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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Ginny,

    I didn't tell you this story when I posted before, I didn't know if I should. Anyway I decided it might give you a laugh, so here goes,

    I thought I would take one of those "relaxing" baths the other evening, something I hadn't done for a while, (I usually take quick showers.) As I ran the water, I noticed a trail of ants coming from the windowsill down to the faucet. I made up my mind to ignore them , although they spoiled the ambiance, and set up my candle on the lu seat next to the bath, (we have a small bathroom.) I then remembered I had left the matches in the kitchen, so, back I went to get them. Candle lit, and all set at last, I climbed into the now luke- warm water and prepared to relax. The next thing , my glasses steamed up, and in attempting to

    to dry them I dropped the magazine into the water. Leaning forward to fish out the mag., I let the towel fall into the tub, which caused a wave that washed ants into the water.Totally frustrated by now, and not wanting to share my bath-water with creepy crawlies I sprang out , (a slow "spring", as Norme says, it's not easy when you are a senior,) and blew out the candle with a short, sharp disgusted puff.....which showered me and my surroundings with hot, orange wax. Now you know why I take long walks to relax :lol:


  2. Hello Vivi,

    Nice to have you aboard, ( even though I wish you didn't have to be.) I remember reading a web-site when my husband was first diagnosed. It frightened me so badly I almost fell apart, I wish I hadn't done that, but I had not yet found this terrific site at that time. After we had spoken to the oncologist I felt so much more equipped to get in there and fight. Tell Tbone not to take any notice of those statistics, I have been told that is a No No here!



  3. Hello There Ginny,

    I really think you do deserve a pitty party, we all have them you know!. I think Snowflake's idea was wonderful, just hope you have one of those long baths instead of the straight sided types-most uncomfortable!

    I relieve the stress by going for long walks while David is still asleep in the morning. When I feel like howling I put on my dark glasses, stuff lots of tissues in my pocket and off I go. When I get home ,I ice my eyes to get the red away and by the time Dave gets up I am ready to fight the fight again.

    Yes, we too found out about things from records rather than being told by the oncologist. I had not heard about the "suspicious lesions" in and near the spine before the last visit I am told they are not going to do anything about those but are just "watching" them.

    Dave is another one who doesn't ask questions. I have to do that and also insist on seeing the records etc. I don't think he even likes to think about his condition if he can help it.

    I will say a prayer for you and Earl tonight and add an extra one especially for you,



  4. Hello Fay A,

    My husbands eyebrows began to come back about two weeks after he started getting snowy white "peach fuzz" on his "pate". Now they are beginning to sprout like that fellow in your dream!

    He was so funny when his hair first started coming in. He was so proud of it and made a great big thing about it, making sure I knew that he was ,"WASHING HIS HAIR"every morning! His hair has gone a little darker now and looks good. I can't resist stroking his head as soft as soft as a kittens. He pretends to be embarrassed but I think he likes the attention :lol:

    Do you know if you can lose your hair when you go on Iressa, I hope not?

    Positive thoughts for good results with your treatment coming your way,


  5. JC my heart goes out to you. I think I know a little of what you are feeling. My husband Dave used to go to all my appointments with me, but lately because of his illness, I have been going alone .The other day I was sitting waiting to have a mamogram and I suddenly burst into tears! I felt such a fool but I felt so alone suddenly. I wish I lived near you, I would come and hold your hand. Know that my prayers are with you and I wish you well,


  6. I drove my husband to the first four chemo sessions and then after that he insisted he could cope. I accompanied him each time though, just incase. Like Norme with Buddy, I would have worried about him too much if he had gone on his own. As it turned out, during the first part of the chemo when they give the, (whatever it is that makes you sleep,) Dave stopped breathing a couple of times and I had to adjust the chair so that he was more upright. (He has sleep apnea and wasn't wearing his mask.) Have you ever tried to move a six foot, five 1/2" man when he's zonked out? I had to call two nurses to help me :!:

    Good Luck with your treatments,


  7. Welcome pplinfla,

    You did the right thing in joining the board. I joined recently and have found a great bunch of folks here.

    I wish my husband would join too, but he is the quiet one and leaves all the chatting to me. He says I do a much better job of it than he could! :)

    Best of luck with your treatment,


  8. I am so sorry that your Dad is ill Pinky. I know you must be terrified right now. One thing I can tell you is, don't jump ahead in your mind. Try to calm yourself, think positive and wait until you and your Dad meet with the oncologist. I know it is easy to say, however things may not be as bad as you imagine.

    Do you have family to share this burden with, I hope so?

    Let us know how things go with your Dad and until then my prayers go out to you both. Paddy.

  9. Hi There Karen,

    Thanks for your post. To answer your question; my husband is going to a special department of the UCLA which is affiliated with Henry Mayo Hospital. Dave seems pleased with the treatment he is getting, I am not entirely satisfied. They are not giving him any more Chemo, and they say radiation is not an option. The Onc. keeps talking about giving him "salvage" drugs such as Iressa, if he should show more symptoms. I think it is because David has so many other health problems and more aggressive treatment would cause him more harm than good. I can't bear to just sit back and let him go though. He is doing so well at the moment it is hard to believe he even has this nightmare disease but I am still so scared.

    love, Paddy

  10. We went to the Onc., yesterday and he says he is extremely pleased with David's condition. Evidently he is still stable and his blood tests were good. The Doc., says that unless any new symptoms appear he can go on with the"drug break" and just call in every month. Dave is feeling well and energetic and even went out target shooting with a friend this morning, (he still shoots a "mean group" I'll tell Ya!)

    At the same time as I am elated at this news, I can't help being a little frightened too, if you know what I mean? I suppose everyone feels like this at times. I also worry about what is going on while we take the break. :!:

    Oh Well, it is good news for now and that is what I will dwell on.

    Dave has such a good attitude, the Onc., told him that he could stay stable for many months and when we left the office turned to me and said "I intend to stay stable for ever"!

    Thanks for prayes and good thoughts,


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