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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. I would prefer a DVD... but either is fine
  2. I would like to be on the list as well... Missed the broadcast (wasnt checking e-mails and missed the date change)
  3. Peggy, My Deepest sympathies go out to you and yours. May God provide you with peace and understanding during this difficult time. Joe
  4. Joe B


    Welcome back Carol ! J
  5. Lisa... That is very cool ! Can't wait to see the segment... I hope all is well .... Joe
  6. Carol, You said your doctor did a "thoroctomy" before the surgery? Not sure I follow you.
  7. Praying for a total healing and a pain free recovery for Dean
  8. Hi Daffodils, I was there when my grandfather (mom's Dad) died some years back (late 90's). He had suffered a stroke, and then was operated on (brain surgery) .... After a few days the decision was made to take him off the ventilator. We (my parents, two of my uncles, my brother & I) were there.... It was sad , but I am glad we were all around him. He was also a man of faith, and when you believe that there is a heaven and people can be reunited... Those beliefs can make for a peaceful feeling... Heaven is described as a place were all tears are wiped away, and there will no longer be any pain or suffering. I think we mourn more for ourselves and our feelings of loss, than we do for those faithful followers who have found their way home.
  9. Joe B

    A wee favor...

    Hi Becky, Praying for a complete healing for Nathaniel.. God Bless.... Joe
  10. Joe B

    Update on us

    Peggy -- praying for you all. Glad to hear youwill be able to get some rest... Joe
  11. Joe B


    Frank, We will see you soon. Hang tough... prayers for a quick recovery
  12. My Sincere prayers are with Mr. Jennings. I pray his condition is treatable, and I pray that he knows the Lord (or comes to know Him) and that he derives strength from Him ... and that he helps move people to action to cure this disease. Joe
  13. Curtis, Thats the stuff that you will be sharing & laughing with Katie many years from now. God Bless... Hang in there ! Joe
  14. Joe B

    5 for 3/25

    Five for Good Friday 1) Great wife and super kids 2) being baptized 2nite (finally) 3) God's good grace 4) New job Monday 5) Easter Sunday get together with family
  15. Jorja, If you do a search on radiation pneumonitis (look above for "search link") you will find a lot of good discussion on the topic., I had a mild case... coughing that lasted a couple of months.... I pray everything returns to normal... Joe
  16. I, too, shaved my head when it started falling out.... I didn't have any problems with my scalp as a a result. Brian should be A-OK. Joe
  17. Happy Birthday Lucie... Here is to many more ! (green tea toast)
  18. Welcome home Frank... I am glad to hear that you have a plan of attack...I am praying for your complete healing.... Hang in there... God Bless you....Joe
  19. Joe B

    Back from NY

    Lisa, Praying for a complete recovery for your Mom. Hang in there.... I am sure she is in very good hands in NY. Joe
  20. Dean, Its great to see a post from you.... keep on truckin ! Joe
  21. Wow!! Praise God! That is awesome news.... JB
  22. Congratulations...here's to many more anniversaries....Joe
  23. Peggy -- Praying for healing and God's peace in your home.. Joe
  24. Joe B


    David, Great to see your post. I am praying for you my friend. Remember " I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me..." Joe
  25. Joe B


    Don & Lucie. Awesome news ! Praise God.... Joe
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