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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. Awesome day for you MO!
  2. Angie, Glad you found us. Prayers are on the way for your father.....
  3. Good point Bruce... Don't cheat on the breathing exercises.... do them even though they will make you cough (and coughing hurts). I have a friend & co-worker who was a respiratory therapist and he gave me the advice to go the extra mile on th ebreathing excercises - he stated he saw people who didn't do the excercises have alot more issues than those that did. For me, the epideral really managed the pain well.... and just so you know the time in surgery is just "absent time" really strange- but you will literally not remember a thing. One minute you are talking to the anestesiologist, the next minute you are in recovery waking up from surgery. the first thing I said was "i am hungry, I want a steak & I want to go home"
  4. Joe B


    Carleen & keith, best of Luck.. please keep us updated. prayers are with you both. God Bless.......Joe
  5. surgery and recovery was actually very easy for me - they did a great job of managing pain.... within 4 weeks I was walking 2-3 miles a day. the follow up chemo & radiation was tougher for me psychologically -- the ups and downs are tough. At least with surgery its a linear path to recovery......
  6. Laurie, Keep us updated on the campaign.... feel free to use our pic....
  7. Great news! I have a feeling you are going to rack up bigtime miles on that Scooter ....
  8. Joe B

    hello all

    Welcome Israel..... Do us a favor and be an oncologist with a golden heart
  9. I tried the sample... it had a potent vitamin smell... but when I mixed it with ice, OJ, a banana and fresh berries.. it tasted fine... Noticed a little more energy that day. I have to decide if I want to shell out $250 for t an extended experiment with this stuff... they say it willlast 1-3 month depending on how many time a day you take it (1-3) It does provide a complete list of vitamins, mimerals, and othet known cancer fighting supplements I guess its worth a try - $250 in the realm of things (i.e. my health, while ensuring this cancer is LONG gone) doesnt seem to be that big of an investmet... Joe
  10. Cheryl... sounds very intriguing. Where did u go to have this done, do you have any info on the process? Joe
  11. Joe B


    good news... my wbc's are back up to 8.1 (from .6 last week). Still a smidge low on RBC's HGB, and platlets. I didnt have any problems with infections... just felt a little tired for a few days.... I will get hit with Taxotere again next Monday --- and then that will leave just one treatment left (2/16/04).... thank you for the support, prayers and kind words... Joe
  12. Howard, Your faith is inspiring. I want to share something that just ocurred last week with my uncle Sal (my Dad's older brother by 10 years). He died on January 7th at the age of 81 after suffering what we think was a stroke on Christmas day. He was hospitalized 14 days. I prayed for him daily as did many others. My parents and his children were there with him everyday. He layed motionless, under the care of Hospice. I wasn't sure if he was saved, but I knew he was a good man and a church going man. I talked about this with my mom, and in the last 3 days my mom prayed with him daily, not knowing for sure if he could hear the words... but asking him to trust Christ and let go. His daughter (my cousin) related that the day he died (my parents were there by chance as well) , just before he took his last breath he SMILED. She said it was the most comforting thing she had ever witnessed. He had exhibited absolutely no emotion or facial expression the entire 14 days he was in that hospital- nothing. Yet a mere moment before his final breath (he died very peacefully - took a deep breath and that was it) - he SMILED. She said- she is certain that he saw the Lord, and that he was lead by the hand across to the other side. That message at the funeral, made a very sad event almost a bit of a celebration as well. It is my wish that everyone on this board knows the truth of Christ, and that someday (a VERY long time from now ) we all reunite in a place that we can only imagine its glory....
  13. Deepest sympathy extended to Sam's family & friends..... I was so comforted to hear about Dr Sam's faith. I am certain that he is in paradise with our Lord today... and the joy and comfort he now feels is beyond our understanding. So weep for the family & /or yourselves...but from what I understand Sam is in heaven now..... praise God.
  14. Joe B


    I believe that Francine was scheduled to have radiostatic surgery today (1/15).... Prayers are with her....
  15. Joe B


