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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Dear David A,

    I was so very glad to hear you are doing so well. Please don't waste time feeling guilty, just enjoy every wonderful moment of life!! I hope Faith will soon be feeling much better and God Bless the three of you. Paddy

  2. Erin, I am so very sorry to hear that your Mom will not be having surgery. What a let down it must have been for you and all your family.I do hope they will find some other form of agressive treatment which she can have.

    Positive thoughts coming your way,


  3. Belated Happy Birthday Lucy, I hope you had a wonderful day. I admire you for your amazing attitude and energy and all that you are doing for other lung cancer survivors. That goes for you too Don.


  4. Dear Francine,

    So very sorry to hear that you are struggling with nausia. I don't really have any answers but I want you to know I am thinking of you and hoping you will soon be feeling better. Paddy

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