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Posts posted by paddy

  1. I am so very sad to hear this news. I"m sorry I missed it on Friday. I feel as if my heart has been ripped out too. TBone was such a lovely man one could tell through his posts and throught the love of his wonderful family.

    God Bless you all!


  2. Thank you Geoff, I'm sorry I assumed you were Malinda's husband!

    You certainly have a very loving and caring Girlfriend there!

    Yes, Roast Beef and Yorkshire Pudding was one of our favourites. I left England when I was seven however we took the tradition with us to Africa, and Roast Beef was a popular Sunday meal there too,(with roast potatoes of course!) Now , what do you think of Cottage Pie..my husband loves it?!


  3. Dear Peg, We will miss you so much on this board, however, I know how you must feel. You need to get on with your life and may it get better for you and your daughter every day.

    Love, Paddy.

  4. Thanks Fay for this reminder. We know you Guys can't help it and the pity is we as caregivers can't do much to help you either. That is where the mental torture comes in. I hope your daughter reads your post, she may understand why the rift happened. God Bless You, Paddy

  5. Happy Birthday Dean!

    It is great to ready all about you and the cats and your bird watching. It is a good thing you have been staying inside as the fires and heat have not made the quality of air too good in California these last few days, or at least it hasn't here.

    I must tell you a story about my close encounter with a humming bird. One evening when I was much younger, I was leaning on the railing of our deck , waiting to welcome my husband to home from work. I had made myself look good for him, refreshed my lipstick etc. and to my surprize a hummingbird mistook me for a flower!! I must say that was the first and last time I have ever been mistaken for anything like that!

    My daughter Karen has two cats, Bucky and CJ. CJ often lies- in- wait for Bucky in their hallway. Buck is such a "ding dong", he gets caught in this trap time and time again. The family so enjoy watching these two play, it is amazing how much joy and comfort animals bring to us humans isn't it!

    Love Paddy

  6. Dear Karen,

    I think I can say that I know a little of what you are going through. David has been very snappy and snarly of late too. His nails are , (painfully,) falling off, his eyes and nose are constantly streaming and he can't work on his model locomotives as his fingers are numb! His toes are numb too, so walking is difficult. I understand that this, coupled with the awful threat of losing ones life, must be more than one can bear, and I try to resist snapping back when he is short with me, but sometimes I can't, especially when I am tired out and dying inside myself. I try to calm myself, by saying, over and over again "It's not him speaking it's the disease"!

    I have a friend who's husband had cancer and he used to get very nasty sometimes. She told me she would smile at him sweetly and say, "And I love you too Dear"! Maybe we should try that!

    I will be saying a special prayer for you Karen,


  7. My parents wanted a boy and my name was to be "Patrick", but I disappointed in being a girl , hence "Patricia", (Pat for short.) Later in life when I went to work in a drafting office , there were four other Patricia's working there. "Trish", "Pat," "Patricia" and "Tish" were taken and so I was promptly christened "Paddy".

    When my husband met me he introduced me to his family, (who still live in Africa,) as Paddy and then proceeded to call me Pat for the rest of my life. So, I'm Pat to my side of the family and Paddy to his. Most of the people in my adopted country call me Pat. I must say it is nice to be called this "softer" version of Pat again.


  8. Peggy's post took the words from my mouth, but Snowflake, it is people like you that put cheer and hope into the lives of others who come to this board, even though you are suffering beyond measure yourself! We couldn't do without you here so "keep the faith". Love Paddy

  9. Denise,

    So very sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time with your Mom. Sometimes I think we have to stand back and accept what the person themselves wants, even if it hurts so terribly. I do hope your Mom starts to feel better soon, it sounds as if she is terribly depressed . Prayers coming your way. Paddy

  10. Hello Ben,

    No two people have the same reactions to chemo, or so I'm told. My husband did not have a problem with the first chemo they put him on but with the second one he has been miserable. One thing about chemo though, which I gather is pretty universal, is fatigue.

    I hope they can get your Mum feeling a lot more comfortable.

    Prayers to you and your family.


  11. Welcome Jay,

    This must be so terribly hard for you and the family, especially your son.

    I agree with the people who think it would be too much for you to look after both your son and daughter-in-law at the moment.

    When you go to the oncologist, ask as many questions as you can and either take a note-book or a recorder, (if the oncologist doesn't mind you recording the session,) otherwise you will get so overwhelmed with everything. One of my daughter's made me a special calendar for Oncologists appointments and my other daughter copied out a list of medications which my husband takes,( which we always take along to doctors appointments,) both those things helped tremendously. Once a plan of treatment is arranged you may be able to make decisions as to what to do about your daughter-in-law. Love and prayers to you all,


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