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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. Joe B

    CT Scan Results

    Good news... scan came back clean....NED Lungs are completely clear.... There are post operative radiation changes in the right lung. subcarinal region has increased with ill defined soft tissue most likely due to radiation effects... It could be a postive lymph node, but unlikely since it was in the radiation field. He said we could do a PET, but there is a likelihood of a false postive from the radiation effects. liver, adrenal, spleen, pancreas, kidneys all clean. I will have another CT in 6 weeks just to ensure that the inflammation we are seeing in the subcarinal is radiation induced... oncologist feels that it is from radiation... but wants to stay on the safe side. So all in all I am very pleased. Praise be to God..... Many blessings to all, Joe
  2. Gina & I will be there (of course Ry is only 5 miles from us), Dont even THINK about the TP action, my house is going on the market next week... I don't need any TP to chase away potential buyers BTW- if it sells we will be homeless until the new place is finished
  3. Everyone develops degenerative changes in the spine, it is simply part of the aging process. Nothing to worry about Heather.
  4. I actually had this. No hilar involvement , but 1 subcarinal positive. Not sure how that happens, but it was exactly what they found with me. Joe
  5. Just EXTREMELY busy at work, and traveling alot. I did send u a PM not toolong ago, hope u received it OK? I am a silent observer from time to time here.... JB
  6. Hi Heather, Don't let your Doctor spoil what has been a very successful outcome....You are doing all the right things, and although he seems surprised... he's not taking into account your age, non smoking history, and current extremely healthy lifestyle... You will make the 18 month mark and well beyond, and I think you already know it. Joe
  7. Absolutely David...Prayers for your Mom. Hope you get a chance to see her soon...... Joe
  8. Joe B

    Dreaded scan time

    Sweet Music to our ears ! Congrats Heather !! Very cool. Joe
  9. Mo, Hope you're back to feeling great real soon. God bless you... now get some rest sister! Joe
  10. Joe B

    Dreaded scan time

    heather, I am SO confident it will be great, but I am asking the Lord for a complete recovery none the less. Sincere Prayer being offered. Joe
  11. God bless all the wonderful Mothers of the world.... where would we all be without a Mothers love? Have a great Mothers Day one & all!!!!
  12. Awesome news! We'll keep the prayers going.... Thank God for good CT Scans....
  13. i did a search on it, and it didn't produce any hits. I think its something that could potentially be on the horizon, but requires more advanced testing & research. Joe
  14. Abstract Antitumor B (ATB), also known as Zeng Sheng Ping, is a Chinese herbal mixture composed of six plants. Previously, clinical studies have shown a significant chemopreventive efficacy of ATB against human esophageal and lung cancers. In the present study, A/J mice harboring a dominant-negative p53 and/or heterozygous deletion of Ink4a/Arf and treated with benzo[a]pyrene were used to investigate the chemopreventive effects of ATB on chemically induced lung tumorigenesis. Mice with various genotypes treated with ATB displayed a significant reduction in lung tumor multiplicity and tumor load. Treatment with ATB resulted in an approximately 40% decrease in tumor multiplicity and a 70% decrease in tumor load in both wild-type mice and in mice with a loss of the Ink4a/Arf tumor suppressor genes. Interestingly, ATB decreased tumor multiplicity and volume by 50 and 90%, respectively, in mice with a dominant-negative p53 and in mice with both a p53 mutation and deletion of Ink4a/Arf. Kras2 mutation analysis of the lung tumors revealed that tumors harbored mutations in the 12th codon of Kras2. There were no differences in either the incidence or types of mutations between tumors treated with or without ATB. Oligonucleotide array analysis revealed 284 genes that were differentially expressed in mouse lung tumors as compared to the normal lung, and it was found that 114 out of these 284 genes changed their expression toward the normal levels in tumors treated with ATB. Most of the genes modulated by ATB belong to several cellular signaling pathways, including Notch (Notch homolog 2, manic fringe homolog), growth factor (FGF intracellular-binding protein, PDGF), G protein-Ras-MAPK (MAPK3, MAP3K4, rab3A, Rap1, RSG5, PKC ), ubiquitin-proteasome (CDC34, Cullin1, 26S proteasome), and apoptosis (BAD promoter, caspase 3). These results suggest that ATB is an effective chemopreventive against mouse lung tumorigenesis. Furthermore, ATB exhibited an enhanced inhibitory effect in animals harboring genetic alterations (Kras2, p53, and Ink4a/Arf), which are often seen in human lung adenocarcinomas. Oncogene (2004) 23, 3841-3850. doi:10.1038/sj.onc.1207496 Published online 15 March 2004
  15. Joe B

    2 year survivor

    Congratulations Dave. Both on your 2 year anniversary, and regarding your spiritual growth. Keep on keeping on my friend! Joe
  16. Great News Dave... made my day. Joe
  17. Joe B

    In a peace now

    Berisa, My prayers are with you. Prasie God that your father accepted Christ and is now in heaven and that the two of you will reunite someday. My deepest sympathies to you on your loss.... Joe
  18. Joe B

    My Beloved

    Peg, words are so inadequate I know.... May the love of our Lord enfold you.... I hope you can take comfort in knowing that Bill, as a result of his faith, is in paradise today and everyday throughout eternity. Nothing but time can ease the suffering you feel in this loss. Cherish the memories that you had with Bill and hold unto your faith during this trying time..... In Christs love, Joe
  19. Joe B

    Lucie's Good Scans

    Excellent news - I am very happy for you both... enjoy the trip
  20. Great Job David! Congratulations on 2 smoke free years! Joe
  21. Joe B


    praise God.
  22. Joe B

    Divine Healing

    Amen. This Easter please go see the Passion of the Christ ... it helps give us an a picture of the reality of what He did for us. It is His wish that we all are saved, but we must turn to Him (repent of our sins) and believe in Him in order to share eternal life in heaven.... Thank you for the post Anne. Joe
  23. Hi Fay, I am about 3 months out from finishing my radiation. I breezed through the initial process- however, I am experiencing after effects. I am now dealing with inflammation of my right lung (lower lobe), and a slight cough that periodically worsens and then goes away. Not sure what I would do if I were you, but I want you to be aware that radiation effects can last for 6 months to 1 year. Lung damage is a risk to doing the whole area. I think they under report the occurrences of radiation pneumonitis. You are in my prayers.... I am sure you will make the right decision for your current situation.... Joe
  24. Thanks for the update Rochelle,,, David-- prayers are with you... Gods Speed. Joe
  25. Joe B

    The Path

    Dean, You have quite a talent. Do you mind if we share this with others? Joe
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