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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Goodness Dean!, I hate to hear you so low! You are usually so upbeat. I hope the sun will come out soon, and stay out, so that you can get out in it and chase away the blahs! So sorry to hear about the pain in the legs too, I hope they can find something that will help you with that.


  2. Dear Norme,

    My heart is aching for you. I wish I could say something which would make you feel better but words are inadequate. I think of being without my David and I don't know how I will bear it...but we do, don't we, we have to, for what is the alternative? God Bless you Norme and I will be praying for your comfort and peace. I am sure Buddy is watching over you.



  3. This was such a bitter-sweet piece Carleen, you almost had me in tears. Dave and I have been doing the "simple" things too, to "Starbucks" for latte and mocha- malt- frappachino's,, (mine's the latte and Dave's is the mmf.) to the book store to browse around and just working on our hobbies together. (Dave makes or runs his model trains and I paint portraits.) We have always been close, however I think this time has brought us closer than we have ever been !

    God Bless you both,


  4. Dear Carleen,

    I know how frightened you must be about these dreams. I could sell the plots of my dreams to Stephen King without any trouble at all! My heart aches for you and your lovely husband. Please put these things out of your mind and enjoy every wonderful day you have together. Snowflake is right about the "Beer Truck" thing, we just never know. I will pray especially for you tonight.


  5. Dear,

    If it wasn't for the fact that you can't use your scooter I would LOVE the rain :D Cheer up, that "doppler" thing is always wrong anyway, the sun will soon be out again!


  6. Dear Close to the Edge,

    I am so sorry you have been through so much pain and frustration. I am glad that you are home now and hope your healing will begin and go from strength to strength.

    Love and Prayers for you and your hubby,


  7. Hello Carll,

    Welcome to the board. I am so sorry you had to join us although this is a wonderful place to come for advice or support , or just to vent.

    I do hope the radiation will do it's job and you will soon be feeling much better.

    I am adding you to my long prayer list,


  8. Hello Cath,

    I am so very sorry that you have lost your Grandmother. I agree whole-heartedly with Debbie, she has said it all! Perhaps too, if you can be brave enough to break the silence everyone else in the family will follow suit. It will release the tension everyone must be feeling by holding back their expressions of grief.



  9. I agree with Katie B Leslie, there are so many things that could be causing your Moms confusion. Best to make sure the doctors/oncs., know all the facts and let them work it out. You will just worry yourself to distraction if you try to do it yourself. It could be something minor that can be treated easily,so don't let your imagination take flight until you know for sure. Prayers for you and your Mom coming your way,


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