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Posts posted by Andrea

  1. Friends,

    I have learned so much from you over the years, I am once again calling to see if anyone has had a colectomy (part of colon removed) to see how bad it was.

    I have a benign mass (a lipoma) in my colon that finally started to cause significant pain. I meet with the surgeon on Tues to discuss, no one is sure what to do yet. On the one hand if it continues on the path of growth it will have to come out eventually b/c it could cause a blockage, etc. On the other hand if it stops growing, I can maybe tolerate some discomfort. And on one foot I think getting it out is best for a full biopsy since the whole thing is rare (a colonic lipoma is very rare) and on the other foot I don't want my colon chopped out since there are risks to surgery and they are confident it is benign (it was biopsied on colonoscopy)

    Here is the growth pattern:

    2005 3.1X2.3

    6/06 4.6X3.3

    10/06 5.4X2.6

    8/07 6.0X2.8

    5/08 5X4

    Thanks for listening to me whine :) Us nice jewish girls are known for our whining. If anyone has had experience with the surgery I'd love to hear the good, bad and ugly.

  2. Out of supersticion had to post. My dad is getting his chest ct-scan and I am getting an abdominal/pelvic one. I have been having bad stomach pain for two weeks that I was trying to ignore b/c I didn't want a scan, but finally gave in and called the dr. :)

    My mom is status quo, she is not due until August for her scans.

    I just had someone laugh at me, I called the imaging center I am going to tomorrow and said "Hi, do you h ave a service where if a dr orders a ct-scan you can pay the radiologist a fee to discuss your results with you right away?" She laughed and said no and sounded like it was the most insane question ever. Hey, I tried! :)

  3. As many of you may know, I had my babies through a surrogate. We were strangers and now we are the best of friends and more like family.

    Randi's mom is a beautiful healthy woman in her 50's. She went to the hospital with pancreatitis a few days ago and now I got the following update from Randi. Please add her to your prayer list, her name is Julie. Thanks!


    I am not sure where the infection is but it is becuase her immune system is supressed and cant fight, she has cold sores all over her tongue. She is not doing very well. She now has pnuemonia, has been diagnosed with diabetes, and her organs are being attacked and therefore may start to fail.

  4. Pot calling kettle black b/c you know I am a lunatic myself. That said, there is no need to freak out yet because a cyst may just be a cyst. As you know, the problem with so much imaging is that something is going to show sometime even if it is nothing. I have examples of that with myself and my dad--things that were seen that were nothing, once I had a chest thing and once he had a bone thing.

    Keep us posted!

  5. I just donated to a friend's Relay and the on-line receipt gave the following information on how funds are spent:

    How the Money is Spent

    Your donations enables the American Cancer Society to fund cutting-edge research, provide up-to-date cancer information and education, advocate for all people to have access to critical cancer screenings and follow-up care, and offer free programs to improve the quality of life ofr patients and their families.

    Nationwide Program Support- 40%

    Research: over $16 million reallocated to CA research institutions

    Patient support and education programs: to be used in local communities in CA and the US

    Supporting services: to administer the research and program activities

    California Mission Delivery Programs- 35%

    Patient Support-14%

    Prevention/risk reduction- 12%

    Detection/treatment- 9%

    Fundraising- 21%

    Management and General- 4%

  6. My mom was wearing a post surgical bra after recovery from her bypass for awhile, it has no underwire.

    Also when she came home she slept in the recliner for awhile.

    Coughing or laughing hurt her awhile, she found if she squeezed a soft pillow to her chest, it helped the pain. She had soft pillows in all the areas she might be sitting.

    Good luck!! Don't be shy to ask for pain killers.

  7. I am not sure, I haven't heard anything much about it. My babies are taking Culterelle which is a probiotic for digestion. Their doctor said it is good to take.

  8. I hear you loud and clear!!!

    Sometimes it is hard to take joy in the children and the weather bc cancer is there lurking.

    Thank you for posting this! Venting is good!!

  9. They found a clot in my mom's lung during chemo. They installed a a filter in her groin to try to catch further clots and she will be on coumidin (blood thinner) for the rest of her life. But otherwse it had no effect on her.

    Keep us posted!

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