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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Hi Robin, Welcome!

    So sorry that your Mom is so ill. I too agree that doctors should tell people more about the side effects of medication before administering it. When my doctor told my husband and I about Taxotere you would have thought it was going to be a "walk in the park" compared to Cistoplatin but the side effects have been much worse. Why don't they give us the facts!

    I will pray for you and your Mom


  2. Dear Phyllis,

    So sorry to hear you are going through all this strife. What kind of "Hospital" is this anyway!!!

    I was glad to hear that you at least have your daughter and sister with you, you shouldn't go through this physically alone. I am sure we are all with you in spirit and I personally am sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.


  3. Thank you Rosemary,

    It was kind of you to take the time to reply.

    I think I might be close to solving this problem. I had tried lemon drops, but not the "real" lemon juice ones. The nurse at the onc's office gave me a packet of "Anzemet" (dolasetron mesylate injection/tablet) which she gives to people who have chem "ports".( Apparently they often get a metallic taste in their mouths when the meds go in.) Anyway, Dave tried them and they seem to help. I haven't tried purchasing them yet but I think one can get them in a pharmacy.

    Another thing that helps a bit is for Dave to drink some pure lemon juice before a meal.

    I will also try the Carnation and see if that helps.

    I am glad your husband seems to be doing a lot better,

    Good Luck to you both,


  4. Shellie,

    It is hard to believe that one family should be visited with all this agony. I feel so badly for you and your sister. Please don't despare, I agree with the others, your chances are good.

    Lots of love and God Bless,


  5. My answer is, I don't bear it, I fret and worry and stay awake at nights. I eat everything in sight and get stomach aches etc. etc. Dave has a way of shutting things off, bless his heart. Sometimes I worry that he is worrying and I say something like," What are you thinking about?", and he will answer, "I'm NOT thinking!"

    Hope everything turns out OK for you and Charlie,


  6. Welcome Shiva,

    My husband is also supposed to go on Iressa in about six weeks time. Reading the replies to your post has given me hope too.

    May it be the answer for you Mom.

    Sending positive vibes your way. Paddy

  7. Hi Curtis, Glad you and Katy are coping well. I agree with Snowflake, just relax and don't even think about it. It's when you are not thinking about it that something wonderful will happen.

    All the Best,


  8. Thank you so much Fay, Don, Ginny and Maryann, it was so nice of you all to take the trouble to write. I think I was beginning to panic when I wrote the first post. I feel a little better after reading your messages.

    Fay, I am going to try those altoids, and Ginny, the "chipped beef" idea sounds a good one. Dave had actually been gulping down floats for a while, but even those are being refused at present.

    Don, I read Dave your post and told him that he should listen to you, even if he didn't want to listen to me. Maybe you got through to him as he ate his dinner tonight!

    Maryann, thank you for that recipe. Like you, I am not sure that it will help "metal mouth", however, I will keep it handy for the other problems you described. Dave had thrush when he was on antibiotic some months back, I wish I had known about it then.

    Thanks again,


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