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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. my WBC's got very low (.4) I was placed on Neupogen shots (had to adminster them myself)... I dont think there are natural ways to boost WBC's. I had an issue with them shooting up way too high after a series of those injections. However, I never did get sick even when my WBC's were extremely low.
  2. Hi Leslie, Praying for the wbr to work for you and for you to be comforted during this hard time in your journey.
  3. Another member asked me for the things I do to try and "assist" traditional approaches to beating cancer. I thought I would post them here for all to see and ask for others to provide the same if you are comfortable with sharing your approaches. here are mine; Based on things I have read and advice from a doctor; I take the following-- a high quality Mutli-Vitamin (Shaklee), Coenzyme 10 (100mg), Selenium, folic acid, a plain aspirin, Turmeric (herb), and andrographis (herb). I also try and excercise (Areobic running) 3 times a week to increase oxegyn levels. I eat a small amount of cottage cheese and ground flax seed (mixed together) in the morning. I drink real green tea (whole leaf variety from China) And I try and drink fresh vegetable/ fruit juices in the morning daily. I Juice raw products using a Jack Lalane Juicer. I try and avoid sugars and unnatural foods. Finally, I pray , because I know the Lord is the Great Physician.
  4. I have three two that are unchanged for 2 years , less than 4mm. Very tiny. And one that looks like it went from 4.1 MM to 4.6 MM over the last 3 month interval. Watching that one....
  5. I worked spraying the outside of lakefront homes for spider control for two summers while in college. The agent we used? Diazinon! I was doused with that stuff pretty good (sprayed the entire house and winds would blow the pesticide on me) Explains alot being a never smoker... Joe
  6. Happy Thanksgiving Don & Lucie..praying for continued success...Joe
  7. http://www.cancer-prevention.net/ This is a big booklet (125 pages). Be carefule where you print it It is free.. I found it thru a link on the ABC news website...Joe
  8. I think that a Stop Smoking forum makes sense...as long as we do not lose focus on the treatment and research that has to accompany cancer prevention strategies. The focus needs to be two pronged, 1) research/cure for those that have it (ex-smokers, smokers, and never smokers), and 2) prevention of the disease through a healthy lifestyle.
  9. welcome, Yu will be happy to know that there are many of us here trying natural complimentary approaches in our fight. If you go the the Alternative therapies section -- there is a wealth of information. Joe
  10. Hi Holly, Welcome to the Community. I have three daughters one of which is 15. I will do everything I can to fight this disease..... I promise. I am sorry that your Mom isn't here for you now.... try and take comfort in the fact that you will see her again someday in paradise. Thank you for posting and honoring your Mothers wishes, that took courage... and I am sure your Mom is smiling in heaven. Joe
  11. Exactly. The issue is that Lung Cancer needs both PREVENTION (quit smoking campaigns) and RESEARCH and TREATMENT / CURES. By making it so simplistic and aligning it 100% with smoking, there is no need to do research around a cure. I and others are living proof that Lung cancer occurs in nonsmokers.
  12. this is what I just posted on the ABC news discussion board as part of the "Quit to live" site... 'The message of this site is mis-leading. This site suggests that if we eradicate smoking, lung cancer would be non-existent. NOT TRUE. I (as well as many others I know), have had to battle lung cancer despite NEVER smoking. ABC News should expand its focus and treat this disease in a holistic fashion, and remove the myth that smoking causes all cases of lung cancer. Truth be told, I know many people through a support web site I visit, who do not know WHAT caused their lung cancer. Christopher Reed's wife (I believe her name is Dana) never smoked! And the disturbing fact is that these type of cases are INCREASING (esp in women). Please do us all a favor and quit blaming the victims and taking such a simplistic approach to lung cancer. Make Peter Jennings proud and do some REAL investigative reporting."
  13. Quite frankly -- I am offended by the ABC News site. Lung Cancer is not soley caused by smoking. I never smoked. Many others here also never smoked and have lung cancer. In fact up to 15%-25% of lung cancer patients never or rarely smoked. This site makes it seem like if people quit smoking lung cancer would be a thing of the past. It is ignorant-- and I am disappointed with ABC News.
  14. Joe B

    Rascall Flatts

    I have the CD and this song really impacted me.... very touching. Joe
  15. http://www.ediets.com/news/article.cfm/cmi_1447329 October 10, 2005 Vienna (dpa) - A group of researchers at Vienna University said Tuesday they are trying to develop an existing influenza vaccine so that it will be effective against lung cancer. Experiments with mice have already yielded first successes, but much more research was still needed before the new therapy could be used on humans, said a university statement. "In fact it's a paradox," said research scientist Christian Kittel at the Institute of Applied Microbiology. "Influenza viruses normally cause flu in human beings, and thereby an extremely dangerous illness, which for some patients even ends fatally." "But now we want to treat an even more dangerous illness, lung cancer, with them," he said. The researchers explained that the human immune system usually stands no chance against cancer, as it cannot distinguish between healthy and cancerous cells. But now they had succeeded in altering an existing influenza vaccine so that it acted on the immune system like a sparkplug, giving it a kick-start. Then the system was so highly sensitized that it could recognize cancer cells and destroy them. The existing vaccine was attenuated - a toned-down influenza virus which could not cause the disease itself, but still infected the lungs. The researchers had developed the virus further so that it now also contained the building plan for production of the immune "messenger" Interleukin-2. This material had already previously been gene-technically manufactured and tested. "But it was administered to the patients systematically (by infection) and in high dosages. That did in fact have an effect, but also strong side-effects." This problem would be avoided by using the influenza viruses as conveyances. The virus-infected cells of the lungs would then produce and release the Interleukin-2 just where it was needed. The substance would activate the pulminary immune system to such an extent that it could recognize and fight the cancer. Copyright 2005 dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH
  16. Joe B

    Prayer Request

    absolutely Hebbie....Prayers to our Gracious God being said.... I have my scan this Saturday at 3pm
  17. I just found out that a former co-worker and friend of mine has had a recurrence of lc in his other lung. He originally was staged 1A back in '02 and had surgery (removal of middle & lower right lobes)but no chemo. His name is Venu. I just spoke with my wife (who still works where I use to) and she is shook up, as am I. Venu was a friend when I was first diagnosed and went through tx's. He had been diagnosed just a year prior to me. Apparently he was in India for his fathers funeral for 3 weeks, and had delayed his scan a little until he got back to the states. Please pray for him ... J
  18. Congratulations Hebbie !! Now we have two have real celebrities on our group You and Lisa O !
  19. Joe B

    House , on Fox

    He also stated "she has 6 months , tops..." On the upside, they didnt mention smoking at all....
  20. Wow. Francine, you are an inspiration. I only hope that I can be so accepting and at peace when my time comes. Praise be to God for your salvation, Francine.
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