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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Dear Erin,

    What an awful load you are having to bear! My heart goes out to you. Is it my imagination or are there so many more cases of cancer these days, it certainly seems like it?

    Please do not neglect your own health, if you do you won't be able to be strong for your family! I wish you strength and will be keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. PS I do love your name it reminds me of Irish fields of green!



  2. Try her with all the "bad" things, I mean things that were considered bad before cancer! My husband only suffered the "taste" problem for a few days after each chemo treatment. I spoiled him with milk shakes, jello and ice cream and in fact anything he fancied. I tried to add nutricious foods of course, but the main thing is to get "anything" down them! Of course the "Ensure" is a must and can be mixed with all sorts of stuff, for variety, I believe.

    Best of luck with your Mom,


  3. Hi Tbone!

    It must be very hard to stay positive "all" the time. Although my husband Dave manages to stay his usual happy self most of the time he often has his "down" days, and who wouldn't. I think the people on the board who have this "beast- of- a -disease," are so courageous and my admiration goes out to them all.

    I can't help you on the other problems I'm afraid, as Dave has not had radiation, but I am sure you will get lots of advice from the other guys.

    Best Wishes to you and hope the grey clouds disappear soon.


  4. Dear Janet,

    May offer my condolences on your father's passing. My heart goes out to you.

    The hard facts seem to be that this awful disease creeps up stealthily and targets indiscriminately. My husband never smoked and didn't drink, (except for the very occasional glass of wine.) He kept himself healthy and ran at least three miles every day, (the latter before he had a stroke of course.) The only thing we can think of that could have possibly brought this on is that he used glues etc., when making model trains. He did wear a respirator when using spray paint though, and worked in the open air. The doctors,( and even the Pulmonary specialist,) examined him many times and failed to detect a problem until it was too late.

    Please don't blame yourself, I did that in the beginning too. How could anything you have, or have not done, have anything to do with bringing on this monster.

    I wish you and your family comfort and peace,



  5. Hello Carla, so sorry that you have had to join us, but glad you chose this board. There are some great people here who offer "Good listening ears!!

    I'ts great that your Dad got through the op., well, I would say that that is a sign that he is strong enough to fight the fight! It is also great that you now live nearby and can visit him a lot, I wish my daughters could be nearer to their Dad and so do they.Keep the faith!


  6. Hi There Kelly,

    I think anyone would be mixed up in this case! Sounds as if the doctors are as well. I agree, with the others, gather all the records , take them with you to the next appointment and ask for explanations. Good Luck to you and your Mom.



  7. Hello Ray. Glad you have had good news. I have heard great things about Iressa. My husband was told he was to start taking it in January, but now the oncologist says he will only start him on it if any new symptoms should rear their ugly heads. Right now he is still stable, "Long may it last"! I think Rochelle's husband has had success with Iressa perhaps she can give you some feedback on it.

    Good Luck,


  8. Oh Dean,

    Such GREAT NEWS, and don't you look terrific on your electric- blue charriot!!

    Do hope you have a great time "Vrooooming "around. This has made my day!



  9. So Glad Beth! Sometimes our fears just take over don't they. I know just how you feel, I just have to see my David falling asleep in the middle of the day, (which is the first symptom we noticed,) and the fear hits me again ach. I am sure your Husband will begin to feel so much better when the chemo sessions are finished.

    Lots of love,


  10. Oh Norme, words are inadequate at this time.You have been so brave and strong and have always been thinking of other's while you have been going through this nightmare. You are truly an inspiration to all.

    I have no doubt that Buddy will be there to meet you one day! I will be thinking of you and wishing you peace and comfort .

    God Bless You



  11. You probably don't have time to read your PM's Norme so here's hoping you have time to glance at the posts now and again. My love and prayers coming to you and Buddy,


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