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Posts posted by paddy

  1. Welcome Amy ..and Jen too! This mus be very hard on you both. My daughter Karen, (who is a member on he board, "Karen and Kids") may be able to help you both. She lives in Michigan and her Dad and I live in California, she ofen feels bad about being so far away, but she keeps in touch with everyhing that goes on. Maybe she will see his post but if not I am sure she wouldn't mind you sending a PM. Positive thoughts going out to you both. Paddy

  2. I'm sorry to hear this Cat, how terribly frightening for you. You said you had been meditating, I wonder if you just went into a state higher than meditation. I remember once at a yoga class, I relaxed so much that I actually felt as if I were floating above my body.

    I do hope things will soon improve for you. Paddy

  3. Hello Angie,

    I quite understand how you feel. I am going throught the same thing at the moment. Dave has been taken off "Taxotere" as it was too strong for him too. He has had to have one toenail removed because of infection and has been told that he will have them all removed eventually. His fingernails are falling out by themselves. (I'll say it was too strong!!) He is on a poerful antibiotic at the moment and is feeling a little better now, although, like you I worry what is happening while he is taking this break from chemo!

    We hope to see you back sometime soon, in the meantime love and prayers coming your way. Paddy

  4. Sorry Ry and Mr. Ry, it is sad for us all on this board but sadder still for you Guys. Let's try to imagine him happy and painfree, with his dear old dog. He wouldn't want us all to be so sad, he was such a fun person. Paddy

  5. I have just read this devastating news. David's posts were always so cheerful, even in the face of such suffering. He was a courageous man and will be so missed on this board. My heartfelt sympathy to his wife and boys. Prayers going out to you tonight and in the coming days.


  6. Hello Joanne,

    This is such a difficult, frightening and stressful time. I think that is why we quarrel with our loved ones when it's the last thing we want to do. My husband and I were quarelling one day and suddenly I stopped and said," Do you realize we are arguing over something we are in agreement on"! We had a good laugh at that. Now we realize it is the tension getting to us both and we try to stop it before it escalates. Don't feel guilty , it's just the "nature of the beast!"

    Try to wait until you get a clear report on the "shadow" which the Xray shows before you panic. It could be just scar tissue, one never knows.Thinking positive thoughts for you and your Mom. Paddy

  7. Welcome! I am so sorry that your Mother is so ill. I know you must be terrified and overwhelmed, everyone is at first, but wait until you get all the facts before you panic. Once you work a plan of action with your Mom's doctors you will feel stronger and more able to start the fight.

    Prayers and positive thoughts coming out to you.


  8. Terry,

    My heart goes out to you. Maybe the help of hospice would be a good thing until your husband feels a little better. I understand that you can always stop it if you feel you and he can manage on your own later. Meantime pse give thought to the "second opinion". I do hope you have some help, (a relative or friend,) it would be awful to think of you going through this alone? Prayers going up for you, your husband and your little one.



  9. Hi There All,

    I thought I would tell you about something my sister, (in England,) relayed to me yesterday. She said that she and her family had been trying to describe the pro's and cons of taking chemo. My sister came up with, "Chemo is like a Wolf in Sheeps clothing", however, she realized that wasn't quite what she meant, so they put their thinking caps on again. Then my twelve year old nephew popped up his head and said "No, It's like trying to get honey from a wild bee's nest!"

    I thought that was pretty eloquent from someone so young.

    I wish you all plenty of "Honey" and none of the stings!


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