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Joe B

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Everything posted by Joe B

  1. Great picture! I love it.... J
  2. Cheryl & Jack... you are both in my prayers. I hope that the GVAX trial is just the ticket for Cheryl... God Bless you both Joe
  3. Joe B

    my dad

    Curtis, I think at some point it would help to be honest with your Dad about your feelings. But first I think the advice Don gave is best-- try and forgive in your heart. Sometimes just deciding that you will, and then working on it each day is all that it takes. But I wouldn't approach your Dad until you have worked through all your feelings on the topic, and have thought through how to approach it with him in a respectful and unemotional way. The objective should be to improve your relationship with your Dad, by helping him to understand your feelings. Even if he initially rejects what you are saying or puts on a defense mechanism (like anger, withdrawal, projection, denial...etc) he will eventually think about it, and it could be the basis of dialouge with him in a productive sense. And most people will respect someone, who takes a risk to address something that is bothering them, in order to grow a relationship. When I was younger I had some anger and distance with my father. Just over the past 5 years have we gotten closer. I still haven't addressed every hurt with him (i don't think I ever will either, unless some good can come from it) ... although, now that I am a father.. I sure forgive him a lot more than I did before I had children. In a way , I wish he was a stronger leader with our family (even now as adults his 7 kids still need advice) , but I really do respect him and know that he did his best for us always. He just is far from perfect... and thats OK... because so am i. Joe
  4. Joe B

    The Michigan Bash!

    Gina & I are heading up north on the 22nd (for Gina's Birthday), but hope to be back by Saturday afternooon..... thats the plan anyway... to be back to meet some folks at Rochelle's (heck I still havent met John & Rochelle ).... I'll keep u updated ... Joe
  5. Praying for Cheryl... and for Jack as well...... Joe
  6. Awesome Becky !!! Joe
  7. I worked, worked, and worked some more... all work and no play makes Joe a dull boy....
  8. beautiful...thank you Jane
  9. Jane, that is a beautiful story.... you are blessed to have such good memories around your brother Alans passing. Praise be to God, for Alan's salvation and your role in that process..... Your story is a testimony to the power of faith and the rewards of trusting in God and his omnipotence. Joe
  10. that is really terrific Dean... 20 years -- wow... congratulations ! Joe
  11. David A & I knew it all along.... PISTONS NBA CHAMPIONS IN 2004
  12. Happy Birthday David !! Many More ..... Go Pistons ! Joe
  13. Welcome Amy, Sorry you have to deal with this disease. You will find, that like your Mom, there are many non-smokers here that have lung cancer-- including myself. Glad you found us. Peace, and God's blessings to you and yours. Joe
  14. Joe B

    Cat scan results

    Hi Dave, Sounds pretty stable. I am glad they validated the reason for the pain you have been having. Keep on keeping on ... you remain in my prayers. Joe
  15. Joe B


    Stay strong MO. We are praying that you recover soon.... God Bless you sister... Joe
  16. Alright Bob! Good to see you back on the board !!! You were missed in abig way by everyone.... .. praying that all goes well with the chemo and plan for getting you back on a solid diet... Joe
  17. Praying for a good result David !! Joe
  18. Joe B

    Prayers Please

    Mo, I will be praying hard that they find the right chemo to stabilize things. I am sorry to hear that the news wasn't better. we are all here for you.... keep up the good fight! Joe
  19. Joe B

    Prayers Please

    praying all is well MO....
  20. Katester, You are very fortunate they noticed it and you are being checked out. If it is something malignant, the odds are much better when found before symptoms start. Good luck with the PET, praying that the mass is benign. Joe
  21. David, Its only natural to have some effects from exerting yourself... I have pains after I push it too hard too.... but I do believe its in the long run good for us to continue to test our limits, it makes the body stronger. The pains you feel may just be your body re-generating itself and in essence making you stronger as a result. The trick is finding that balance to continue to improve, but not overdoing it too much. Looking forward to hooking up this summer at Rochelle's... Joe
  22. Becky. Hang on to that box, I may need it when youre done
  23. Joe B

    CT Scan Results

    Thanks Rochelle... I would be happy to help cook, what guy doesnt like to BBQ? JB
  24. Joe B

    CT Scan Results

    Funny you mention that, because I am feeling WAY re-energized about the diet and excercise thing..... I feel very fortunate to be where I am....of course I will feel alot better when these darn radiation effects finally start to diminish! Thanks for all you do, Heather.. you are an inspiration. Joe
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