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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. welcome Cathy -- glad you found us; sorry you have to be here... Joe
  2. Joe B

    Larry A. Davis

    Donna, My deepest sympathy goes out to you. God Bless Joe
  3. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    as hard as it is now, we are ALL blessed by getting to know David A. And I think we are better people as a result..... And even though its very sad now..... I feel good that David used his great sense of humor to make us laugh , saw the Pistons win the championship, got to drive his dream car, took NASCAR trips with his twin boys, helped arrange and promote the Michigan bash, and got to meet many of his friends face to face at Ry's.... I have a feeling we will see him again someday, and it will be like old times.....
  4. Joe B

    Fun in Heaven

    wow, what a great thread. i am sure David A & T-Bone are yucking it up and having a great time! The bible says that a day in heaven equals a 1,000 days on earth... so that means THEY will only have to wait, oh say 20 days or so to see ALL of us believers THERE (that would be 60 years) Great visuals ! Joe
  5. Joe B

    Tuesdays With David A

    This is very hard. David A was (still is?) a big part of this board. He & I exchanged e-mails on occasion. He was always encouraging me when I was going through treatments. I I tried to do the same for him. We talked about spiritual matters. I wish I would have know the seriousness of the procedure, I would have made an effort to visit him before hand. He had a sort of kid like quality that made him very endearing to us here. He was so open about things, and could laugh at himself. I thank God that Ry hosted that party and I did get to meet, talk, hug and laugh with him. My prayer, God, please keep him well with you until we see him again in the next life.
  6. Joe B


    bumping up the post in Tribute to David A.... He is here still in spirit.
  7. Joe B

    David A

    I am heartbroken. I did not expect this. David was very loved here, and I will miss him greatly. He was a big part of the spirit of this forum, and i know that he benefited from being such a loved member here. My sincere sympathy to his famliy and friends including those here. Thank God he is in heaven now, and will not suffer any longer. Joe
  8. Joe B

    David A

    Praying for a great result, david. Joe
  9. Hi Tina, Just to clear things up, I never did order or take immunopower. But, I too, would like some feedback from someone who has. I take supplements that I have purchased on my own, largely based on the book you mentioned by Patrick Quillan. Joe
  10. Joe B

    another update

    Thanks for the updat David. You are in my prayers everyday .... You have a great attitude ! I lik ethe idea of another LC get together.... Joe
  11. Joe B


    you are THE man Carl ! I am very glad you had a good birthday ....
  12. Joe B

    TBone has died.

    Ginger (ViVi) Iam sorry to hear the news..... You have a very special family, and Terry was a very special man. the love that you have for each other is so very apparent. I wish all families could be as close as what you have been blessed with in yours. I am certain that Terry is in heaven now, and will experience uncomprehensible joy for all of eternity. Praise God for that fact. You have wonderful memories to help you through this trying time. Terry always thought of all of us here in every single post-- even when he was suffering himself; that is great character. God Bless..... Joe
  13. Dean, Hope you have a great birthday. Take care ... J
  14. David... Gina & I are praying for a good result. That car is sweet, I can attest to that... saw it at the Michigan Bash Joe
  15. God by His very nature is good and does not make mistakes. We are trying to understand very deep mystery's with human minds. we are not capable of that.
  16. I am familiar with this song. And for me, th ebeginning is eerily similiar to what happened to me.... JB
  17. Joe B

    TBone Update 7/26

    TeeTaa, God bless you and your family. Terry is in my sincere prayers. Please let him know that we are praying for him, and that we miss him here on the board. God Bless. Joe
  18. welcome back Cheryl, you were missed. rest and be well. Joe
  19. Joe B

    Car troubles

    David.... Sweet !!! Wow, congrats, good for you!
  20. I am so sorry for the news David & Karen. Prayers are with you...... Joe
  21. Joe B

    need some prayers

    Hi David, Sorry you are in pain. Prayers being said..... hang in there. Joe
  22. A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient #1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half. Patient #2 was hanging from the ceiling, by his feet. The doctor asked patient number 1 what he was doing. The patient replied, "Can't you see I'm sawing this piece of wood in half?" The doctor inquired of Patient #1 what Patient #2 was doing. Patient #1 replied, "Oh. He's my friend, but he's a little crazy. He thinks he's a lightbulb." The doctor looks up and notices Patient #2's face is going all red. The doctor asks Patient #1, "If he's your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself" Patient #1 replies, "What? And work in the dark?"
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