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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. many do not realize just how trecherous teh great lakes can be...... great song.
  2. Rich, Glad you made it through that experience OK. Good news is that you did endure 1 round of systemic chemo, and that you are one of teh fortunate NED's here. Hope you feel back to 100% soon. Joe
  3. Joe B

    first date

    Curtis, Thank God for beautiful memories. God Bless you, In Christ's Love, Joe
  4. Joe B

    Prayer request

    praying for a good outcome. j
  5. Hi Craneman, I too was diagnosed as IIIA - with a medistinal lymph node positive. (See signature below). Both Hebbie & I have been cancer free following surgery, and hope to live a LONG life Many others as well, So there are success stories here for sure.... Welcome, and best of luck with your course of treatment. Joe
  6. Gina & I voted first thing this morning. As they say... vote early & vote often...
  7. Joe B

    Dean Carl

    Has anyone heard from Dean? JB
  8. http://www.emedicine.com/radio/topic590.htm I had a cough for a while as well, it was due to radiation Pneumonitis; most radiation oncologist will deny that this is the cause of your cough.... and I think incidents of this are much higher than what is reported. Basically, the damage to your lungs from the radiation, causes the body to "overreact" with wbc's causing inflammation and a persistent cough. It does get better with time... Radiation Pneumonitis Clinical Details: Classic radiation pneumonitis has 3 main phases. Early phase (first month): This represents a latent period of pneumonitis. During this phase, loss of both type I and type II pneumonocytes occurs. Type II pneumonocytes produce surfactant, and decreased amounts result in transudation of serum proteins into the alveoli. This leads to edema of the intersitial spaces. Intermediate phase (1-6 months): This is characterized by dose-dependent leakage of proteins into the alveolar space, thickening of the alveolar septa, and development of clinical symptoms. Common clinical symptoms include nonproductive cough, low-grade fever, tachycardia, and dyspnea. Late phase (6 months and later): This is characterized by a loss of capillaries and increased collagen deposition. This results in restrictive changes within the lung characterized by reductions in vital capacity, lung volumes, diffusing capacity of lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO), and total lung capacity.
  9. Joe B

    I love Lucie

    what a great post. I agree-- you two make a marvelous couple!
  10. Melanie, YES! Amend is what I took... it worked great... did have some feeling of sickness, but not much at all. I never actually got sick (if u know what I mean).
  11. I know that Zofran is one agent that works well. I used a new one (don't rember the name).. it was very expensive (luckily it was covered) I think around $100- 150 per day (a single tablet taken before IV chemo). If I think of the name I will re-post. Here is a link on this topic http://www.mesothelioma-cancer-treatmen ... ancer.html Joe
  12. Way Cool ! Way to go Heather !!!
  13. sounds like a great kid TeeTaa..... praying for a good outcome for Caleb. JOe
  14. Hi heather, I am praying for your friend. Joe
  15. Joe B


    I deleted it myself. I posted something and then thought better of it. Sorry for the confusion.
  16. that is so Great ! Thank for the good news, Don. Joe
  17. Paddy, earnest prayers being said for David..... Joe
  18. Ouch.... I hope everything is OK David P... Praying for a full recovery Joe
  19. Dean, Well said my friend. I Pray the path continues to provide moments of wonder and joy, and that you continue on it courageously. Joe
  20. Joe B

    CT Results

    Thank you everyone..... Ry, we will give you directions IF you promise NOT to TP I will post another house picture update soon. Just didn't want ya all to forget what Gina & I look like We hope to be in the new place by Christmas. Addie, I couldnt imagine building clear across the country, that must be exciting and yet a major challenge. J
  21. Joe B

    CT Results

    I am truly Blessed. Had my CT yesterday, received the report today "no evidence of metastatic disease in the chest" All glory & praise belong to God. Whew!
  22. GREAT JOB Hebbie !!! Can you copy it here - or at least re-type it ? Joe
  23. Joe B

    Two Whole Years

    Hi Don, truly an inspiration, thanks for the positive news ... God Bless.
  24. Great article ! thank you John... that was very helpful. Changed my thoughts on some things.... Joe
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