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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Welcome Makwa,

    You have had some great advice and help from our friends here already, but I would like to add something. Is it possible that you could get some of your friends to help you look after your Mother. It sounds as if you will be needing time to attend to your own healing and time to rest too.

    I do hope you will soon get your pain mastered so that you will be able to fight the fight with a clearer head.

    You will be on my long prayer list,


  2. Thank You so much Amy, Carolyn, Cathy, Rosanne, Norme , Peg, Debbie, Peggy and Ginny. You made me feel vindicated and now I shall go to the next Onc. meeting with more power behind me!! Seriously though, you have helped me a great deal, and it is nice to know I am not the only one to be coping with this problem.

    Peggy my email is on it's way. Thank you so much,

    Love to you all,


  3. Welcome! So very sorry your Mom is so ill. I know you must be very frightened right now but don't panic. After treatment your Mom will feel much better and being so young she has a good chance of beating this thing. Keep taking deep breaths, (Snowflake's instructions for care-givers, and it really works.) and try to slow down a bit. Things may not be as dark as they seem.

    Love and Prayers on their way to you and your Mom,


  4. Hi Barbara,

    You are very wise to insist on aggresive treatment. I am told people who have stage 1 have a very good chance of survival. Age really does not matter unless a person is in very poor health. You "Go for it", and don't listen to that chemotherapist! With you behind her I bet your Mom will do very well.

    Prayers and positive vibes to both of you,


  5. Hi Everyone,

    I am back from my little break! I missed you all.

    I wanted to ask members of the "Wives club" if they had experienced anything like this, and if so how did they handle it.

    First I must explain that, before David's health started to go down, he had always kept himself very fit. He either never experienced "aches and pains", or at least, never complained about them. Now it is a little different, but he still refuses to discuss how he feels, and the less he knows about his case, the better he likes it. This of course makes things more difficult for me.

    When we visit the oncologist and Dave is asked how he has been feeling, (even though he has been feeling at deaths door,) he will say something like" Oh, not too bad"! Of course, then I have to step in and impart the real truth! Often I get looks from the Oncologist which clearly say "Butt out", however, if Dave doesn't speak up, what am I to do!

    A friend of mine told me that this happened with her husband too, and when she interjected, the doc. turned round to her and said, "I was speaking to your husband!"

    I know it's too late to fret over this now, but I feel if my Dave had listened to me and gone to the doctor when he started to feel ill in the first place he may have had a better chance of a cure anyway. Honestly, is it a "man thing, or am I generalizing here!

    Sorry to vent like this, but as you can tell I am very frustrated. I suggested that we might go for a second opinion but Dave won't hear of it and says he is satisfied with the treatment he has had so far. I am told this oncologist is one of the best in the country and so for now we are staying where we are.

    Thanks for your "listening ears",

    Love to all,


  6. Hi Elaine,

    I agree, words are very important!

    My husband's oncologist also used the term "salvage drugs",( when talking about "Taxotere" and "Iressa".) I was apalled at the time too and wanted to tell him that my Husband wasn't a "rusty ship to be salvaged ",but a real living-and -breathing and much beloved human being. If he uses this word again, I think I will deck him!

    I was also horrified when one of the nurses was trying to make an appointment for Dave at the hospital for a "Thorocentisis" and the person at the other end of the line asked if it would need a doctor to do this proceedure or an aid? The nurse replied, smiling at us all the while, "Oh I am sure we would need a doctor since this is a delicate proceedure, if you don't get the needle in the right place you could puncture the lung and he would die"!

    I have asked my husband to go for second opinion but he refuses to do so. He says he is happy with what this oncologist has done so far. I have heard from many people that this oncologist is considered to be the best in the country, so at the moment we stay with him. My husband has so many other health problems as well as the cancer, I sometimes get the feeling that the oncologist feels he couldn't handle more aggressive treatment.

    I wish you well with your treatment,

    Prayers and good vibes coming your way.


  7. Hi Melinda,

    I'm still here. How sweet of you to be concerned for us. Dave is still on Taxotere and unfortunately suffering a few of the horrible side-effects. He is not picking as well as he did after his first chemo and seems quite a bit weaker. We did manage to have a nice time on our vacation with my daughter and family though, and had great fun with the grandchildren.

    I am going through a difficult time at the moment and haven't had the heart to post much. Also my computer is down and I am having to use Dave's lap-top which is frustrating me terribly!! Give me some time to sort myself out and then I will be back in the fold.My thoughts and prayers are with you all in the meantime.Thanks again,



  8. Thank you Becky, for the timely reminder. Dave and I have just returned from a wonderful, but rather exaughsting trip to see the grandkids, and with David feeling much weaker now, I was about to slip into "pity party" mode. You gave me a kick in the rear end and now I am climbing up out of the hole again.

    Bless You,


  9. Dear Dan,

    I am so sorry to hear of your latest troubles. I know what you mean about Oncologists who are "too busy". Dave's onc. was backing out of the room while answering our questions the other day! Next time he does it he is going to get a "flea in his ear"!Somehow, in the flurry of dealing with too many patients I suppose, they seem to have hardened their hearts. Oh and please don't let me start on Medical Insurance companies!!!!

    I did PM you some time ago, but perhaps it was lost in cyberspace! Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Paddy

  10. Here I am "bringing up the rear" as usual, Mo. I am so sorry to hear

    about your dog. These little fellows are such good companions aren't they, it's heart-breaking when they have to go. I am sure he had a great life with you and you will treasure many happy memories of him.



  11. Hello Dear Friends,

    I just wanted you to know that I probably won't be posting much in the next couple of weeks. Dave and I are taking off to go to see my daughter and her family. I must say I am a bit worried that this trip will be too much for Dave as he is pretty wiped out at the moment. I wish we had gone earlier as I had wanted to. Oh Well, no good worrying about that now! I hope he will be able to get some Z's on the plane as he is so tall he finds the seats uncomfortable anyway.

    My son -in-law does a lot of work on his computer so I will probably not get much of a chance to use it, but I shall check in now and again, to see if you are all behaving yourselves :P You will all be in my thoughts and prayers, even if I don't post.


  12. My husband Dave has had three Taxotere sessions now and still has his hair ,Thank Goodness. His nails seem fine too. He has been feeling very tired and is off his food because of that awful taste in the mouth but," so far, so good!"

    Paddy .

  13. Hi Marilyn,

    The NED thing is good news! Don't frighten yourself by jumping ahead. Just take your time, I am sure everything will turn out OK.

    Will keep you in my thoughts and Prayers.


  14. Margaret,

    So sorry you needed to join the board but since you are here, Welcome!

    I can truly say I understand the way you are feeling now. As I said to my sister today ,I feel as if I am being tugged in so many directions. Wanting to know test results and prognosis and yet not wanting to. Not wanting to consider the "what if's" but needing too anyway. Praying for good results and dreading what I will hear. This is truly a nightmare ride.

    I think "taking one day at a time", is the best advice I have had. I keep having to remind my self of that .

    Do come back here often and if I can help at all, please PM me,


  15. Dear Curtis,

    My heart goes out to you and your little daughter and Becky's parents. She was such a lovely and courageous lady and will be missed so much on this board. Prayers for your peace and comfort are coming your way.


  16. Dear Dean,

    You have been an inspiration to me ,(and I am sure to many of us on this board) in your 108 days! We expect you to be around for many, many, many, more.

    Bless you and your other half, (Faith?)


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