritional standpoint. Does anyone know anything about BAC? Thnaks.. Joe
  5. http://www.cancure.org/budwig_diet.htm Has any tried this diet - or researche dit in terms of effectiveness? Does any one know if any studies have been done when a person follows this protocol in a disciplined manner? ... thnaks, also any information about diets, supplements and natural approaches to eliminating/ reducing cancer and or future growth would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Joe
  6. Joe B

    Hi all

    Thanks Bobmc... I plan on joining the long term survivors club.... Take care and God Bless... Happy Thanksgiving! Joe
  7. Adam, I am so sorry to hear about the circumstances that you and your family are faced with. I think its important to turn to God and your faith right now to help you through this hard time. I do believe very firmly in paradise in the form of heaven. Regardless of the number of days that your Dad has (and it may be many more than the doctors say) - I would look at each one as a gift, and try and be there for him even when its difficult. I will say a special prayer for you and your family, and I will ask God to bring all you of you peace and comfort in at this time in your lives. I can relate in a way, my girls are 15,13,& 11...and at 42... I really want to around for them for a long time. Best of luck.... just know that He is there for you when you turn to Him... and that you have the prayers of many with you. God Bless you... Joe
  8. Joe B

    Hi all

    thanks Lynn..... good luck with the treatment.... our prayers are with you
  9. Hi Tammy, Sorry to hear about your Mothers diagnosis. I think that the brain is a common site for metasis. There are others hear that can better speak to the treatments. I have heard that radiation to s pecific area can be very effective. Good luck. I hope things progress well.....
  10. Joe B

    Hi all

    thanks Dave! I'll try and stop in on the chat
  11. Joe B

    Hi all

    Thnaks Stephanie ! what time are the chats on Wednesday
  12. Joe B

    Hi all

    Fay & Rich, Thanks for the advice on the flu shot... I'll check it out with my team..... Joe
  13. Hi Cheryl, I am new here as well.... sorry to hear about your diagnosis.... I know what you mean about being scared. A good friend told me recently... that none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, that we all could have something happen to us at any moment... and that it doesnt matter if I live another 40 years or 2 weeks... that the important thing is to make the most of the time and not let fear over take me..... I thought that was sound advice.... I also know the doctors are wrong as often (or more) as they are right..... try and listen to the people here, and just do the things that will give your body the best chance to reduce or eliminate the disease. Joe
  14. Joe B

    Hi all

    Dave A, Sorry to hear about the reoccurrence...... sounds like you have a great attitude... please keep that up. Are you doing any complimentary therapy's? have you heard about the budwig diet of flaxseed oil and cottage cheese mixed togeter and eaten each day (1/2 cup cottage cheese & 3-4 tablespoons of cold pressing flaxseed oil)?. Sounds intriguing.... Are you doing anything with your special with your diet ? Keep the faith Dave. St Paul when he was facing execution said - to live is Christ and to die is gain... and I really believe that in my heart. But in the meantime I intend to fight this b*stard disease with all I have .. I Look forward to future correspondence.... Joe B
  15. Joe B

    Hi all

    Rochelle, yes - you are right, the address to this site came to me from you Katie gave the address to my daughter- they are good friends... I will reply to your private e-mail.......
  16. Joe B

    Hi all

    Don, Thanks for the encouragement. Some things really do not make sense... guess when we get to heaven - the answers will be provided..... You really should go back to Mackinac Island and stay at the grand Hotel... it is a magical place....... God Bless........
  17. Joe B

    Hi all

    Dave G, well we have more than 1 thing in common... I too, am an avid golfer.... Cant think of too many other activities that have brought me so much joy (and frustration ! ) We will indeed be going thru chemo together this winter, and after my first cycle I have already figured out that its isnt all that much fun.....I took me about a week to start feeling back to myself again. My next round begins Dec 3rd (every 3 weeks, a total of 4 cycles) Take Care.... keep the faith! Joe
  18. Joe B

    Hi all

    Don, Thank you for your thoughtful note... Yes! that is the Mackinac Bridge in the background... Gina & I love Northern Michigan..... Glad to see there are other believers in the forum.... of couse someone very wise once said "there are no atheists in foxholes" you and you wife are in my prayerss... Joe
  19. Joe B

    Hi all

    Ry, Wow.... I think we live in the same area. I , too, am between Ann Arbor & Flint. I live in Fenton. Gina & I just purchased 7 acres in Tyrone Township (Hartland/ Fenton area) .... where Lord willing, we will build our next house..... Dr K at the Uof M, also agreed with our treatment plan, and didnt feel it necessary for me to see him- he knew of my oncologist and respected him..... so I think we have both done our homework, and decided accordingly..... its funny I have friends telling me not to take a chance and to go to MD Andersen forr treatment - of course they wouldnt be the ones living away from their family for several months.... I will keep you both in my prayers...... Good luck, I am sure we will be chatting more... Joe
  20. Joe B

    Hi all

    Ry, I work for a large Catholic Healthcare organization here in Michigan ( at the corporate office) I am being treated at St Joe's in Ann Arbor. I went for consultations at U of M (Dr Kalmakarian), Karmonos (Dr Wozniak) and MD Andersen in Houston, Tx (I have a Uncle that lives in Houston- so Gina & I went there for 3 days about 3 weeks ago). Based on all this input I decided to stay with the Hospital System that I work for.... the Oncologist is very good (Harvard trained), Rad Oncologist is a Uof M Grad / residency....and the Surgeon was excellent (Sloan Kettering for a number of years). How about your husband? where is he being seen?
  21. Joe B

    Hi all

    Kim & Rich; Thanks both for the reply..... I look forward to learning more about treatments, support, complimentary therapies from everyone here. Nice of you both to extend a "hello" Talk to you soon, Joe B
  22. Hi, I just found out about this site, and am excited about the possibilities for helping and being helped.... Just diagnosed 10/02/03... I am a 42 year old lifetime non smoker, who is a fitness fanatic (everyone is shocked) I just started chemo..... and radition in mid November. Looking forward to completely beating this disease..... and helping to increase awareness and research towards a cure for all..... scary stuff, but yet I couldnt imagine going through this without my Faith in God- I am grateful for that and all my friends and family. Joe
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