    I think Dean is correct as well. I was a social worker early in my career (for 6 years).... I saw alot of this type of behavior, and no amount of good humor or talking is really going to reach him now. I do agree with being there with him, and letting him know you are there and won't leave him....talk to him and try to reach him, but don't expect him to just snap out of it..... I think you should arrange an appointment for someone to come see him and assess him at this point. He has good reason to be clinically depressed, his whole world has been rocked in very short order, and I am sure he feels great despair....
  16. T-Bone- Its the decadron.... I have taken small doses of Ativan to help me to fall asleep. It probably also explains the appetite. One thing I did experience was irratibility and feeling "down" when the decardon wore off. 2-3 days after the last dose Joe
  17. Has any tried the pre-derived supplments called "Immuno Power" ? http://www.immunopower.com It is somewhat expensive $250 for a 1-3 month supply -- Patrick Quillan of "beating cancer with nutrition" recommends it (he may even be a part of the business). I received a sample today ($10) that you can ask for, and will try it tomorrow. HE claims that it provides the right balance of Nutrients (vitamins, minerals, supplements...etc) that cancer patients need to keep their immune systems at peak performance. Just wondering if anyone has used, and if so what their thoughts are... Joe
  18. prayers are with you... please post the good results right away....
  19. Cathy, You have a great attitude, and you will do very well.... I know it. One thing to keep in mind (I too, went thru the cisplatin chemo rounds) is that on day 4ish, you may feel the effects of coming off the steriods. I didn't really put two & two together until after my 2nd treatment. I felt kinda down, and irritable for about a day or two....... If it happens to you, just be aware of what is going on inside you... it makes it easier to know that its physiological.... Also I had a ferocious appetite, and craved some things that I normally do not eat (broasted chicken breasts (3-4 at a time), frosty's from Wendy's, pork chops & mash potatoes, slim jims from Big Boy). It was like I was pregnant
  20. Joe B


    Thanks all......I am sure I will be fine, I just thought that was a tad REAL low........ I feel them regenerating already ! peace. Joe
  21. Joe B


    thanks Rochelle, I sent the book back to you thru my daughter Aly- hope you got it ok.. Joe
  22. Joe B


    well - had my first blood draw this morning after my first round of taxotere last Monday (1/5). Oncologist office just called my wbc is down to .6 (yes, thats point 6 ). It is critically low. It was 8.4 last monday (well within normal range at that time). They told me to give my self neupogen shots for 5-6 consecutive days. I already have administered todays dose. I went low on cisplatin as well (1.1 was the lowest) but never this low. I have in the past two rounds bounced back quickly, but I am wondering if I am alone in terms of dipping this low? Also, Neupogen after just two days last time brought me OVER the high end of the normal range. Anyone know why my wbc's seem to go so low ?(the other counts (RBC, HGB...) do not dive nearly as much)Obviously, i am staying inside and avoiding contact with others...... Thanks.. Joe
  23. Denise, I am sorry to hear about the challenges you face. This is an extremely difficult time for you (your son's birthday & anniversary of his death) ..... the cancer diagnosis, the situation with your personal relationship....It probably seems very overwhelming right now. Dean is the master of advice... he is so right.... slow down, and take control of what you can. The rest you can only turn over to God. I ask that you do just that... He is there and He can provide peace and comfort to you In regard to the boyfriend, you have been shown his real character --and for that you should be thankful. Remember, "vengeance is mine" saith the Lord. So, Let it be, and let God deal with that issue... I have known people who upon facing despair, turn to God and expect that all their problems will go away. They don't. I guess in my opinion, it ISNT that "God doesnt give us more than what we can handle" (I think thats BS) (God didn't want or will these things for you - He loves you) ...I think its RATHER - that with a strong belief in God, that we are given strength & peace to deal with ANY situation. I pray for His grace to be bestowed on you, and that you be provided support and strength at this time..... For me, its important to trust Him, even in the most trying of circumstances.... faith is something that is very pleasing to God... and Faith in the face of crisis is true faith..... God bless..... you will find some very geniuine and good hearted people on this board..... turn to them for help as well
  24. Joe B

    General news

    David, best of luck. You should make sure you are OK with the direction of your treatment. Have you had a PET Scan? 2nd opinions never hurt..... prayers are with you, and keep us updated on things please. Joe
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