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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. How soon after Chemo did you have the blood work done? I just finished radiation (12/23) and chemo (2/16) . I am interested in analyzing my blood, and looking at my PH as well...... Just dont know how long I am suppose to wait...???? About being "called" so to speak, I do believe in the verse I use at the end of my post (Romans 8:28- "....ALL things work for the good of those who love the Lord..." ) . That lterally means ALL things, even cancer. He can take disease, evil, anything ..and turn it into something good, used for His purpose. His purposes are higher than ours, and we dont always understand them.....and I think sometimes things aren't revealed to us for quite a while... or even, not until we are in perfect knowledge in heaven...... There was a fine gentleman by the name of J. Vernon McGee. He was a pastor who started the radio broadcasts of "back to the bible"... which are now aired in a huge number of foriegn countries in their native languages.....teaching all types of people and cultures about the bible. He was diagnosed with lung cancer when he was in His 50's (I believe in the 1960's) .. he had surgery and went on to live 28 years (although I think he did have 1 re-occurrence during that time)... died at the ripe old age of 84 (of natural causes)... anyway he stated something to the effect of "sometime God allows something like cancer to enter into our lifes, to put us on our backs and make us look up... to think about what is truly important" I like that..... Joe
  2. Joe B

    T-Bone's Scans

    TeeTaa and ViVi, My families prayers are with you....... Take care of T-Bone, he needs some rest after tosay, and everything he is going thru.....listen to the signs that his body is providing and make sure the doctors know (listen and hear !) everything....... In Christ, Joe
  3. Sandy LOL ! yes, u are right... I think Gina wants me to take a break as well... what can I say.. I am obsessive ! Joe
  4. David, Praying that Iressa does the trick for u with minimal or no side effetcs. Is it just me, or do you all get the feeling as well , that there are going to be huge breakthru's with this class of drug very soon......
  5. Question: Has anyone had their blood looked at using darkfield microscopy? I understand that they can determine the balance of wbc's and rbc's the health of these cells, and whether there are other factors that need to be examined to obtain maximum health (i.e. crystals in the blood, fungus...etc) I know of a guy here in Michigan that does this for around $200 - and spends about 4 hours with the person going over the slides and talking about diet and health... Cheryl, I thought I read once you had it done. If so, what was your impression? Thanks... Joe
  6. thanks Karen... good luck with everything... u are in my prayers... Joe
  7. Lauri, That is sooooo great. Congrats to you and your Mom... many more great days to come....
  8. Joe B

    Bits and Pieces

    Good to hear from you Dean... we've missed you around here... Those morning "rolls" sound good Joe
  9. Joe B

    CT Results

    Thank you all for your prayers, keep em coming ! We met with the Oncologist today (we managed to move up the appt)... Bottom line is there is no evidence of disease......and I am cautiously optimistic There is some inflammation in my right lower lobe evident on CT from the radiation treatments... This is totally expected..... there are a couple of lymph nodes that are in the higher range of normal (8mm, & 9mm) .....these could also very likely be due to radiation tx- (as they were in the radiation field.....) And lastly, one very small (charaterized as "tiny') black spot, or lesion that is 1 or 2mm (very small) on the liver. Given the color (black) the onc thinks its a very small cyst...... the radiologist stated it is "too small to classify"..... so I feel pretty good....... no follow up for 3 months (the good Lord Willing of course)... and of we start the watching & waiting game.... But for right now, Gina & I are celebrating and heading down to FLA in less than a week .... God Bless Joe
  10. Tann, i sympathize as well, I almost skipped the last txbecause I was tired of feeling crappy, tired, and the side effects..... Maybe discuss have your Onc lower the dosage for the next round? .07 wbc is pretty extreme. lowest I went was .6
  11. Colleen, Words are so inadequate right now..... I pray for you to have some peace, and to remember all the great times and memories you had with Bill. May the infinite mercy of our loving Father engulf your family, and may you know of His promise to us in our faith...... everlasting life.....
  12. what is up with all of us young (relatively speaking ) non smokers getting lung cancer?
  13. Hi Karen, thank you for the kind words. What I know about Cesium, is that it is a strong alkalining agent. There are many that believe that acidicty in the blood and cells is a key determinant of desease processes. Cesium will help to increase the alkalanity of the cells (theoretically). I have not taken Celsium personally, but have read up on it- and have some information about it. I do not think it is harmful, so it falls into the categrory of can't hurt you, but could be beneficial in diminishing the desease, and promoting the immune system to destroy cancer cells. I firmly believe the best way to beat cancer, and keep it away is to "train" and bolster the immune system to destroy any occurrence before they can grow into tumors. Also there is a process called "dark field microscopy" (I believe that Cheryl has had this done) where the blood is examined and the size, number, shape of red and white blood cells are exazmined... the PH level is analyzed... and other blood contanimants are looked at (i.e. fungal forms, crystalizations...etc) Hope this helps a little... Joe http://www.zedweb.co.uk/n16health/listings/92.html Romans 8:28- And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose
  14. Joe B

    Prayers Needed

    Definitely praying to our Lord for your Mom.... Joe
  15. Joe B


    Great news , Peg ! I am very happy for you and Bill
  16. Joe B

    update on dad

    Berisa, I am so sorry to hear about the sitiuation with your Dad. He sounds like a very wonderful man, i hope that the time you have together is memorable and a blessing to you... I will continue in prayers for you and your Dad.
  17. Joe B

    Prayers needed

    Bill & Peg.... a special prayer being said for you both........ Joe
  18. Joe B

    husband getting weaker

    My Prayers are being expressed to our loving Father for you and Bill. Joe
  19. Joe B

    The Portrait

    very nice. The purpose for each of us is our own responsibility to discover...... A great book for both Christians and non Christians alike is "the Purpose Driven Life" (which Don Wood has suggested in previous posts) While it is written from a Christian persepctive, it really manages to get someone to think on a daily basis about what this realm is all about, the decisions we make and why, God's plan for us, and our immense connection with others in light of influencing good & evil.... you read just one chapter a day (6-8 pages) and then reflect/ meditate on the content of that chapter.. I recommend it... Joe
  20. thanks John! Hopefully I never need it But I am a adneo BAC / never smoker, and in one study they had pretty amazing results with tarceva in non smokers... so I want to keep my eye on it.... Joe
  21. David, Never am I bored with you encouraging us.... and I do not feel you are bragging at all.... I think its awesome to see long term survivors here. Its gives others hope. You could have very easily gone on with your life, and members here would have never known of such a great success story.... and that would be a shame It also helps the medical community realize that this is not always a fatal disease. The medical community needs as much encouragement as we do in finding ways to improve the quality and length of life after a LC diagnosis. I say, keep up the positive message.... its is sad that not everyone can acheive such great results, but I think it is also very encouraging to see that you have ! Joe
  22. Great news David ! Thanks for updating us right away. Joe
  23. This one been around long? I guess I'm not too current in the joke scene
  24. It is overwhelming. You just have to research it in depth, and make an informed decision. I am chossing to utilize supplements based on a lot of new information on how antioxidants work. I now believe as do many researchers that they protect the healthy cells from damage of chemo, but do not decrease the effectiveness of chemo on the cancer cells.... Joe
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